
Newsletters – Page 19

AOL Bulletin – 21st March 2018 : Taking Care of Ourselves

In and Around the Academy with Debbie Schutz Well what a month March has been so far! The energies have been high with two full Moons, the Equinox and Mercury about to go retrograde on the 22nd. Thank you to everyone that attended Jane’s Ahlquist’s talk last week. What wonderful insight Jane bought to the […]

AOL Bulletin – 7th March 2018 – Manifesting Good into Our Lives

In and Around the Academy Thank you to everyone that attended Michael Muir’s Light Language Transmission last fortnight. It was wonderful to see such a large turnout for our second event for the year. Many thanks also to Michael for bringing through such strong transformative energies. Much gratitude. I could certainly feel the shift for […]

AOL Bulletin : 21st February 2018 – Creating the Life We Want

In and Around the Academy with Paulien Gort We are very happy to announce that the Committee welcomes two new members: Alison Challis and Rochelle Self. They will introduce themselves to you in the next newsletter. The Committee now consists of:  Paulien Gort: President and Treasurer Debbie Schutz: Vice-President Rochelle Self: Secretary Alison Challis: Public […]

AOL Bulletin: 7th February 2018 – Finding Joy

In and Around the Academy with Paulien Gort We are very excited that we will start coming together again regularly on our Monday nights. We will start with a beautiful relaxing Sacred Sound night. In case you missed our last newsletter I just want to update you on a few changes at the Academy. Debbie […]

AOL Bulletin : 1st February 2018 – Happy New Year

In and Around the Academy with Paulien Gort First of all a very Happy New Year full of inspiration and joy! As you may have read in our last newsletter on the 14th December, there have been quite a few changes at the Academy. We’ve decided to reduce the Monday nights to two a month, […]