
Newsletters – Page 17

AOL Bulletin : 22nd August 2018 – Fine Tuning Ourselves

In and Around the Academy What a wonderful shamanic journey we had last week, all the way down into a cave under Uluru guided by  Christina Christou.  She was accompanied by the wonderful didge player Mark Kundalini and two people on shaman drums. We cleansed our chakra’s and anchored light into the earth. We closed […]

AOL Bulletin : 8th August 2018 : Finding the Light

In and Around the Academy Paulien Gort welcomed us to the space and first led us in a wonderfully grounding meditation. After a brief introduction to the healing powers of sound and a relaxation to prepare the body to receive the gifts of the evening, she started playing her wide range of musical instruments. The journey led […]

AOL Bulletin : 18th July 2018 – Finding Joy Within Us

In and Around the Academy Hello everyone. I hope you are all well and you all survived the intense energies of the New Moon/Solar Eclipse last Friday night! Thank you to all that attended Anya Petrovic’s Tesla Metamorphosis healing presentation last fortnight. What an interesting modality this is! It is facinating that we can tune […]

AOL Bulletin : 4th July 2018 – Inspiring Hope

In and Around the Academy   Thank you to everyone that attended James Korber’s presentation, it was a fantastic turnout. What a fascinating modality James has created. It was so interesting to hear how working with our mind and inner sacred geometry, patients can align oneself. They then can start to recover from symptoms such […]

AOL Bulletin – 13th June 2018

In and Around the Academy Hello everyone I hope you all had a lovely long weekend. Thank you to all of those who attended Debbie Shamans presentation on Crystal Dreaming last fortnight. What a wonderful modality combining a shamanic journey with the powerful and healing quality of crystals. I was very blessed to be part […]