
AOL Newsletter – 24th February 2010

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

Visit our website for our current events

The aim of this newsletter is to inspire, inform and bring you current events.

Inside you will find:

1.    A Thought For The Week
2.    A Teaching
3.    A Health Tip
4.    What’s On
5.    Advertising/Community Announcements.

Not to be missed

Parvati will be talking at St. John’s Uniting Church Hall, TOMORROW, Thursday, 25th February at 7pm.

see below for details……


Thought for the week

Sow the seeds of love and reap the flowers of joy.




Your pain is brought about by believing your illusion.  See where you are dimensionally speaking, don’t look for happiness outside of yourself, look within for in finding yourself you will find the happiness you seek and the pain will disappear.



Health Tip

Bless your food before you eat and ask that its vibration be raised.  Using David Hawkins Scale of consciousness of 100 – 1,000 anything under 200 is detrimental to the body. It also takes your energy down.  Have fun, using your pendulum, check out the vibrational rate of the food before you eat it.  A tomato bought from the local supermarket measured 50 whilst a home-grown tomato measured 350.


Whats On


Neutral Bay Monday Nights

Monday nights are a wonderful powerful opportunity for all of us to unwind, recharge, relax and rejuvenate. Come and feed your soul through restful meditation and be inspired by our gifted speakers.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street. Session starts 7:30pm. Entry Fee: $15, concession available.

Light refreshments are served.


It is always a joy to host Kayt Macleay and experience the Angelics.  We really enjoyed learning more about the Angels Kayt works with and in particular on Monday night she introduced us to Angel Gain.


Monday 1st March

by Sandy Mayor


Bowen Therapist, Australian Bush flower Essence Practitioner, Spiritual Development Facilitator

Many of us experienced a sense of “no wind in our sails” after the 11:11 gateway opened, now the energy has shifted and we have opportunity to create at greater levels than we’ve ever known. Advice the Creator and the Masters give is to stay focused on positives now and always, we are headed into a range of energy that absolutely mirrors everything we are thinking and feeling, so we can use this time to improve our life and help shift the collective.

It’s a big wave, let’s get out the Malibu’s wax them up and bring into form our passions, our purpose and heart’s desires. Come along tonight ready to breath life into your goals with the power of Serenity Vibration Healing.


Monday 8th March

Gilbert Mane.

Gilbert’s passion is seeing people go free of all that troubles them.


RRP $29.95 NOW $25.OO to order a copy phone 9975 4905

Gilbert believes that freedom and happiness is everyone’s birthright; and that throughout the ages the wise have used every trick in the book to get that message across to us.  And it gets better – they have also shown us countless ways to realise this freedom and happiness.  Gilbert has spent over thirty years in studying and practising many of these methods and recently did a “download” in an exciting new book called 7 Steps to Freedom.  Gilbert is an accomplished presenter.  As the headmaster of John Colet Primary School where the children, along with their times tables, learn simple techniques of inner stillness and presence, he is used to making the most profound spiritual truths accessible and enjoyable.





Time: 7pm, TOMORROW, Thursday, 25th February, Cost by donation

(suggested donation $20)

Venue: St. John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr. Yeo & Barry Streets. Neutral Bay


Messages from the Light to Light Workers to help us to uplift the planet into a place of peace and unconditional love for all.

The Southern Cross Academy of Light is hosting a talk by Parvati Rosen-Bizberg. Parvati, a spiritual healer, earth healer, visionary artist and writer of several books including Orion Transmissions Prophesy and Messenger of the Sacred Fire, is visiting Australia to facilitate activation and healing of sacred sites on our ancient continent of Australia.

Agnihotra, the ancient Vedic Healing Fire, will be performed at sunset.

to book email or call (02) 9975 4905

click here for more information on Parvati

On Monday at sunset, I was with Parvati and friends doing Agnihotra and I experienced a peace, calmness and clearing I have never felt before. The land recognises and acknowledges the energy and is so happy …….R.T.





