
AOL Newsletter – 19th January 2011

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

Visit our website for our current events

The aim of this newsletter is to inspire, inform and bring you current events.

Inside you will find:

1. A Thought For The Week
2. Health Tip
3. Thoughts to ponder upon
4. What’s On
5. Advertising/Community Announcements.

Thought for the week

Each individual act is important to the health of the world.

………………………..  Shirley Humphreys Battie


Health tip

Kitchen medicine


by Maxine Haigh-White
Medical Herbalist
BWhm, MsHsc, ADipWHM

Traditional medicine methods were handed down by mother to daughter, through the generations, but in the modern world we live in, the family unit has become fragmented by time, distance or circumstance.  It is more the exception than the norm to see families made up of more than two generations living together.  Because of this there has developed a rip in the western world with regard to using simple remedies to cure a cold, an ear ache or muscle pain.  The massive move to pharmaceuticals developed in the late thirties by Rockefellers scientists, took over from the gentle art of home healing.  However we seem to now have come full circle and there is a growing awareness of simpler times.

Here are my suggestions for pantry essentials which will enable you to facilitate your families health, when dealing with mild to moderate conditions.

Click here for Attached list.

Note:  Maxine Haigh-White will be speaking at the Academy on Monday Night 21st February.  Don’t miss out on these simple natural remedies.


Thoughts to ponder upon

I understand that our instinct is to move away from what’s not comfortable, to try to get somewhere better, but as my teacher used to say, “You need to take the backward step, not the forward step.” The forward step is always moving ahead, always trying to attain what you want, whether it’s a material possession or inner peace. The forward step is very familiar: seeking and more seeking, striving and more striving, always looking for peace, always looking for happiness, looking for love. To take the backward step means to just turn around, reverse the whole process of looking for satisfaction on the outside, and look at precisely the place where you are standing. See if what you are looking for isn’t already present in your experience.

……………………….. Adyashanti.


logo_smallNews from around the Academy


Last Wednesday afternoon, I had finished the Newsletter and had forwarded it to David to send when a phone call came in.  It was to tell me that David Singing Bear was not coming to Australia until later and therefore was not available to speak last Monday Night.  This was a prime example of having to accept change in the moment.

And so Rosemary Butterworth, Nicole Toohey and John Butterworth jumped in. Although it was a last minute exercise,  the trinity worked wonderfully on the night.  So good in fact, perhaps this is a new look for the Academy,  Having three people not just one.

Rosemary led the Invocation and meditation, then Nicole talked a little about what she was achieving as a corporate trainer, how she was able to bring clarity through to the staff and teach them how not to take on other people’s stuff…..then surprised us when she said how for the last 15 years or so she had found teachers and had embodied what they had taught her and this had lead her to her connection to the Angelic Kingdom….with that her arms started to gently move as though she had wings and she began to channel the most beautiful singing – it sounded like angels bringing us messages of love……following this, John allowed his musician self to come through as he played the Tibetan bowls, bells, ocean drum and finished with a gonging segment.  Everyone left on a high note.

A sobering note.

A gentleman came to the Academy meeting last Monday night.  He had just returned from a 6 months stay in Puttaparti at Sai Baba’s Ashram.  His guitar playing meant he was seated very close to Baba – what an experience and privilege and I could feel the softness of Baba’s energy all around him.

However, he had a sobering message for us all.  He said that it was explained to him that we have to learn to adapt to the changing conditions – it is learning to be happy now matter what the conditions –  learning what to eat when food is short – learning to help one another.

Aren’t the people of Queensland a wonderful example of this? We send them our Light and Love  …………… Rose-of-Mary


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful powerful opportunity for all of us to unwind, recharge, relax and rejuvenate. Come and feed your soul through restful meditation and be inspired by our gifted speakers.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street. Session starts 7:30pm. Entry Fee: $15, concession available.

Light refreshments are served.



Magical “Whale and Dolphin Odyssey Journey” and meditation with Patricia Athena and Jen. This is a visual sight and sound experience to connect with the energy of the whales and dolphins and the amazing Lemurian vortex in Hawaii. This is a powerful combination putting us in touch with a special part of ourselves!


What’s On

Looking for clarity and direction?

