
AOL Newsletter – 2nd June 2010

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

Visit our website for our current events

The aim of this newsletter is to inspire, inform and bring you current events.

Inside you will find:

1.    A Thought For The Week
2.    A Teaching
3.    A Health Tip
4.    What’s On
5.    Advertising/Community Announcements.




Ken Page and Nancy Nester were wonderful on Monday night.  Don’t miss their workshop!!! Ken was describing (and Peggy Stevens experienced it in a private session. See below.) how necessary it is to release THE PROJECTIONS that family members, friends and simply people in the street, have put onto you.  It is these projections that are consuming your energy – and until they are released it is difficult to move forward and experience Heaven on Earth. They also show you how not to take them on, through working with the Pineal Gland.  Their teaching comes from years of experience of working with everyday people.

Ken will also be speaking at Crows Nest Community Centre tonight (Wednesday 2nd June).


Heart & Soul Healing with Ken Page (private session)

“During the session with Ken Page I found I was experiencing flashes from the past, long forgotten, coming to mind as Ken described the possible areas of life (past and present) from where I had stored emotions in my body’s cells.  I felt energy releasing from my back into Ken’s  hand, some of this energy felt very dense, heavy,and sometimes it just tingled.  I now feel much lighter, more centred and happier in this body.  This release clears the emotions you carry in your body from your past, your partners, friends, family members and ancentral lines, as well as projected ideas of who you are from others generally, so you are free to move forward without ‘baggage’.  Ken showed at the end of the session the hand he had used to gather this energy in – it was much larger, aged and red.  Once he cleansed it, it had the same appearance as the other hand!”

Peggy Stevens, 1/6/2010

For more information, see below.


A date for your diary

Monday 28th June


Calling all energy workers.   We would like as many people as feel attracted to come along on this night to help souls that are ‘lost’ to cross over.

There is a pressing need at the moment to assist all those that have been killed in earthquakes, tsunamis, terrorists attacks and fighting to go to the Light.

There will be no guest presenter on this night.  Ceremony only.


Thought for the week

“I am here at the right time. The work I do on myself is not a goal, it is a process… a lifetime process. I choose to enjoy the process.”

………………………. Louise Hay





Health Tip


Why is food so important? Food is medicine. The molecular content of plants is the basis of all modern medicines.

Conservationists and scientists are desperate to stop the destruction of the world’s rainforestsbecause of untold secrets they may yet have to reveal to us.

While cruciferous vegetables are already proven healers and protectors, I believe there is still much more to be learned. So make the content of your diet high in organic foods – salads, fruits and unrefined cereals plus highly coloured vegetables. This creates a diet rich in antioxidants and will maintain good health into old age. Food is important to nourish and heal us.

………………………. Extract from ‘Ripe Energy’ by Ashley Dawson-Damer



To all those people who are interested in having a healthy body we advise them to go and see the movie FOOD INC. It is on at Cremorne Orpheum, Paddington and Newtown.  It will definitely get you thinking.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful powerful opportunity for all of us to unwind, recharge, relax and rejuvenate. Come and feed your soul through restful meditation and be inspired by our gifted speakers.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street. Session starts 7:30pm. Entry Fee: $15, concession available.

Light refreshments are served.

Monday 7th June


From an early age Nancy Nester communicated and received guidance from angels, ascended masters and other light beings. Her experiences as a child and again as a young woman created a need to question and explore her abilities as a clairvoyant (seeing energy in motion), and as an intuitive and empathic healer. Nancy’s several near-death experiences have provided her with a unique vision and awareness of the multi-dimensionality of the soul and its journey. Her philosophy in life’s learning experiences, teaching, sharing and healing has always been of Unity Consciousness.

Monday 14th June

CLOSED – Queen’s birthday weekend




From the USA

A very special happening. The Academy brings you two incredible people. Their program is below but DON’T FORGET they are both available for PRIVATE SESSIONS.

Sydney sessions will be held at 143 Albany Road, Stanmore phone 9569 8525

(Second house from the corner of Bruce Street with a large frangipani in the front.)


KEN PAGE: Seminar: Third Eye of Horus – Hidden Secrets From The Mystery Schools.The Third Eye of Horus Mystery School was reactivated in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid on the Giza Plateau in Egypt, January, 1997. It was then that Ken Page experienced a dramatic personal initiation while standing in the sarcophagus of the King’s chamber. He was alone at the time and he was called on by Spirit to personally experience all the energy of mankind, currently on the planet Earth. What Ken experienced and how it changed him is just a small part of what he will share. In that one moment Ken experienced being a part of everything, with no separation between himself and all creation. He calls it seeing ‘eye to eye’ with God. The Secrets of the Mystery Schools all teach one thing: Oneness. Find out how you can experience this for yourself.

When: 2nd June. TONIGHT!

Where: Crows Nest Community Centre, Crows Nest.

Time: 7:00pm

Cost: $35


KEN PAGE & DR NANCY NESTER: Workshop: The Art of Heaven on Earth.

When: 5th and 6th June.

Where: Crows Nest Uniting Church Hall, Holterman St, Crows Nest.

Time: 9:30am

Cost: $325.

Click here for more information


DR NANCY NESTER: Guest speaker at the Academy (see above).

When: 7th June.


DR NANCY NESTER: Seminar: Spirituality in your daily life

When: 9th June

Where: Crows Nest Community Centre, 2 Ernest Place, Crows Nest.

Time: 7:00pm

Cost: $45.00

(Bookings: (02) 9975 4905/(02)8005 0562. See website for details.)



