
AOL Library – Page 18

Where is your focus?

Hello Dear Friends! Happy February! As usual I’d love to share something with you, something that has hit me very profoundly. I came to discover it by reading the books of Abraham-Hicks. It’s about that feeling of being stuck in something, the feeling of not seeing ”the solution” for ”the problem(s)” in your life. Do […]

Manual of Warrior of Light n°62 – The Warrior and predicament

The warrior of light unwittingly takes a false step and plunges into the abyss. Ghosts frighten him and solitude torments him. His aim had been to fight the Good Fight, and he had never imagined that this would happen to him, but it did. Shrouded in darkness, he makes contact with his master. ‘Master, I […]

Manual of Warrior of Light n°63 – The Warrior of light behaves like a child

The warrior of light behaves like a child. People are shocked; they have forgotten that a child needs to have fun and to play, to be slightly irreverent and to ask awkward, childish questions, to talk nonsense that not even he believes in. And they say, horrified: ‘So this is the spiritual path, is it? […]

Manual of Warrior of Light n°64 – The Warrior and responsibility

The Latin root of the word ‘responsibility’ reveals its true meaning: the capacity to respond, to react. A responsible warrior is one who has proved able to observe and to learn. He is even capable of being ‘irresponsible’. Sometimes, he has allowed himself to be carried along by a situation, without responding or reacting. But […]

Manual of Warrior of Light n°65 – A warrior of light and his battlefield

A warrior of light cannot always choose his battlefield. Sometimes he is taken by surprise in the middle of battles not of his choosing, but there is no point in running away, those battles will merely follow him. Then, at the point when conflict seems almost inevitable, the warrior talks to his opponent. Showing neither […]