Time: 9.30am – 4.30pm, Saturday, 27th February 2010, Cost $120

Venue: Crows Nest Uniting Church Hall, Holterman Street, Crows Nest

Using her ability to connect to higher dimensions and through meditation and other tools, Rosemary will facilitate your experiencing the energy of the Temple. These powerful processes will seed in you the knowledge and understanding that will take you forward. A very empowering day!

1. On the day you will be taken into group consciousness where you can physically experience the power of the group.

2. In the Temple at a very high level of energy, you will work on your DNA to cleanse it of genetic patterns.

3. She will lead a special meditation connecting through the heart to your Higher Self.   If you are ‘thinking’ you know you are not connected to your Soul or Higher self,  the Lower Mind is in charge.

Rosemary attracts to herself teachers and leaders to be made ready.  It is time now that you are ‘out there’ for the world needs you.

to book email or call (02) 9975 4905




Time: 10am – 2pm, Wednesday, 17th March 2010, Cost: By donation. Bring a plate.

Venue: Jacaranda Haven. For directions, click here



….and then went on to write, books and medical manuals ….. and now…


The Academy presents


A course in


Level 1 Sat 20th & Sun 21st March 2010 $395

Level 2 Sat 27th & Sun 28th March 2010 $450

Time: 9.30am- 5pm Sat & Sun

Venue: Crows Nest Uniting Church Hall, Holterman Street, Crows Nest

Elaine Croker Author of “Talk To your Cells” discovered in the early 1990’s that your cells are intelligent.  In a quest to find a cure for her dying children, impaired by a rare genetic disease, Elaine uncovered a system by which she could talk to the cells as an intelligent life force.  Elaine healed all four children and embarked on a mission to the development of a healing practice called “The Prime Tuning Of  Cells”

After 30 yrs of healing many people of many diseases, Elaine has made it her lifes work to now pass this technique on to other people.  Her work is growing quickly throughout Australia and a College is now being set up and accreditation is underway….

Come and learn this fascinating modality ………A must for all practitioners or just learn it for yourself and your family.

I have met, through working at the Academy, many healers and done many courses. Elaine’s purity and  integrity moved me. Elaine’s work is truly profound and the more you learn about it, the more your realise that this technique has a power all of its own…..Also I was in complete awe of her medically detailed manuals that we work with in the course.There is no doubt Elaine has God working through her.……………………Kellianne


Bookings (02) 9975 4905  or email

or  to chat  with Kellianne about the course , call  0411 52 55 55

You can purchase Elaine’s book Talk to your Cells.. How to become your own creator through the Academy for just $10.


COMING SOON: Ken Page and Rev. Dr. Nancy A. Nester, Troi Lenard, Gilbert Mane, Christine Bannigan, Hilary Heaney  and Carlos Palada.

Watch for details.



A Community Announcement costs $30

To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75

Please email or call our office on (02) 9957 4905


cov jan 2010

ShiningBRIGHT Magazine …….. The Voice Of The Academy.

* Your personal copy of ShiningBRIGHT can be mailed to your door,  for only $20.- (postage and handling). You’ll receive 4 issues throughout the year.  Look out for the January issue in your letter box soon.

Click here to subscribe

* Get your FREE copy of the January  issue at our Neutral Bay Monday night meetings, Adyar bookshop or selected outlets – see website for details.


Advertising– rates available on request for April, 2010 edition,  colour and mono space  available in various sizes.

Email Ann Castle Ph  (02) 9975 4905



Wendy Batchelor has changed the date of her day “Languedoc in Oz” to the 13th March.


Found at Jacaranda Haven in the Lanatana bush. We found three eggs in the nest two weeks ago - they were no bigger than your thumbnail. A few days later they had hatched and the little birds were the tiniest birds John Butterworth had ever seen. They were so perfect he just had to take a picture to share with you.



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