
AOL Newsletter – 23rd February, 2011

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

Visit our website for our current events

The aim of this newsletter is to inspire, inform and bring you current events.

Inside you will find:

1. Thought of the Week
2. Health Tip
3. Affirmation
4. In and Around The Academy
5. Neutral Bay, Monday Gatherings
6. Whats On
7. Advertising/Community Announcements

Thought of the Week


Pain and grief that is shared can be borne.

May the people of Christchurch, New Zealand share their pain and grief with the world….Rose-of-Mary.

(Come and join us at Neutral Bay on Monday night and light a candle.)


Health tip

BACK PAIN Arnica, comfrey, cramp bark, lavender, meadowsweet, thyme, valerian.

For back pain caused by accidents rub Arnica or Comfrey ointment into the painful area.  You can add Lavender oil too 5 drops to 1 tsp (= Sm1) of ointment.  If heat helps the problem, a thyme compress or hot bath with lots of Thyme tea strained into it can bring significant relief.  Or add 4 drops each of Thyme and Lavender oil and stir well into the bathwater.  Use a hot water bottle! If the pain is due to muscle tension it will respond well to Cramp bark or Valerian.  Sometimes you can get astonishing results in this way.  If the pain is due to arthritis, Meadowsweet or Feverfew may case it.
……………………………………………………………….Maxine Haigh-White…

Maxine Haigh-White enthralled us all last evening at the Academy meeting as she told us how the vegetables from our garden can heal what ails us.  She also told us the importance of eating correctly, i,e, always eat your fruit first in the morning before eating your muesli.  Fruit needs to be digested first as it is very light and will only sit and ferment in your stomach if eaten after a meal.



I Walk the Path of Love.

I understand that love is the essence of my existence.
I understand that love embraces my all.
I understand that love links the world and its inhabitants together.
I accept the love of myself.

…………..  Judith Collins, “Affirmations For Life.  You are what you think, feel and say.”


In and Around The Academy

gerry-bostokAboriginal Healer, Gerry Bostok rang this week to share with us a wonderful healing.  He was called to Belgium by a man who had only been given 2 weeks to live.  The man was riddled with cancer. Gerry had been back from Belgium about 2 weeks  when the phone rang.  It was the man, now well,  who was angry because the Immigration Department had told him that he had to wait for 6 months before he could come to Australia.  Gerry said to him laughingly,  Well you could be glad that you have got 6 months.

Gerry who is Bunjalong and a Traditional Owner, told me that a new Wellness Centre, operated by Aboriginal people is being planned for Nabiac which is only 10 minutes away from Jacaranda Haven.


The next event there will be a 2 1/2 day retreat.  The focus will be on maintaining your energy – what takes it down and how to get it back up quickly.  The cost is $200 – accommodation extra.  This is a delightful way to spend a weekend – in beautiful energy

People are asking how the Labyrinth is coming along.  Well, we planted over 120 pieces of Lavender and 86 have taken and are growing beautifully and some will soon be big enough to transplant.  However we will need to put down another 50 slips of Lavender at least. John has put aside the Easter break to put down the weedmat and mark it out and to buy the soil.   So things are moving along.  Many thanks once again to everyone who has contributed to this project!


Neutral Bay Monday Nights –

Come and sit in group energy, lift, ground and balance yourself.


Monday nights are a wonderful powerful opportunity for all of us to unwind, recharge, relax and rejuvenate. Come and feed your soul through restful meditation and be inspired by our gifted speakers.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street. Session starts 7:30pm. Entry Fee: $15, concession available.

Light refreshments are served.



All our love lines are aligning and our connection with you at the Southern Cross Academy of Light, will be yet another timely and amazing piece of the planetary puzzle that will grow aroha-meaning love and healing- and there will be huge relief for our loved ones and ancestors….and so it is.

The traditional Maori Healers are in Sydney to do deep tissue work and energy balancing that can only be described as life changing. For more information click here.


A TRINITY OF HEALING – Rosemary Butterworth, John Butterworth and Nicole Toohey

This amazing trio will bring forth the trinity of light, love and spirit to activate a healing on all levels of your being, with sound, drumming, and meditation.  Rosemary, John and Nicole first joined forces at the beginning of the year and WOW what a night!

