

AOL Newsletter : 8th February 2023 – Year of Magic

Important Academy of Light News We are happy to announce that at our AGM at the end of last year, six Committee members have been chosen. We will introduce them in the next newsletter. Since our closure due to the pandemic, our attendance to our events has dropped and we have struggled a bit financially. We […]

AOL Newsletter : 23rd November 2022 – Raising Our Vibration

Previous Event :  All About Ascension 5D and Beyond Our special guest at the Academy of Light was Julia Smith who is a galactic channel of the Light and connects to many different Beings of Light, Star Systems and frequencies of Light especially the Christ consciousness. Julia explained that we are coming to an end […]

AOL Newsletter : 9th November 2022 – Finding Your Inner Being

Previous Event :  Thrive in Life by Developing a Soul Perspective with Marie Antoinette Helou Our last event which was on Oct 24th was led by psychic medium and channeller Marie Antoinette. She entered this world activated which means she knew where she had come from. She took us through the ups and downs of […]

AOL Newsletter : 19th October 2022 – Live a Joyful Life

Previous Event :  Higher Selves, Splinters & Walk-Ins in These Shifting Times with Takeli On Oct 10th we heard about Takeli Mmagdelan and her journey as a channel for Metatron who came through last year with a purpose and plan for her at this time. Part of this purpose is to assist us to move […]

AOL Newsletter : 5th October 2022 – Feed Your Soul

Previous Event :  Nicolas Perrin – The Art & Way of Living in Sacred Co-creation with the All Nicolas Perrin took us on a powerful journey exploring the art and way of living in sacred art of co-creation and opening the door to a new earth paradigm. After sharing his own incredible life journey as […]