
Building A Strong Foundation

The Lower Dan Tian and Snow Mountain (Ming Men or kundalini) are key foundational energy centres that ideally we need to boost every day.

Spend 15-30mins on each centre daily, the more time you spend the better
Ming Men & Lower Dan Tian
Lower Dan Tian Practice

Body power
Place both palms just below your navel and place Dr and Master Sha’s book on your lower abdomen open at Da Ai Calligraphy Fig 18 ( this brings higher frequency and vibration to your practice.)
Sit or stand

Soul power
Dear soul mind and body of my lower dan tian
I love you , honour you and appreciate you
You have the power to boost your energy stamina vitality and immunity
Do a good job
Thank you

Dear the Divine, the Tao, the Source
Dear all my spiritual mothers and fathers
Dear Da Ai Calligraphy
I love you
Honour you
Bow to you
Please offer me a blessing to boost my lower Dan Tian Power
I am so grateful
Thank you

Mind power
Visualise rainbow light coming from 360 degrees filling your LDT , visualise a golden light ball in your lower abdomen, 1-5 cub below the navel, 2-5 cun inside your abdomen

Sound power
Da Ai Da Ai boost my lower dan tian power
Da Ai Da Ai boost my lower dan tian power

Chant 15-30mins

At the end say
Hao Hao Hao ( means perfect, get well)
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you

P116 of Soul Healing Miracles book
Receive the Ming Men Jin Dan Seed from the book read the Source Order
Each time you read this, you receive a boost

Body power
Place your book on your Ming men area, opposite the navel
Place both palms on this area or, one palm opposite the navel on your lower back and the other palm below your navel
Sit or stand , keeping your spine straight

Soul power
Dear soul mind and body of my Ming men and kundalini area
I love you, honour you and appreciate you
You have the power to boost your power
Do a good job
Thank you

Dear the Divine, the Tao, the Source
Dear Countless spiritual mothers and fathers
Dear countless Heavens saints animals
Dear my Source Ming men Jin Dan Seed
Please boost my Ming men and kundalini area
I am so grateful
Thank you

Mind power
Visualise a golden light ball in your Ming men area.
Visualise golden light pouring in from 360 degrees into this area

Sound power
The Source Ming men Jin dan seed is shining , vibrating and rotating counterclockwise.
The Source Ming men Jin dan seed is shining , vibrating and rotating counterclockwise.
The Source Ming men Jin dan seed is shining , vibrating and rotating counterclockwise.
Repeat this for 15-30mins

End the practice with
Hao Hao Hao
Thank you Thank you Thank you

Do these practices daily to build a strong foundation, to boost energy, stamina, vitality and immunity, nourish your kidneys, brain, 3rd eye, balance your emotions and to have a better quality of life.

Please contact me if you would like more information on Dr and Master Sha’s wisdom, teachings and practices or you would like soul reading, life guidance or a healing session for you or your pets.
It is my greatest honour to serve you
In the greatest love
Master Robyn Rice