
AOL Newsletter : 8th September 2022

WHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : In Mosman and online via Zoom
              Mosman Art Gallery, 1 Art Gallery Way Mosman 
When:   2nd and 4th Monday Night every month 
              7.30pm – 9.30pm

Monday 12th September 2022 – Family Constellations : How to Heal Intergenerational Trauma with Paulien Gort

Do you feel you are living your full potential? Or do you feel that something is holding you back?
Maybe there is some long held trauma in your family line that you are not aware of and that has been passed down. You might notice you are repeating patterns, have unexplainable emotions, carry a burden, feel stuck, have relationships issues. ‘Forgotten’ deaths, divorce, addiction, exclusion, betrayal can be reasons for entanglements within a family system.
By doing a Family Constellation you go back to the core to where it all started and release the stuck energy that is there in order to restore the Flow of Love. Family Constellations works on a subconscious level and provides deep transformational healing that can ripple out into your family. You will start to experience more ease in your life as a result of it and you can start enjoying relationships that were challenging previously.
This work can be applied to any stuck relationships, lack of abundance, work related issues and physical symptoms. 
On the night Paulien will explain how Family Constellation work. There will be an opportunity to experience a constellation and some systemic exercises. 
Paulien Gort is a Family Constellations facilitator and Sound Healer located on the Northern Beaches. She has been running Family Constellations workshops for the past 10 years.

Monday 26th September 2022 – Nicholas Perrin:
The art & way of living in sacred co-creation with the All

The ascension cycle for humanity and planet Earth is going full steam ahead. The old ways of being and living are no longer effective with the intensity of the new cosmic energies being absorbed in the Earth grids. The collective is feeling dismay, concern and doom about the future. A bracing for impact for an unexpected shock coming left field. The default paradigm and energetics of the era’s before our current times have been based on separation, fear, suffering, limitation, competition, comparison and scarcity.
How can you as an individual thrive during such times of uncertainty? How can you feel a deep sense of confidence to engage with any energies, people or situations? How can the collective find its way back into the divine principles of harmony, peace, love, joy and prosperity for all?
The heart transmission which I feel a delight to share with you is the art of co-creation. This is the sacred application and implementation of the sacred Lore of one. Aligning with your original divine blue print and find others who you can align with to amplify the potency of your own soul mission and destiny?
You have sacred medicine for others, while others have sacred medicine for you. You cannot achieve the successful experience of your soul destiny alone. It requires healthy community, support, guidance, love and co-creation together.
Join me in exploring the sacred principles of the sacred lore of one & the art of co-creation. If you have been a lone wolf, what are some of the initiations that await you when embracing co-creation?
How do you know if the people in your life are the right people to co-create with?
How do you create healthy and thriving energetics to give yourself and others the best chance of evolving with grace and ease?
How do you find your rightful place with others and surrender, let go and trust in the natural synergies of a group moving towards peaceful co-evolution for all?
I will take you on a journey to viscerally feel and sense at a being level what is possible and available through the sacred art of co-creation. This is the sacred portal to the New Earth dreaming and a new way of walking. I look forward being with you in sacred space together and sharing the magnificence of all through unity and beyond together.
Nicolas Perrin is a cosmic guide who supports difference makers to catalyze their most potent dormant gifts and step into a new reality that reflects their soul destiny & legacy. Nicolas supports his clients, who are gifted & have enormous potential, to transcend the pain of playing small, confused or stagnant life direction, feeling held back, and find it challenging to share and express their unique message with the world.  His clients are supported through the creation of a magnetic divine vision & activating their divine soul divine blue print enabling them to make the highest difference for humanity and the Earth.
Nicolas believes in a holistic approach and shares and teaches about New Paradigms, metaphysics & divine synchronicity, meditation, energetic transmissions, somatic body transformation, soul driven leadership and a thriving healthy mindset. Nicolas has chosen to walk the path of the mystic which is the direct embodied experience of the divine in human form. As well as the world of quantum science and divine magic alchemy.  He has been on his own inner awakened journey for 17 years and shares this gift with others so they can forge and consciously create a life of meaning, contribution and purpose. Balancing the material human experience with the world of spirit and invisible.
Nicolas has run hundreds of workshops, co-created with other facilitators and offered his work at conferences and festivals in Panama, Guatemala, USA, U.K., Czech Republic and Italy. He has run workshops in the field of Authentic communication, inspirational or heart centered speaking, the art of alchemy and life transformation, energy activation and attunement workshops, values based leadership in the corporate world, living a life from 100% personal responsibility and more.
From 2017 to 2020, Nicolas has been living around the world visiting sacred sites, going to intentional new earth paradigm communities, Earth grid & light work, living in a 5D plus flow reality. As a visionary, he is supporting to share alternative ways that humanity can thrive in a win/win scenario with each other, the Earth the plant/animal kingdoms. Nicolas is interested in curating and co-creating a divine civilization blue print and sharing this as a way to people who are interested in consciously creating their reality through divine source intelligence. After an individual has awoken and living a life of purpose and meaning, the next step is to come into co-creation and cooperation, looking at creating conscious community whether living in a city or a remote part of the world.

Instagram: LionHeartCoach

FYI : Gratitude by Empty Hands

If you have not heard the music of Empty Hands before, do your soul a favour and listen to this beautiful song, celebrating gratitude,  It truely is heart opening  From an Ivy League education to Wall street to fame and fortune as a MTV Rap star, at some point along Nimo’s journey he realized that we was walking a path of suffering and that the only path to light was through selfless service to others and his own internal purification. For the past 10 years Nimo has been serving and working with the underprivileged communities in the Gandhi Ashram in India.
Click here to listen Just under 5 mins.
If you loved this song, please go to their website to download more of their music (free).

Thought of the Week

Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.

Affirmations – say it daily and slowly, feel it, believe it

My good is constantly coming to me, so I relax and enjoy my life.

Community Announcements

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Advertising Costs for Our Newsletter

A community announcement costs $40 for 2 newsletters. An advert costs $75 for 2 newsletters and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Please note : Our newsletter is distributed fortnightly. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email

Placement of Ads in this newsletter is not an endorsement or recommendation, and readers should satisfy themselves that the products and services advertised suit their purpose.

The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.