Develop your capacity to see, feel and change – with Nicole Toohey

RE-AWAKEN YOUR SOUL: Workshop series

LEVEL 1: Soul Foundation – plug into Self and unplug from Others

Facilitated by Nicole Toohey

Is about…

Acknowledging that we are living in a time period, where the very core foundation, in which we have based ourselves upon, is fundamentally changing.    Just as Mother Earth’s Foundation is shifting, transforming, so is our very own foundation.   The New Earth is coming, The New Reality is here, and it’s time to re-calibrate and re-align to our Soul’s Foundation – Our Soul’s New Way of Being.


Practical tools and strategies for managing ourselves better

Where: 75 Bay Rd, Waverton Community Hall (diagonally opposite Waverton Train Station)

When: Saturday 22nd January 2011

Time: 10:00am to 4:00pm

Cost: $175 per person

Click here for more information

Open Day


at Jacaranda Haven – 12th February, 2011 – 10.00am – 4.00pm


We have wanted to be able to tell you more about Soul Colour and now we can. Narelle Green, founder of Soul Colour, will be our guest speaker at Open Day and she will be able to not only tell you about the intelligence of colour and how it can support you through the changes ahead but she will also tell you what your Soul’s colour is – what vibration you came in on and WHAT THAT MEANS TO YOU IN THIS LIFE.

Colour is the Soul’s natural healer and medicine for the future; colour works beyond the reasoning mind, there is no mystery or miracle…… simply a shift in the balance of energy…….Narelle.

407 Avalon Road, Dyer’s Crossing. All Welcome. By Donation (suggested donation $20.00) Please bring a plate to share.

Bookings (02) 8005 0562

Isis Calling


With Rosemary Butterworth

Experience what is it like to live in the Now?  Give up the struggle and find ease and grace.

Walk through the doorway into the upward spiral that your intuition opens for you.

Experience what it is like to live in the Now AND BE HAPPY. Find out what is blocking your heart and experience the Joy

In the energy of the Temple you will meditate and go deep within and the experience is yours to keep. Isis used her incredible ability to find and heal Osiris – come and find out what talents you have that are latent.

Lunch will be provided and prepared by all and eaten in silence to nourish and purify the subtle bodies.

When: Sunday, 27th February 2011.

Where: 75 Bay Road, Waverton.

Cost: $120.

To book: The Southern Cross Academy of Light. 9975 4905
Or email:

Elaine Croker

elaine-croker-199x300Book early – taking bookings now.

Level One: 5th & 6th March 2011. Level 2: 12th & 13th March 2011.

Elaine will be doing private sessions on the 8th, 9th & 15th March 2011.

Kellianne Parker and Terri Hills will now be working out of Willoughby on a regular basis. They have both completed Elaine’s Practitioner Course in Prime Tuning of Cells. The cost of an hour will be $75. To book ph: The Academy on 9975 4905.

Rosemary Butterworth is also available for Private Sessions. Rosemary does Life Coaching, Spiritual Healing, and uses her psychic gifts to see where the energy is not flowing and does Energetic Balancing to make sure that you are in alignment and all your chakras are energised clean and clear.

$120 for 1 hour. Ph: 9967 4425 or the Academy office.


Community announcement

Earth Project 2011

Click here for more information

Enquiries: Go to web site or email: Lilliana Corredor []



“Whale and Dolphin Odyssey Hawaii Journey and Retreat”


To swim with dolphins and feel the amazing Lemurian energies of the Big Island of Hawaii

Eight days- starts Feb.23rd, May 24th, November 8th (includes 11.11 with the dolphins)

“Whale and Dolphin Odyssey Concert”

Where: Paddington Uniting Church.

When: 3rd February.

Time: From 7pm.

Magical visual, sacred art and sound concert

With Patricia Athena and Jen and friends see website: call Patricia Athena 0411559188


Aloha Therapies and Dolphinwave


Where: Merewether Beach, Newcastle.

Bronte, Sydney  NSW, Australia

02 49633433 mob. 0411559188



A community announcement costs $30.

To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and

type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75

Please email or call our office on (02) 9975 4905, (02) 8005 0562

The Southern Cross Academy of Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe as it helps us to distribute ShiningBRIGHT free of charge. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.


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