
AOL Library – Page 5


THINKING By Rosemary Butterworth Thinking is a world-wide disease. Because it is so common place, it is considered normal to think. Thinking is the cause of pain and suffering as it causes separation from the whole. Click to find out more!

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome

WHAT IS LEAKY GUT SYNDROME By Dr. Judy Moss Do you suffer from fatigue, bloating or even autoimmune disease?  At a recent Monday Night gathering of The Academy, Drs. Judy Moss and Marissa Stevenson presented a fascinating insight into, what is said to be a poorly recognised ailment, called ‘Leaky Gut Syndrome and what can […]

Sacred Geometry

SACRED GEOMETRY. The study of sacred geometry is a meditation on the harmony of universal order.  As well as expanding our consciousness, it can also enhance our appreciation of music, as the laws governing musical harmony correlate with the laws governing the primary geometric shapes and forms. Sacred Geometry is a universal language that describes […]

The Deepest Truth of Human Existence –

From : YouTube :: Videos by eckhartteachings Eckhart gives a talking meditation about connecting with our deepest truth. Author: EckhartTeachings Keywords: Eckhart Tolle enlightenment spirituality death meditation Added: February 9, 2008

Enlightenment – Eckhart Tolle –

From : YouTube :: Videos by eckhartteachingsEckhart talks about the concept of enlightenment. Author: EckhartTeachings Keywords: Eckhart Tolle enlightenment spirituality Added: February 4, 2008