
AOL Library – Page 13

Video Review: Yoga Foundations with Hillary Rubin

If you’re into yoga podcasts, then there’s a very good chance you know Hillary Rubin.  She has a great blog full of yoga wisdom and routines that are perfect when your home practice needs some motivation.   A certified Anusara Yoga teacher, Hillary has a great story that illustrates the power yoga has to improve […]

Let This Be A Lesson To Me

Well… I have learned a great lesson over the last three weeks.  I have learned that there may be a reason why someone does not respond to me in a timely manner or why they may not respond at all… and it is not personal… and I have learned to slow down. I have learned […]

One Minute Prayer

My friend Genie sent this to me and I think it is a great idea.  Please pass it along….   What a great day we are living in…. let’s get the word out and participate expecting to see and epxerience peace like heaven on earth.    One Minute Each Night   In WWII, there was […]

The Awakening Course by Dr. Joe Vitale

Dr. Joe Vitale, Star Of The Hit Movie ‘The Secret,’ has just released a very special new DOWNLOADABLE PROGRAM that I am very pleased to share with you.  It is unlike anything I have seen from Joe before.  It is called The Awakening course and you can learn all about it directly from Joe here: […]

First Four Cyres Community Videos

Subscribe to Cyres Community Channel *This Day* Create Your Reality Experience Self Being of Light (more…) Share This