
AOL Newsletter – 20th April, 2011

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

Visit our website for our current events

The aim of this newsletter is to inspire, inform and bring you current events.

Inside you will find:

1. Thought of the Week
2. Health Tip
3. Affirmation
4. In and Around The Academy
5. Neutral Bay, Monday Gatherings
6. Whats On
7. Advertising/Community Announcements

Thought of the Week

Sending Light can create harmony in your relationships……………………….from Spiritual Growth by Sanaya Romanspiritual-growth-sanaya-roman


Health tip

Health Benefits Of PotatoesThere is hardly any person who doesn’t eat potatoes. Even the poorest eaters have one thing in common-they adore eating these shapeless vegetables.

Potato has a lot of health benefits, though few of us really know about them.

  • Potatoes are rich in carbohydrates, nutritional vitamins (Vitamin C, B complex), zinc, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.
  • Potatoes are good for those who has problems with digestion. Potatoes have been proved to be a perfect diet, but overeating them can raise acidity levels in your body.
  • Potatoes and even the water in which they are washed are quite good for skin care. The potato water helps to clean and soften the skin. If you mix raw potatoes with honey you’ll get a perfect mask to fight pimples. Potato pulp relieves burns: so, you can apply some smashed raw potatoes on your skin to ease the pain and to help the skin regenerate faster.
  • Potatoes are rich in Vitamin C and can prevent such diseases as scurvy (which is usually caused by this vitamin deficiency).



I am not blown about by the emotions around me:

I bring stillness and inner calm to every situation….Alex Jonesa_reflection


In and Around The Academy

from Rosemary Butterworthrosemary-recent-picture-11051

Louise Von Sperl brought Bio Feedback machine to the Academy meeting last Monday Night.   This amazing machine has the extraordinary ability to diagnose and balance the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies – it is all computerised.  It even can display your aura and deals with karmic issues.   Louise told us that one of her clients was travelling overseas when she contacted an illness and rang her.  Louise was able to diagnose her remedy absently on the machine and send her the frequencies of healing she needed.  If you missed seeing it and would like Louise to bring the machine to another Academy meeting let us know via email.  Louise can be contacted on 0412 584 630 for private sessions and via email on

We had fun with Peter Harris and Jennifer Starlight last Thursday as John Steggles made another three youtubes and put them on our website.  Have a look as Jennifer channels Min.

I will be running a workshop at Tamworth on Saturday, 14th May on ‘Spiritual Growth is the Process of becoming Your Higher Self‘ and in the evening John and I will be giving a talk at Tamworth Community Centre, 7.00 – 9.00 pm called IT’S TIME! (See attached flyer)


Neutral Bay Monday Nights –

Come and sit in group energy, lift, ground, balance yourself and receive love.


Monday nights are a wonderful powerful opportunity for all of us to unwind, recharge, relax and rejuvenate. Come and feed your soul through restful meditation and be inspired by our gifted speakers.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street. Session starts 7:30pm. Entry Fee: $15, concession available.

Light refreshments are served.




Rebecca Brown of SoultoSoul Energetic Healing

“Developing Your Intuition and Clairvoyance”

soultosoul-roseSoultoSoul Energetic Healing is owned and operated by Rebecca Brown. Rebecca is passionate about healing! After a successful career in the corporate world, Rebecca realised she was extremely unhealthy and stressed and started to look at other options.
Over time and after attending many courses,  her intuitive abilities developed.  But she found  Clairvoyant Healing training with Belinda Grace,  was the perfect complement to add to her healing practice and now feels it is time to teach how easy it is to be more intuitive and clairvoyant.
Rebecca Brown
Kinesiologist & Clairvoyant Healer
SoultoSoul Energetic Healing
m. 0402 327 215


What’s On

Rosemary’s next Universal Awareness course will commence on 11th May and going through to 29th June.  See attached flyer.

Rosemary and John Butterworth will be speaking and playing (gongs) at Tamworth 14th May.  Topic will be ‘It’s Time’.   See In and Around the Academy.

Open Day 21st May at Jacarnada Haven – all welcome.  Limited amount of accomodation is available or phone Danielle Allen at Bulahdelah, Forest Lodge.  See Attached Flyer.

From America:

ruth-maganRUTH MAGAN – Author of Vision of the 4th Dimension, Earth Beyond 2012′ will be giving an introductory talk at The Academy meeting on the 4th July to wet our appetite for the exciting and inspiration seminar on the 6th July.   Some of the topics of her talk will include:

What will the Earth be like after 2012?

Who will ascend and how will it happen?

What help is available for this transformation?

For more details:  See attached flyer.


Community Announcements

SoultoSoul Energetic Healing presents

“Developing Your Intuition and Clairvoyance” 7 week Fun and Personal Interest Course

(As developed by BelindaGrace)  With Rebecca Brown rebecca-brown

3rd May – 21st June (1 week break) Tuesday evenings 7.00 -9.30pm

Develop your natural intuition and clairvoyance; connect with angels and guides; clear and practise using your channel; review and release past lives and learn healing techniques in this very practical course, designed to increase your awareness of your spirituality and bring it into your everyday life.

Not only do you connect with like minded people, but you open you awareness with discussions on spiritual concepts, laws and practices.
Being intuitive and clairvoyant enhances your spiritual practice.  Everyone can do it!

Courses held in Mosman in small groups facilitated by Rebecca, an experienced trainer and practising energy healer & spiritual teacher.
Visit and click on Workshops or call Rebecca on 0402 327 215.  (see attached flyer)



Is it time to bring Reiki into your life?

Reiki comes into your life for various reasons and at different stages.  You  will consider brining this healing system in when it is the right time for you.  It is difficult to have one reason why you would want to do it, as we are all on different journeys, however here are a few.
1. To activate your life purpose and assist you on your path.
2. Assist you in making important decisions or support transition through a period in your life.
3. Someone in your life is going through a tough time or may be ill and want you to support.
4. To add a further dimension to your healing profession or to start you on this path or
5. As part of your own spiritual practice and you are drawn to it……(read more)


Maui Light Activation Tour – 12th to 21st May,2011

maui-lightDo you long to be of service to Mother Earth, by taking part in a Spiritual Tour that has as its mission, to bring a huge influx of Light focus into her crystalline core…and in the process, become part of a wonderful Light Gathering, of Human, Star Lineages, Goddess, Lemurian, and high level Guidance and Angelic factors, co-creating new potentials for both the Earth and for your own energy, to hold ever greater frequencies of Love within your own DNA/Codes?

This is what is offered by the Maui Light Activation Tour, that runs from May 12th to 21st in the Hawaiian Islands of Maui and Molokai, with Takeli MMagdalen…see for more information and details; or email; or Ph Takeli on 0417 941 905.



A community announcement costs $30.

To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and

type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75

Please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562

The Southern Cross Academy of Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.


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