
AOL Newsletter 27th May 2009

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our latest Newsletter.

The Academy will help keep your energy high. It gives you tools to clear blockages and emotional issues. The Academy provides different teachers and healers and importantly a space where like-minded people can gather and be in group energy. The Academy meets every Monday Night at Neutral Bay, Sydney.    Phone:  (02) 9975 4905, or go to our web site to see what is on within and around the Academy on: .


* Special Announcement

*  This Week’s Inspirational Message

*  This Week’s Meetings


*  A Teaching

*  Private Healing Sessions

* News

*  Community Announcements

Special Announcement:

Stop the Press ……    31st MAY –   “OPEN DAY JACARANDA HAVEN”2008jacarandahaven-21sep08-020large

This coming Sunday an amazing adventure and experience for all.  Be uplifted , enlightened and re-energised . You will be entertained by singers ,sound magicians,gongs crystal bowls, violins didgerdoos and songs.

Also , very exciting news we will be having guest speakers Christine Bannigan author of ‘Contract To Live’ and also Andrew Hughes NLP expert.

PLUS Gong Master John Butterworth will again give you a wonderful experience of a gong bath.

This will be an experience not to be missed, Rosemary is so excited and looking forward to seeing you all there!

(Please bring a plate to share)  plus a minimum donation of $20.  Click here for photos and more information

Click here for directions

Exciting news – June long weekend Sat 6th and Sunday 7th – Aboriginal Healer Gerry Bostock our amazing Spiritual Healer coming to Jacaranda Haven!   Click here for more information on our website

gerry-bostockPlease register now if you are planing to come as numbers are filing up fast!

Starting at 3pm on  Saturday the 6th and finishing on Sunday the 7th at so giving you a day at of rest at home, the Academy will be holding a very special event on the land at Jacaranda Haven with Gerry learning Aboriginal Healing methods and ways of life. Gerry is a powerful healer and will answer any questions on Aboriginal Spirituality.

spirits_of_the_fire-732x524We will have another amazing Healing Circle around the camp fire!… (the last time we had Gerry up on the land magical things happened see pic of camp fire on left, it shows an Aboriginal Elder on the right at top of fire and his dog on the left underneath him)…

We need to know if you require accommodation to stay at Jacaranda Haven which is limited or the closest motel at Tuncurry/Foster, but you can bring a tent and camp on the property if you need.  It will be an amazing weekend, the property is only three and a half hours from Sydney so is an easy drive.

Please contact us if you would be interested in coming on this wonderful weekend, you can email us on or phone us on 02 9975 4905 to book in.

Accommodation: There are lots of choices for local motels in the area, there is the popular Gloucester Motel about half a hours beautiful drive. Or there is other local motels in Nabiac, or Tuncurry/Forster. Or you can camp on the land!

Yes you can camp on the land, bring your own tent and anything else you might need, you have a choice of the front paddock where there are limited facilities water, outdoor toilet and electricity. Or the back paddock where there are no facilities but the energy there is incredibly high.


Inspirational Message:

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen nor touched but are felt in the heart.  ~ Helen Keller

Academy Meeting Place:

* Neutral Bay Monday Night Meetings:

Monday nights are wonderful and powerful opportunity for all of us to join our hearts and minds to increase The Light of the World.

Meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr. of Yeo Street and Barry Streets, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry street – (starts 7.30pm sharp) Entry fee: $15.00 or by donation.


Monday Night – 1st June – Sandy Waley  – Topic Pellowah –

Pellowah is Angelic for a ‘radical shift in consciousness’. This form of  healing connects all 12 strands of DNA ready for activation. It also unblocks and realigns all meridians within the body giving a feeling of connection and well being. Pellowah is a tool for enlightenment allowing you to experience a new, expanded perception giving you the opportunity to make choices which can take you to greater heights and levels in your life. –  This night will be shared by Rosemary Butterworth

8th June – closed public HOLIDAY


15th June – Elaine Croker – Medical Intuitive – Topic: Talk to your cells and become your own creator.

In the early 1990’s Elaine Croker, author of “Talk to your Cells”, Humanity’s Role in the Evolution of the Soul”, and Who am I? “The Disco of me”, was searching for ways to heal her sick and dying children. Her prayers were answered when she started to channel information about a groundbreaking method of healing. Today Elaine is a leading medical intuitive healer and teacher. Her six children are all healthy and successful. Her method is called “ The Prime Tuning of Cells” It is easy to learn and simple to use for the public and practitioners.


22nd June:  Julie Hamilton – Topic: ‘A Guide to Nurturing your Child’s Infinite Potential
Do you want to encourage your child’s intuitive side but are afraid of how to manage what they can do? You are not alone!.

COMING/BOOK/NOW!     PH:02 9975 4905


Exciting news – June long weekend Sat 6th and Sunday 7th – Amazing Aboriginal Spiritual Healer Gerry Bostock our coming to Jacaranda Haven!

Click here for further information on Gerry Bostock at Jacaranda Haven

4th July – Elizabeth Kruger



The Merkabah in the Ascension Process. A full day.   Come  and spend the day learning what the Merkabah is and how to use it.  It will take regular use to thrive during the enormous transition that lies before us!  Check web site for more info.  $130.

Click here to find out further information on Elizabeth Kruger.

Elaine Croker.  – 15th July. Evening. Seminar.



Author of “Talk to Your Cells, How to be your own Creator” invites you to discover the Prime Tuning of cells.  At the core of our Being our cells are controlled by our subconscious mind.  By reprogramming at this level, break through can be achieved in all areas of our lives. $45.

Click here to find out further information on Elaine Croker

30th July – Doug de Vito – Evening Seminar



The Science of Reconnection This is New!  This is different!  This is Real! Find out what’s baffling the medical community.  These seminars will teach you a mastery of healing beyond anything you’ve read about, thought about, dreamed about!  $45

Click here to find out further information on the Science of the Reconnection.

A Teaching:


Reality is what we take to be true.
What we take to be true is what we believe.
What we believe is based upon our perceptions.
What we perceive depends upon what we look for.
What we look for depends upon what we think.
What we think depends upon what we perceive.
What we perceive determines what we believe.
What we believe determines what we take to be true.
What we take to be true is our reality.~ Gary Zukav ~

(Painting by Narelle Green)


Thank you to everyone who came last Monday night. It is really important to keep our energy high and light and Monday nights are an excellent opportunity to come together as light workers and generate a powerful healing energy for ourselves and the community.  We need to remember to keep smiling and not take ourselves sooooo seriously.  Make  sure on the hour every hour you smile, laugh at what you are thinking and check your body for the tension you are holding. We don”t need any more wrinkles or body aches!!!!!!!!

Take care,   Kellianne.

Community Announcements:

STILL LOOKING FOR: A Responsible male Gardener to tend our vegetable garden, and develop new ornamental gardens, attend the lawns and assist with general Retreat and organic orchard maintenance. Excellent quality accommodation and first class meals provided. This is a wonderful opportunity for a healthy, self-reliant Man to live in a peaceful, harmonious and spiritual environment. Three people have rung. No-one has actually turned up!

Les’ website for further information:



You can advertise on our Weekly News Letter either with your flyer in a PDF format for $75.00 plus a paragraph of about 50 words written by you as an introduction to the flyer, or you can put in a paragraph of information in our Community Announcements for only $30.00. To make a booking just call our office on 9975 4905.

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