
AOL Newsletter – 30th March, 2011

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

Visit our website for our current events

The aim of this newsletter is to inspire, inform and bring you current events.

Inside you will find:

1. Thought of the Week
2. Health Tip
3. Affirmation
4. In and Around The Academy
5. Neutral Bay, Monday Gatherings
6. Whats On
7. Advertising/Community Announcements

Thought of the Week

universeExpand in consciousness – be ready to accept anything now, at any time……………….Eileen Caddy from God Spoke to Me.


Health tip

veggie_platterEat and drink consciously.  Eat food with life inside it.  Any fruit or vegetable that has a seed is full of life.  Give your body the food it needs NOT what you want – and stay healthy.

The following is from  You make up your mind if t is true for you.

Soft drinks (canned or bottled) are not good for you.  If you look at the list of ingredients in most soft drinks, you will likely see most or all of the following ingredients listed:-

carbonated water
phosphoric acid

Every can you drink decreases the oxygen in the blood by 25% for up to three hours.

Calcium, magnesium and phosphorous must be mainted in the proper balance for bone health.  When too much phosphorus is in the blood, calcium is leached from the bones, causing osteoporosis.


energize_02I let go of any negative beliefs I have about illness. I allow my body to be free of fear.


In and Around The Academy

from Rosemary Butterworth.

The Academy’s aim is to spread the Light – to enlighten.   So let us put the Light on the Health of the Nation and the world.   In spite of all our new medical knowledge and the invention of super drugs is the health of our Nation getting better or worse?  Let us consider some statistics.

The Cancer Council of Australia reported in 2009 that 1 in 9 women have breast cancer. I think the number has gone up to 1 in 8 now.   From the Australian Bureau of Statistics more than half the adults are overweight and their is a growing concern for obsetity amongst children.  The overweight problem is raising the incidents of diabetes and it is costing the population millions of dollars.

The desire to be healthy and have healthy children is strong so we are being marketed to constantly with the words – NO ADDED SUGAR – or SUGAR FREE but do we really know what the food contains and what we are puting in our bodies.

So when you reach for something on the Supermarket shelf that is marketed as ‘healthy’ ask yourself – “Is this true – is this product really healthy for my family and myself”.  rosemary_crops

Remember, food that comes straight from the garden to you is the best.   It is full of life and that is what you eat and it keeps you healthy.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights –

Come and sit in group energy, lift, ground and balance yourself.


Monday nights are a wonderful powerful opportunity for all of us to unwind, recharge, relax and rejuvenate. Come and feed your soul through restful meditation and be inspired by our gifted speakers.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street. Session starts 7:30pm. Entry Fee: $15, concession available.

Light refreshments are served.


Soul Rescue

This is a special night to which you are all invited to take part in Soul Rescue work.  When we have a disaster of the magnitude of the Japan earthquake and tsunami, thousands of people are die in an instant and, without preparation.  They don’t know that they are dead or because of attachments they have missed going to the Light. compassionangel

Tonight The Academy of Light will provide a means by which these souls will get the opportunity to go to the Light.  A sacred circle will be formed and the Masters called in to assist.

At the last circle The Academy held children came in first to go to the Light.  People saw them and cried….and one lady spoke afterwards of how one little boy simply wanted a hug before he left the Earth.

It is a wonderful service to take part in.


Jennifer Starlight  -Jennifer channels Minjennifer_starlight1

From his first public transmission in February 2006, Min explained that he was a pre-Egyptian consciousness that had returned at this time to assist humanity on its evolutionary path.  This is Jennifer’s second time at The Academy.  In her first visit with us she astounded everyone with her accurate readings which were taped and made available on the night.


What’s On

It was unfortunate that The Pyramid of Giza workshop had to be postponed due to unforeseen circumstances. So the knowledge is still to be released.   If you are interested in being placed on a wait list please email us.

Rosemary’s next Universal Awareness course will commence on 11th May and going through to 29th June.  More details to follow.

Rosemary and John Butterworth will be speaking and playing (gongs) at Tamworth 14th May.  Topic will be ‘It’s Time’.  More details to follow.

Open Day 21st May at Jacarnada Haven – all welcome.  Limited amount of accomodation is available or phone Danielle Allen at Bulahdelah, Forest Lodge.

RUTH MAGAN – Author of ‘Vision of the 4th Dimension, Earth Beyond 2012’ will be giving an introductory talk at The Academy meeting on the 4th July.  There will be an evening seminar to follow on 6th July where you will be able to hear and experience even more.


Community Announcements

Door to heavenThe Invisible College is coming to Sydney 11th-17th April 2011.

Jennifer Starlight, Peter Harris and Master Min shall be offering their services, presentations and workshops for 1 week only!

The mission of their work is to assist you to find the Master Within, while in your human experience by teaching you the powerful principles and techniques given to them by The Invisible College of Beings that communicate through Jennifer’s abilities as an advanced channel.  Master Min is an ancient and powerful aspect of The College and offers a very tangible taste of the Divine when in his presence.  See attached flyer.



A community announcement costs $30.

To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and

type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75

Please email or call our office on (02) 9975 4905, (02) 8005 0562

The Southern Cross Academy of Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe as it helps us to distribute ShiningBRIGHT free of charge. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.


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