Prime Tuning of Cells Course

Level 112th/13th June @  Jacaranda Haven, spiritual retreat – 3 1/2 hours from Sydney, Cost $395.

Level 1 – 17th and 18th July in Sydney. Cost $395

Level 2 – 28th and 29th August. in Sydney. Cost $450

Level 3 25th and 26th September in Sydney. Cost $545

There are limited spaces for accommodation at Jacaranda Haven, our spiritual retreat, three and a half hours from Sydney. Come and enjoy the countryside, the high energy and peace. So BOOK NOW. For details phone the office (02) 9975 4905/(02) 8005 0562 or email

For more information, see website.

Elaine Croker’s books are available through the Academy.


Bathed in Sound is BACK

When: Saturday 21st August 2010

Where: Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre

(cnr Short St and Myangah Rd, Mosman)

Time: 7.15pm for 7.30pm

Cost: $30 per person

(Bring a rug and pillow)


Click here to REGISTER NOW

Experience the Labyrinth of Chartres Cathedral

to the sound of sacred Bronze Gongs,

Crystal Bowls and Harmonic overtone chanting.

Come to soak up the pure tones of pure white quartz singing bowls and harmonic overtone chanting in the superb resonance of this Walter Burley Griffin Church while you contemplate your life’s path and meditatively walk the legendary Labyrinth of Charles Cathedral (France) as Benedictine Monks have for 800 years. …..then lie down within the Labyrinth or sit back and bliss out to the extradinary power and beauty of the Sydney Sacred Gong ensemble as they continue a 6,000 yr old tradition by immemersing you in the multiple sound waves and harmonics of large bronze gongs preceeded by the pure tones of crystal singing bowls.


The Peace Choir

The Sydney Sacred Gong Ensemble

Jessica Cowley Martin- Crystal Singing Bowls

and more……

Alternatively you can book and pay over the phone on (02) 9975 4905/(02) 8005-0562 or pay at the door




Both Christine Bannigan (Contract to Live) and Sky Shayne Innes (Love’s Alchemy)  have made it into round two which goes on until 28th June.

Sky is offering 10 Love’s Alchemy meditation CDs to be won. According to Robert Evans and James Twyman, the website for this competition is ranked within the top 40 000 sites – apparently, indicative of huge traffic.

Go to the website to vote:



Holistic healing therapies to calm & rebalance mind,body & spirit

the little shop of calm

Massage Therapies, Bowen Technique, Reiki Energy Healing

Specialising in a range of Australian made organic, toxic free products

Shop 13, Level 1, Cremorne Plaza

332 Military Rd, Cremorne NSW

Call Christine 02 80844195


info@the little


John of God, Brazil Guided Retreat – September 2010

Facilitated by healers, Nicole Rigato and Frank Boffa.


Nestled in the hills of Abadiania, Brazil, John of God’s ‘Casa de Dom Inacio’ is a place of profound love – a major healing portal on the Earth. Those who journey to this extraordinary place vary from people who are physically unwell to those on the spiritual path seeking a profound shift in consciousness.

Nicole Rigato and Frank Boffa are experienced healers who are passionate about assisting you to get the most out of this journey.  They will guide and support you through your transformation process with open hearts.

Arcana Healing Centre: 0410 422 370,

Click here for more information


Healer Activation Program

A 12 week program facilitated by healers Nicole Rigato and Frank Boffa for those wishing to open more deeply to their path as a healer.

Begins 10 June 2010 (Thursdays 7-9pm), Bondi Junction.

This program facilitates an accelerated path of:

  • Accessing and developing your gifts as a healer and grounding these into your life/healing work,

  • Learning to embody states of consciousness and Divine connection that generate a field of Presence – high frequencies that allow rapid transformation

and your highest Healing Presence to work through you,

  • Clearing of unresolved energies that block the unfolding of this path for you.

Arcana Healing Centre: 0410 422 370,

Click here for more information


Weekly Group Energy Activations

These one-hour, guided processes facilitate a sacred space of stillness and deep inner connection.  You will receive, from many Beings of Light, an upgrade and renewal of your energy, the release of old patterns of energy, consciousness and karmic records,  supporting your journey of evolution into higher consciousness.


Facilitated by: Nicole Rigato and Frank Boffa

Weekly at Bondi Junction – Wed 7pm

Levity Health: Level 1, 38-40 Bronte Road, Bondi Junction (entrance Ebley Street)

(Thurs 3rd June replaces Wed 2nd June for this week only).

Fortnightly at Miranda – Mon 7.30pm (Contact us for venue).

Cost:   $30

Arcana Healing Centre: 0410 422 370,



A community announcement costs $30.

To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and

type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75

Please email or call our office on (02) 9975 4905/(02) 8005 0562


Rates available on request for the  next edition of ShiningBRIGHT magazine.

Colour and mono space  available in various sizes – see page 28 for specs and costs.

Email Ann Castle Ph  (02) 9975 4905/(02) 8005 0562


The next issue of ShiningBRIGHT is now available.


* Your personal copy of ShiningBRIGHT can be mailed to your door,  for only $20 (postage and handling). You’ll receive four issues throughout the year.  Look out for the May issue.

Click here to subscribe

* Get your copy of the May issue at our Neutral Bay Monday night meetings, Adyar bookshop or selected outlets – see website for details.

ShiningBRIGHT Magazine …….. The Voice Of The Academy.

The Southern Cross Academy of Light is a not-for-profit organisation.  It is run with the help of volunteers.  If you would like to tythe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tythe as it helps us to distribute ShiningBRIGHT free of charge. May your tything come back to you a thousandfold.



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