
AOL Newsletter : 4th August 2022 – All is Well

WHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : In Mosman and online via Zoom
              Mosman Art Gallery, 1 Art Gallery Way Mosman 
When:   2nd and 4th Monday Night every month 
              7.30pm – 9.30pm

Monday 25 July 2022 : My Sagacious Body with Kathryn Hand

Hypnotherapist and EFT Practitioner, Kathryn Hand, will share her remarkable story, insights and wisdom gained from healing breast cancer naturally. If you’re curious about discovering alternate healing methods be sure to tune in!
The day before Kathryn was scheduled to have a double mastectomy, every cell in her body seemed to scream STOP. So she took a leap of faith and cancelled the surgery, taking her down the rabbit hole of natural healing. No surgery, chemo, radiation or drugs.
As a hypnotherapist and EFT practitioner, Kathryn felt a sense of both shock and shame as a healer that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer.
In learning about natural healing and understanding the body’s self-healing abilities, she also learnt how ineffective conventional oncology is.
For Kathryn opting out of mainstream medicine and allowing the body to heal naturally has been an eye-opening journey on many levels. She is now a passionate advocate for natural healing.
Kathryn lives in Norfolk Island. We are thrilled to have her presenting at the Academy via Zoom. 
About Kathryn: Kathryn is a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist and EFT Practitioner. She obtained her Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Certificate of Neuro-Linguistic Programming from the Australian College of Hypnotherapy in Sydney, one of only three Government accredited colleges in Australia. Kathryn has undergone Womb Work and Past Lives Regression training, Hypnoenergetics training, and Level III EFT training. She is a member of the Newton Institute.
Kathryn is the Co-organiser of Consciousness Conferences in Australia, and has conducted many radio interviews, written articles in New Dawn and Living Now and conducted a Past Life session on an Australian TV reality show. Kathryn has been a trainer of EFT courses ‘Heal Your Critical Mind’ through Macquarie Community College and given talks about EFT, Past Lives and Life Between Lives.

Monday 22 August 2022 – Conversations About Death with Carmel Vowles

Carmel Vowles has been supporting people for over 40 years who are experiencing profound grief. “I have embodied this work as my dedication, to be fully present with those in greatest need”.
Together, in a supportive and caring process, we reflect on the traits, gifts and attributes of those we love, to come to a deep sense of gratitude for them in our lives and realise there is nothing missing.
Carmel has worked as a hospital chaplain, attended many courses, workshops and festivals on the dying process and completed a midwifing death course. 
As a Funeral celebrant, we create rituals and ceremonies that reflect the spirit and life of those we love.”
I look forward to opening up conversations about death and to sharing how through my experiences of journeying with dying people and with those who are experiencing the death of loved ones, the gifts and challenges that have presented themselves.
More recently, through work with Dr John DeMartini, I learned from him that we can come to a place of love and gratitude for the person departed and have absolute peace and joy-filled gratitude for that person.
Talking about death and dying is often shied away from in our society. Especially in the times we are living in it is very valuable to know how to support our loved ones on the threshold and how to come to a place of gratitude….

Choose an Attitude of Gratitude with Don Elgin

Don Elgin, Olympic Paralympian and  motivational speaker has a lifetime of practicing gratitude and makes it a daily routine to start with a positive outlook on the day, the first step is to be grateful for his one good leg. In this video Don discusses gratitude and key moments from his everyday life, now and in the past. These include him standing on the podium, speaking at engagements and accepting his book award.
Click here to listen.  Just over 2 mins

Circle of Light Meditation with Rosemary Butterworth

Rosemary Butterworth, has once again released a beautiful meditation to raise our vibrations.  She has said, in this time especially that it is extremely important that we keep our energies high and that we value ourselves as the more we value ourselves, the higher our energies are.  The higher our energies are, the more we can raise the consciousness of humanity.
Just a reminder, that Rosemary holds a meditation on the first Saturday of the month at 2pm (EST).  If you would like to join via zoom, please email her at  The next one is this Saturday 6th August. The more people that join, the higher the energies can rise.  
Click here to listen.  Just over 20 mins

Thought of the Week

Affirmations – say it daily and slowly, feel it, believe it

I am worthy of love and joy

Community Announcements

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Advertising Costs for Our Newsletter

A community announcement costs $40 for 2 newsletters. An advert costs $75 for 2 newsletters and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Please note : Our newsletter is distributed fortnightly. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email

Placement of Ads in this newsletter is not an endorsement or recommendation, and readers should satisfy themselves that the products and services advertised suit their purpose.

The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.