
Free Meditations – Page 3

Research on the Many Health Benefits of Meditation

Research on Meditation and Health Healing Meditations The scientific support for the health benefits of meditation is growing on a daily basis, as more and more research is starting to validate what has already been known by the spiritual community for centuries now.  Today we will explore this topic further.  As we know there are […]

Corporate Ethics and Values – A Vedic View

Ethical Behavior in Corporations Corporate Morality and Values My late uncle Virender Kapoor, who I called Vinu Mamu, was a pillar of strength and inspiration when it came to living life ethically, with the highest principles and values.  He was a student and teacher of the Vedic way of life (Vedas are the holy Hindu […]

Lower Back Exercise – Yoga Spinal Twists

Yoga for Lower Back and Spine Lower Back Stretches Veteran yogis know that as soon as we start to mention lower back exercises or spinal workouts, we are entering the domain of kundalini shakti.  This is because kundalini energy resides as pure potential at the base of the spine, and exercises which target this lower […]

Time for Yoga…

Have a hard time fitting yoga into your day?  Consider this simple thought: “Instead of finding time to practice Yoga, practice Yoga all the time.” ~ Bob Weisenberg Posted in mindfulness, simple living, yoga

Chanting to clear to chakras

Chanting to clear to chakras led by john Butterworth Meditation Podcast Click on the Podcast icon to Subscribe to the Meditation feed