
AOL Newsletter 2nd December 2009

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly Newsletter

The Academy will help you keep your energy high. It gives you tools to clear blockages and emotional issues. The Academy provides different teachers and healers and most importantly a space where like minded people can gather and be in group energy. The Academy meets every Monday night in Neutral Bay, Sydney.

Visit our website for our current events.

When we are thirsty we are drawn to water

When we are hungry we are drawn to food

when we are in pain , in what ever manner we are drawn to God

and sooner or later the pain vanishes AK


The Academy is now on FACEBOOK!  Find our page and become a fan!!!

The Southern Cross Academy of Light



Neutral Bay Monday Nights

Monday nights are a wonderful powerful opportunity for all of us to unwind, recharge, relax and rejuvenate. Come and feed your soul through restful meditation and be inspired by our gifted speakers.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street. Session starts 7:30pm sharp. Entry Fee: $15, concession available. Light refreshments are served.

Feedback from last Monday Night

Vered Kilstein, a deep trance therapist,  was extremely informative and interesting and explained a lot about why we go through the things we do.  She made it very clear that the subconscious mind knows it all and can be accessed.  We look forward to her coming back next year.  A wonderful speaker.   ….Rosemary



7th DECEMBER – Christine Bannigan – The Fifth Dimension and how it relates to 2012

Join us for a night of sharing, discussion and channeling. Bring your excitement, concerns, and especially your fears. Feel, sense and imagine the new earth.  Travel there in the mind. Experience the amazing energy of Oneness and accelerate your way forward.
This evening is for those who are ready to be all they have agreed to be RIGHT NOW.

Christine still has a space for a private session at Killarney Heights on Monday the 7th December (Price $110).  Christine is a wonderful psychic and in her book Contract to Live tells how she became a ‘walk-in’.  She finds often that the people she attracts are ‘walk in’s’ too. To book please call (02) 9975-4905.

14th DECEMBER -Sandy Mayor – Earth’s Fourth Dimension reality merges with the Fifth Dimension

On the 11th November 2009 Lightworkers around the world gathered to mark the 11:11:11 gateway. There are many pieces of this grand puzzle, my work
specific to assisting the Earth’s 4th Dimension reality merge with the 5th Dimension. This is very exciting as the world leaps into the vibrations of a
neutral duality. I travelled to Egypt with a group led by Jill Marie, most of us Serenity Vibration Healing practitioners and we were present on the
Giza Plateau in Cairo for this event. In the days preceding we visited sacred sites and ancient Temples preparing energy work that culminated at
the Giza Plateau over the 10-11th November. I would love to share my experiences and offer channelled guidance as we collectively transition
through the 11:11:11 gateway and traverse the new energies. May we support Gaia, humanity and Earth’s sentience together.

Sandy’s website:

This brings 2009’s meetings to a close. The Academy will re-open on Monday, 18th January 2010.

May it be joyous Christmas and happy New Year to all, from all at the Academy.


Bathed in Sound

was spectacular  last weekend and will be back again in April/May 2010

Experience the Labyrinth of Chartres Cathedral

to the sound of sacred Bronze Gongs,

Crystal Bowls and Harmonic overtone chanting….

to the sound of sacred Bronze Gongs,

Experience the Labyrinth of Chartres Cathedral

Call (02) 9975 4905 for further details


In Australia for a day!!





A MINI workshop to Magnetize Romance into your life

Do you feel alone? are you looking for your soulmate? This workshop opens up your life to the love you long for in your heart. IT HAS WORKED FOR THOUSANDS of people, bring love into their life.

THURSDAY 4TH  February 2010 7-9pm $30 Venue Crows Nest Community centre

to book email or call (02) 9975 4905


Comming to Sydney



A course in


Sat 20th & Sun 21st March 2010

Level 1 $395

Time 9.30am- 5pm Sat & Sun

Venue Crows Nest, Church Holterman Street

Elaine Croker Author of “Talk To your Cells” discovered in the early 1990’s that your cells are intelligent.  In a quest to find a cure for her dying children, impaired by a rare genetic disease, Elaine uncovered a system by which she could talk to the cells as an intelligent life force.  Elaine healed all four children and embarked on a mission to the development of a healing practice called “The Prime Tuning Of  Cells”

After 30 yrs of healing many people of many diseases, Elaine has made it her lifes work to now pass this technique on to other people.  Her work is growing quickly throughout Australia and a College is now being set up.

Come and learn this fascinating modality ………A must for all practitioners or just learn it for yourself and your family.

I have met, through working at the Academy, many healers and done many coarses. Elaine’s purity and  integrity moved me. Elaine’s work is truly profound and the more you learn about it, the more your realise that this technique has a power all of its own…..Also I was in complete awe of her medically detailed manuals that we work with in the coarse………There is no doubt ..Elaine has God working through her.……………………Kellianne


Level 2 $450

Sat 27th & 28th March 2010

Time 9.30am-5pm Sat and Sun

Venue Crows Nest, Church Holterman Street

Bookings (02) 9957 4905  or email


Distant Blueprint Healing with Joanne Messenger

Is distance prohibitive?
Now you can improve your health and well-being as often as you wish from where ever you are.
I’ll call in your master diamond blueprints, lay them on the adjusting table, work on you as if you are here with me, and then send your repaired patterns back to you.
Joanne Messenger or call 0410 668 070

For more information Click Here



To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75

Please email or call our office on (02) 9957 4905



Normally $125, but for this month only we are offering a Business Card size advertisement in the next ShiningBRIGHT magazine issue PLUS an attachment to our next Newsletter magazine, which goes onto the website. All this for just $70. Contact the Academy on (02) 9975 4905 to secure your Ad space before places run out.


shining-bright1Shining BRIGHT Magazine……..The Voice Of The Academy.

Click here to subscribe

We welcome your Subscriptions,   pay only $ 25 .00  for 4 issues, this  includes  postage, delivered to your door.

Our next issue will be out in Jan 2010.

Advertising– rates available on request,  our inside full color back page  is still available. Mono space  available with various sizes

Advertising for the January 2010 issue has now closed. Advertising for the following issue is now open.

Email Ann Castle Ph  (02) 9975 4905


“Christmas Appeal”

The Southern Cross Academy will once again be collecting the following items for a Christmas appeal to assist the refugee Sudanese families

Household Items:  Cleaning products- for the kitchen and bathroom : Food-rice, pasta, preserved foods: Cash

Donations can be dropped off at Monday night meditations at Neutral Bay, at Academy events or call the office (02) 9975 4905



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