
AOL Newsletter : 8th February 2023 – Year of Magic

Important Academy of Light News

We are happy to announce that at our AGM at the end of last year, six Committee members have been chosen. We will introduce them in the next newsletter.
Since our closure due to the pandemic, our attendance to our events has dropped and we have struggled a bit financially. We have decided therefore to meet only once every month (usually the 2nd Monday of the month, with a few exceptions). We have also decided to change the concession ticket price this year. 
The new rates are:
At the door $25
Eventbrite $22
Concession/hardship $15 (online and in person)
Zoom event $20 We would appreciate it very much if those that pay normally a concession ticket but can easily afford a full price ticket, to pay a little bit more. Every little bit helps!  
To help us get more people to our events please consider sharing the Facebook event with your friends. There is a wealth of knowledge presented by our wonderful speakers and it is our dream that this information is made more widely available in the community.  We can’t do this without your assistance. Any help in this area will be greatly appreciated.

Previous Event : Presence over Presents – End of Year Celebration of How Far We’ve Come with Maria Lambi 

Maria Lambi closed the year off with a special end of year celebration of how far we’d all come and shared about the difference between ‘presence’ over ‘presents’ leading up to the festive season.
Maria Lambi shared with us her spiritual journey and how she changed from someone who found spiritual stuff ‘weird’ to someone embraces spirituality as a guiding principle in her life bringing about huge personal growth and self awareness that she integrates in all aspects of her life, including the non-spiritual. Starting out as a shy person who never dared to speak up, she now runs monthly Soul Space Circles. Her passion is to bring people together to connect, whether in person or online, in a way that inspires people to collectively lift each other up and embrace life with authenticity and unity in one consciousness that includes all beings.

Her journey started with coming to an event of the AOL with Amir Zoghi, who spoke about happiness. Somehow she got interested and started attending many of his workshops. She joined the OMG (Oneness Mentoring Group) and it was at one of those workshops that something shifted. From here onward she opened up more and more and started to notice that things started to change in her daily life. People close to her started to show up differently. Confirming that we can influence the way people react to us by changing our inner selves.

Maria started following meditations with Nick Perrin regularly and was invited by him to join a group speaking from authenticity. Speaking from intuition in front of a group of people.
When Nick left Australia she started to run her own meditation group which she has been running for the past 5 years.
Important guidelines in her life are: authenticity, alignment, acceptance and awareness and above all, integrating spiritual learnings into each moment of her daily life.
Towards the end of the night Maria guided a meditation to make us realise how far we have come, realising what we have accomplished and the gifts from this experience, the blessings, the lessons and the ‘blessons’.

You can find Maria’s next event here:
Written by Paulien Gort

WHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : In Mosman and online via Zoom
              Mosman Art Gallery, 1 Art Gallery Way Mosman 
When:   2nd and 4th Monday Night every month 
              7.30pm – 9.30pm

Monday 13th February
Activation of the Sacred Heart with Nancy Valentine Smith

My name is Nancy Valentine Smith, I am Spirit woman of the earth and the stars, I remember the beginnings of the ancient ones here on earth. I carry within my being the teachings of the ministry of Mary Magdalene and Yeshsua Ben Joseph. All points move from Lemuria/Mu this is the path I walk here on Earth linking to the waterways of many points on Earth. Activation of the Sacred Heart
Join me on the 13th of February at Academy of light, to experience a gifting of keys and codes Lemuria. Message of the time ahead, healing and Earth/ inner Earth messages. You will receive the Songs Of Magdalene – Star of the Sea.
I will also be sharing information what the year 2023 will bring in as well as the vibrations for the next 7 years.
I would love to share all this information and downloads with you and hope to see you there.
Over two decades, Nancy has mentored and empowered many people by helping them change their state of being to see and experience who they truly are. Through her transformational live events, gatherings and audio programs, Nancy continues to touch the lives of many that attend her live events to experience her Ancient Beloved Teachings, to co-create a life from the Heart with her modern take on ancient wisdom.
Nancy creates new audio Activations each month to help you navigate the energies that may currently be at play in your life. Included are practical strategies that may allow integration of the energies available to us at any given moment. These monthly Activations are FREE when you subscribe to her emailing list.

Monday 13th March 2023 : Is Water Living Consciousness with Beverley Holt

What if water is the missing key to consciousness? Does water have a fourth phase, beyond solid, liquid and vapor? Would you like to find out the latest scientific research and how our consciousness is influenced by water? 

Water really matters a lot. We can´t exist without water. It is in us and all around us. Water is the flow of life. Most scientists say that we´re 70% water. Each atom contains 99% water; so two thirds of our body is water. How much water are you drinking? What types of water do you drink? Are you aware of what is in the water you drink and how it affects you? 
Beverley Holt has always been fascinated by water and its influence on the human body, mind and spirit and has given many talks about her personal experiences over the years. She became an avid fan of Dr. Emoto´s work, a Japanese scientist who was a pioneer in the study of water and revolutionized the idea that our thoughts and intentions impact the physical realm. His work opened the door for other scientists to investigate further and Beverley will reveal some of their findings. 
Beverley will guide you also through a meditation to connect with the water inside you. 

As a child she was forever playing in the stream connecting with nature, Guardian Angels, super consciousness and all that is. Nature has been her biggest teacher. She is clairvoyant and feels the energy within all living things and beings. 
Since her early 20´s she has been divinely guided to travel the world sharing Divine Love and healing light and empowering women to do the same. 

Beverley is the founder of Atomic Empowerment helping people to transform one breath at a time. Through heart-based tools, Beverley helps people to connect with their true authentic selves, so they may shine in all areas of their life. 
She supports them on their journey back to greatness, helping them find their higher purpose and passion.
Prior to this she promoted incredible holistic pioneers to share their revolutionary and innovative ideas. She now does this through her holistic podcasts. 
**Please Note : Beverley will be presenting via Zoom. We will gather in Mosman Art Gallery.**

FYI : How to Connect Your Masculine and Feminine Energy

Masculine and Feminine Energy can manifest in our lives in a number of ways, including but not limited to physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. We all contain the paradoxical duality of these energies, and it is through them that all things come into manifestation in creation. While there are only these two fundamental energies, it is the degree in which they manifest together which allows for the multiplicity of creation. Thus, may it be known that this video is not about “male and female bodies” specifically, but the polarizing energy that moves through us, and how energy moves in general.
Click here to learn more.  Just over 9 mins

Chakra Centres Explained by Dr Epsen Hjalmby he Violet Flame

How well do you know your chakra’s ? Do you know what each of your chakra’s represent? And what emotions can block them?  Listen to Dr Espen Hjalmby as he gives a detailed and complete explanation of the chakras and how we can live a fulfilled and magical life by understanding and managing each one of the chakra energy centres.
Click here to listen. 23 mins

Thought of the Week

The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held its ground.

Affirmations – say it daily and slowly, feel it, believe it

All is well in my world.

Community Announcements

Would you like to see your advertisement here? This could be your spot! You can promote your event, new book, course, website or anything else that you like to share with a large group of like-minded people. See details below.

Advertising Costs for Our Newsletter

A community announcement costs $40 for 2 newsletters. An advert costs $75 for 2 newsletters and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Please note : Our newsletter is distributed fortnightly. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email

Placement of Ads in this newsletter is not an endorsement or recommendation, and readers should satisfy themselves that the products and services advertised suit their purpose.

The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.