
Newsletters – Page 30

AOL Bulletin – 19th October 2016 – Intuitive Strength

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to listen to our knowings. F.Y.I. – Tips & Tricks To Get You Through October Mid-Month Forecast This is an excellent short video from Natalie Pescetti,, for all those who love numerology. Only 4minute 44 seconds long (don’t you love those numbers) in which […]

AOL Bulletin – 12th October 2016 – Everything Is OK

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to stay strong. F.Y.I. – It’s As It Should Be Synchronicity 7 signs that you are experiencing real synchronicity – this short video is a call to wake up and notice the signs that Spirit and the Universe is sending you. Viewing time 5 minutes.  […]

AOL Bulletin – 5th October 2016 – Opening To The New

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to be open to a new way of thinking. F.Y.I. – No Limitations With A New Way Of Thinking Meditation Innovation There are some amazing innovations happening all around us.  People looking for other ways of doing things.  Breaking traditions.  We were so glad to […]

AOL Bulletin – 28th September 2016 – Ascending Together

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to clear the base and sacral chakras. F.Y.I. – Increasing Awareness Raising Your Vibrational Frequency The most beautiful video to support your ascension process. Raising the vibrational frequencies of all you lower bodies into a unifield love-light field.   This. Nancy Valentine Smith said is […]

AOL Bulletin – 21st September 2016 – Ground, It’s the Key

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to put our feet on the Earth. F.Y.I. – Ground the New Energies Strong Grounding Imagine if every child started their life learning how to create a strong belief in self. What a different world we would live in. Mirror work has been widely promoted […]