
AOL Library – Page 17

Secrets of Truly Effective Affirmation Techniques

One of my favorite spiritual practices is saying and writing empowering affirmations. My husband’s favorite affirmation is “We will always have 100 times more money than we need,” (and it works!) and I see a similar affirmation in this article.  There is also a free course for you at … Hope you enjoy the […]

Law of Attraction DVD From Bob Doyle

I have great news!  The new Law of Attraction DVD from Bob Doyle is now available and it is VERY inexpensive (under $20)!  You can get it here: Law of Attraction DVD by Bob Doyle You will recognize Bob’s shining face from The Secret movie and also from his own Wealth Beyond Reason program that […]

The Awakening Course by Dr. Joe Vitale

Dr. Joe Vitale, Star Of The Hit Movie ‘The Secret,’ has just released a very special new DOWNLOADABLE PROGRAM that I am very pleased to share with you.  It is unlike anything I have seen from Joe before.  It is called The Awakening course and you can learn all about it directly from Joe here: […]

Law of Attraction Resources for YOU

Wow, there are so many great courses and new materials available now for helping all of us learn more about Law Of Attraction… and I am happy to share three more of them with you today… THE AWAKENING COURSE BY DR. JOE VITALE Dr. Joe Vitale, Star Of The Hit Movie ‘The Secret,’ has just […]

CAFE BOOK GROUP ~ ‘The Winner Stands Alone’

Email sent to our Circle today: CAFE BOOK GROUP Dear Heart, Further to my previous email about ‘The Winner Stands Alone’, encouraging discussion on this text. Cup~of~your~favorite-book-chat gathering at Cyres World Forum, an open framework, here: Forum > Cyres World Community > Celebrating Cyres Cafe To lighten up, love, laugh. Change and values are […]