
AOL Newsletter : 5th October 2022 – Feed Your Soul

Previous Event :  Nicolas Perrin – The Art & Way of Living in Sacred Co-creation with the All

Nicolas Perrin took us on a powerful journey exploring the art and way of living in sacred art of co-creation and opening the door to a new earth paradigm. After sharing his own incredible life journey as a free spirit wandering the world, sharing his gifts and wisdom with a vast range of communities across different continents, and inspiring us to listen to our own spirit guides, Nicolas then allowed us to take our own visionary journeys through two powerful meditations, leaving us in wonderment, pure delight and the vision of a future based on human connection through sacred co-creation.
Written by Maria Lambi

WHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : In Mosman and online via Zoom
              Mosman Art Gallery, 1 Art Gallery Way Mosman 
When:   2nd and 4th Monday Night every month 
              7.30pm – 9.30pm

Monday 10th October 2022 – Higher Selves, Splinters & Walk-Ins in These Shifting Times with Takeli

Takeli MMagdalen is a Medium for Archangel Metatron. She has worked with numerous Guides, often from the Angelic Realms, also others from many different Realms over the 18 years she has been a Messenger for them. 
Tonight, Takeli will speak to you from her current stopover in Broome, WA, about navigating these unprecedented times, as we all prepare to move ourselves into a higher state of Love, and to be living a higher frequency experience. Known as the time of the Great Shift in Consciousness, this is also a time when we are integrating more of our own energies, in the form of downloads and adjustments made by the Higher Self, as it deems us ready for them. 
As well, many of us came in with bits of Light frequency known as Splinters from other Beings, which are being activated now; as well as continuing to be offered to us as we move through our Spiritual paths.
The most powerful form of this is to receive a major realignment or Walk-In from either our Higher Self, or by agreement and more rarely, usually from another member of our Soul Family.
Takeli will have Archangel Metatron speak to you in further depth about these topics, and there will be time for some questions to him.
The session will end with a Ceremony guided by Archangel Metatron, to aid in integrating more of your own energies, Healing what is keeping you from integrating them with ease and Grace, and preparing you for the next phase of your own Spiritual path. 
Archangel Metatron image by Jane Delaford Taylor

** Please note : Takeli will be on Zoom for this event **

Monday 24th October 2022 – Thrive in Life by Developing a Soul Perspective with Marie Antoinette Helou

Marie Antoinette Helou is on a mission….to return the truth to the world, to help set people free from all false conditioning and help assist the return of ancient practises to humanity, in order to help heal and open their hearts to their true divine sovereign power.
Marie is a naturally gifted generational psychic medium and galactic channel. She has trained in Gestalt Psychotherapy, Family Constellations, Theta Healing and Crystal Dreaming. She is also an author of the book, Same Same but Different – A soul approach to mental health. 
Marie will be sharing parts of her own journey and speaking about how to thrive in life by developing a soul perspective on our human experience. She will be talking about:
    – Spiritual Emergencies and why it’s so important to be aware of  what they are in today’s world.
     – Dark nights of the soul
     – The impact of societal conditioning when it comes to spirituality
     – Our ancient origins and galactic heritage and how this ties into   the restoration of our earth and the resurrection of all indigenous  cultures
    – The best ways to gain spiritual support for our human experience
Marie will also do a sound activation and channel guidance for the group from the Galactic Federation of Light.

** Please note : Marie will be on Zoom for this event **

FYI :  How Many Hours Do You Waste

Dr. Jordan Peterson, Canadian media personality, clinical psychologist, author, and professor emeritus at the University of Toronto, reveals the single mental shift you need to adopt that will reduce dysfunctional thinking, overcome fear, and make you seize every opportunity.

Click here to listen.  Less than 5 mins

Rich vs Poor

Thought of the Week

Not every day is good, but there is some good in every day.

Affirmations – say it daily and slowly, feel it, believe it

All that I seek is already within me

Community Announcements

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