Nicole Toohey, who is a Teacher and Healer to embody the new consciousness on this earth, will be sharing her presence with us in sound – as she sings the Language of Light and Love which deeply opens and heals your soul’s energy body and heart.  Come along and bathe in sound as you receive that which is the highest intention for you.

Nicole also facilitates ‘Re-awaken Your Soul’ Series and you will have the opportunity to meet her personally if you wish to know more about her workshops which educate you to develop your capacity to see, feel and change.  She empowers you to discover your own tools and strategies to self heal and listen to the call of your soul’s heart.

For this sound healing experience, bring something warm and comfortable as we invite you to lie down to receive this healing activation.

P.S. A lady reported back to us that she had a remarkable healing for her knee during last weeks meditation led by Mark Anthony (Theta Healing).  Her physiotherapist was amazed when he examined her knee and found it to be completely healed.


What’s On

This Weekend!!!!!  Isis Calling – Sunday 27th February, 2011


With Rosemary Butterworth

Feel the call – the Divine Feminine, or your Soul call you to awaken – but know that this takes effort and practice to be able to detach from the hub-bub or chatter in the mind.

This is a day for all those people that sincerely want to be more disciplined in their efforts to raise their vibration.  It is for those that keep saying I must practice but don’t seem to have the time.  This is a day that can show you how you can.  It is a day just for you.

Experience what is it like to live in the Now?  Give up the struggle and find ease and grace.

Walk through the doorway into the upward spiral that your intuition opens for you

Experience what it is like to live in the Now AND BE HAPPY. Find out what is blocking your heart and experience the Joy

In the energy of the Temple you will meditate and go deep within and the experience is yours to keep. Isis used her incredible ability to find and heal Osiris – come and find out what talents you have that are latent.

Lunch will  be provided and prepared by all and eaten in silence to nourish and purify the subtle bodies.

Leave lighter, more awake and more conscious and HAPPY!

When: Sunday, 27th February 2011.

Where: 75 Bay Road, Waverton.

Cost: $120.

To book: The Southern Cross Academy of Light. 9975 4905
Or email:




The Mayans say that from the 10th March we will be in Unity Consciousness.  It is important that we can maintain our composure and balance no matter what the circumstances and that we can stay centred and peaceful.

This course is for those who are sincere about increasing their level of awareness and consciousness. It is for those people who love the Light and are prepared to practice a few minutes each day to connect to All That Is.

Tips and guidelines will be given each week to reduce the ‘hubbub’ in the mind.  You will be shown how the Lower Mind drags you in with its negativity and how not to believe a word it tells you.

There will be a meditation each night that will lift your spirits and leave you nicely energized for the week ahead.  Gradually you will learn not to be distracted by the tricks and antics of your Lower Mind (ego).

When: 2nd March – 20th April. Wednesday nights from 7-8.30pm

Where: Crows Nest Community Centre, 2 Ernest Place, Crows Nest.

Cost: $200 0r $30 per night.

To book: The Southern Cross Academy of Light 9975 4905.


Reverend Lolita Martinez – The Great Pyramid of Giza

This one day workshop, on 27th March, presents information never revealed before to the general public.  It contains the kabalistic, alchemical and occult symbolism.

For more information click here.


Community Announcements


‘How to Be Beautiful’.

Lost Essene Records, Ascension, magical visits and courses in Hidden Cambodia………….


Medical Qigong Healing Weekend with Glenys Brown. – Sat/Sun 26/27 March, At North Sydney Community Centre.

Glenys Brown, Internationally recognised Qigong Master and Teacher, Medical Intuitive and Principal of The Energy Medicine College in Perth is coming back by popular demand.

Glenys’ teaching expands into the realm of self healing and medical intuition – expand your intuition,

Qigong is an ancient practice renowned for its astounding ability to rebalance the energy system of the human body using the breath, easy movements and a relaxed mind.


Glenys will also be offering private sessions.

More information and booking: Jenny McFadden 0403 787 474 see attached flyer.




A community announcement costs $30.

To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and

type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75

Please email or call our office on (02) 9975 4905, (02) 8005 0562

The Southern Cross Academy of Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe as it helps us to distribute ShiningBRIGHT free of charge. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.


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