
AOL Newsletter 22nd April 2009

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our latest Newsletter.

The Academy will help keep your energy high. It gives you tools to clear blockages and emotional issues. The Academy provides different teachers and healers and importantly a space where like-minded people can gather and be in group energy. The Academy meets every Monday Night at Neutral Bay, Sydney.    Phone:  (02) 9975 4905.

Or go to our web site to see what is on within and around the Academy on .


*   Special Announcement

*  This Week’s Inspirational Message

*  This Week’s Meetings

*  Schedule of Events

*  A Teaching

*  Private Healing Sessions

* News

*  Community Announcements

Special Announcement: “Don’t forget this Monday night’s Academy meeting on the 27th of April is on as there is no public holiday” See below for details is will be a fabulous night!

Inspirational Message:


Through all ages, great saints have remained as living proof that this non-temporary, permanent state of God consciousness can be revived in all living souls.

By George Harrison…

Painting by Narelle Green

Academy Meeting Place:


* Neutral Bay Monday Night Meetings:

Monday nights are wonderful and powerful opportunity for all of us to join our hearts and minds to increase The Light of the World.

Meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr. of Yeo Street and Barry Streets, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry street – (starts 7.30pm sharp) Entry fee: $15.00 or by donation.

Remember, the Academy will be collecting food (or money) on Monday Nights during the month of April for the Sudanese people.


This Monday night the 27th April – Speaker Maggie Hamilton

Topic – Walking Right beside Our Girls.

In the last few years our girls have become venerable not just teen girls, little girls! On this evening together Maggie will share her findings from What’s Happening to our Girls, and how we can support and nurture our young.


May 4th – Cathy Campbell – MA Egyptologycathy-campbell-pic-small

Introductory talk to Ancient Egyptian Healing Methods used in the Temple of Abydos. Cathy is a lecturer at Macquarie University and has her MA in Egyptology. Energy healers will find this talk very interesting as she has amazing knowledge on Egypt.

kellianne3May 11th – Kellianne Parker – Topic –  Vibrational Healing and Energy Intuitive – and How to Lighten Up!

In a light hearted manner Kellianne delightfully checks your Chakras and Auric Field as she moves around the room. Kellianne will keep you in fits of laughter as she reads energetically what is going on in your life, and also she will give you easy “tricks” to keep your energy high.

Kellianne’s Path has been one of curing herself of life-threatening  illnesses.  She is very funny and many times was the hospital clown, this lightness and sense of humour helped to heal her, and now she is happy to pass on her knowledge that she has gained from becoming all that she is.

18th May – Music, Toning and Sound evening Plus a healing demonstration from Micheal English, a Psychic Surgeon:micheal-english-small-1musicalnotes

This evening there will be an emphasis on toning, so bring your voices because we will be toning for at least half an hour, followed by some exotic musical instruments. Get ready for an energetically high night!

The last segment of the evening Micheal will give his Healing demonstration and be available for questions during tea break.

*Schedule of Events:


6th May – Wednesday night –  Ancient Egyptian Healing Techniques Seminar with Cathy Campbell: MA Egypt (2006);

This talk given by Egyptologist and Reiki Master Cathy Campbell (MA Egypt), explores the evidence for the Ancient Egyptian practices of Energy Healing, from the Temple of Abydos and Egyptian medical papyri. This talk will interest practicing Energy Healers and those with an interest in Ancient Healing modalities.

Venue:    Crows Nest Community Centre, Chadwick room, 2 Ernest Place, Crows Nest
Wednesday, 6th May 2009
7 – 9pm
Cost:    $45.00

Click Here for further details on Cathy Campbell.


“Tonight on the 22nd of April 2009 The Mastery of the Mind course begins again”



Rosemary Butterworth presents the Mastery of the Mind an 8 week course begins again at The Crows Nest Community Centre tonight.

Click here for further information on Rosemary’s Course.

Phone the office 02 9975 4905 for further details.


Information Evening  – This Thursday – 23 April – plus  3-Day Course Thurs 7th May – Sat 9th May 2009

Radionics is the Science of Resonance and has many applications: human health diagnosis and treatment, animal health diagnosis, agriculture and food production.


Want to learn Radionics and become a practitioner? Operating a Radionics machine Scanning for human and plant/soil diagnosis Building a remedy based on readings Preparing homeopathic preparations Broadcasting remedies to plants and people.

Hinterland Business Centre, 32 Coral St, Maleny
TIME: 7:30 – 8:30pm – WHEN: This Thursday – 23 April

Click here to see further information on this Radionics talk and course



Saturday 23rd May – Ruth Eedy – A Journey of Self Discovery – A One Day Seminar.

Ruth will use a variety of techniques (35 years experience), including EFT and Aura Light and more throughout the day, to bring you to a heightened sense of awareness, balance & harmony. Remember what is in your face right now is often from a past life experience. Come along and see and release what has been limiting you from your past lives! This seminar is an excellent investment.

Please click here to find out further information on this Seminar.


June long weekend Sat 6th and Sunday 7th with Amazing Aboriginal Healer Gerry Bostock

Starting at 3pm on  Saturday
the 6th and finishing on Sunday the 7th at so giving you a day at of rest at home, the Academy will be holding a very special event on the land at Jacaranda Haven with Gerry learning Aboriginal Healing methods and ways of life. Gerry is a powerful healer and will answer any questions on Aboriginal Spirituality.

spirits_of_the_fire-732x524We will have another amazing Healing Circle around the camp fire!… (the last time we had Gerry up on the land magical things happened see pic of camp fire on left, it shows an Aboriginal Elder on the right at top of fire and his dog on the left underneath him)…

We need to know if you require accommodation to stay at Jacaranda Haven which is limited or the closest motel at Tuncurry/Foster, but you can bring a tent and camp on the property if you need.  It will be an amazing weekend, the property is only three and a half hours from Sydney so is an easy drive.

Please contact us if you would be interested in coming on this wonderful weekend, you can email us on or phone us on 02 9975 4905 to book in.

A Teaching:


Peace is the enjoyment of life, activity is the expression of life. A balance between the activity of the West and the calmness of the East is needed. by Paramahansa Yogananda

To meet the needs of today’s present world situation and the stress that it brings
we present the following therapists and invite you to book an appointment if you feel your energy is below par.


Rosemary Butterworth is available for healings at Academy House in Killarney Heights. Rosemary has the ability to “SEE” from a distance, energy blockages in your body that is causing physical or emotional pain. She can give advice, or do energy work with you while you are on the phone. To book simply phone the office on 9975 4905.


Kellianne Parker is available for one to one private sessions, please ring Kellianne for bookings on: 02 94993983.

Click here for further information on Kellianne.


Community Announcements:


See some of the world’s greatest artists by going online to and have a look at just what is available to buy or just to view, there is everything from T shirts to cards and framed prints, this is an amazing web site, check out artist Narelle Green by clicking here her art work is fantastic!

or check out Heidi’s artwork by clicking here on the link!


You can advertise on our Weekly News Letter either with your flyer in a PDF format for $75.00 plus a paragraph of about 50 words written by you as an introduction to the flyer, or you can put in a paragraph of information in our Community Announcements for only $30.00. To make a booking just call our office on 9975 4905.


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