
AOL Newsletter 1st April 2009

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our latest Newsletter.

The Academy will help keep your energy high. It gives you tools to clear blockages and emotional issues. The Academy provides different teachers and healers and importantly a space where like-minded people can gather and be in group energy. The Academy meets every Monday Night at Neutral Bay, Sydney.    Phone:  (02) 9975 4905.

Or go to our web site to see what is on within and around the Academy on .


*  This Week’s Inspirational Message

*  This Week’s Meetings

*  Schedule of Events

*  A Teaching

*  Private Healing Sessions

* News

*  Community Announcements

Special Announcements:



During April the Academy is collecting food and sundries for the Sudanese People.

The Academy wishes to thank all those people who brought food to the Academy Meeting on Monday night for the Sudanese people who live in Sydney. As their needs are great, the Academy will accept food donations each Monday Night in April.

The needs are very basic, so rice and grain foods and pasta would be appreciated together with toiletries.

If you can assist please bring to SCAL at Neutral Bay on Monday nights, or phone Jo on 02 9909 2500

Inspirational Message:


“Serve Humanity until you see God in all Humanity.”  …..Sai Baba

Academy Meeting Place:

* Neutral Bay Monday Night Meetings:

Monday nights are wonderful and powerful opportunity for all of us to join our hearts and minds to increase The Light of the World.

Meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr. of Yeo Street and Barry Streets, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry street – (starts 7.30pm sharp) Entry fee: $15.00 or by donation.

6th April – Speaker – Hilary Heaney

hillaryheaneyHilary Heaney is a psychic spiritual healer – medium.  Her gifts have been with her since she was a small child and in the past worked with Dr. Verna Yater assisting her, bringing through the Spirit Doctors.  Tonight she will share with us her gifts which include channeling Christ energies, healings and psychic readings.

Last night’s Spirit Doctors was amazing, and many people reported back to Hilary what they experienced; which was very profound. Do come along to tonight’s special event before Hilary returns to WA.

13th April – Closed Easter long weekend


20th April – Gerry Taylor Woods – Topic – Astrologist  Flower Essences,

The herbalist Culpepper said… “To every plant there is a planet and to every planet a plant”.

Tonight Gerry will be presenting a fascinating talk on the relationship between nature and the heavens through the mythology of flowers and their corresponding stars.

Gerry will bring the 33 GRAIL HAVEN FLOWERS ESSENCES  to purchase on the night.


Monday 27th April – Speaker Maggie Hamilton

Topic – Walking Right beside Our Girls.

In the last few years our girls have become venerable not just teen girls, little girls! On this evening together Maggie will share her findings from What’s Happening to our Girls, and how we can support and nurture our young.

*Schedule of Events:

Saturday 18th April 2009.
Experience Transformation through Creativity…

Painting From the Soul – 1 Day Workshop

Experience the freedom of expressing yourself creatively without the limitations and judgments of the mind – connecting deeply with your inner, creative potential and allowing this to flow freely and uninhibited.  This is a one-day experience of immersing yourself in this natural, transformational state of creativity.  Not only will you have lots of fun discovering that everyone can paint in this way, but you’ll experience painting as a powerful means of accessing and releasing old energies that hold you back in life and separate you from your highest truth. No painting experience required!

Click here to see attached brochure for details.

Venue: Bellevue Hill, NSW, Ph: Arcana Healing Centre (02) 9332 3238. Facilitators: Energy Healers, Frank Boffa and Nicole Rigato




michaelangelo-creation-of-adamRosemary Butterworths Mastery of the Mind course begins again on 22nd of April 2009 at The Crows Nest Community Centre.

Click here for further information on Rosemary’s Course.

Phone the office 02 9975 4905 for further details.

A Teaching:


“God always uses the least means necessary to provide us with the lessons we need to learn.  Whenever we refuse these opportunities for growth and expansion, our souls choose larger and louder circumstances, but still the least means necessary.  If the refusals continue, eventually something cataclysmic has to occur to get our attention”
….Arterium, Sundara Aravinda….from The Heart Always Knows

To meet the needs of today’s present world situation and the stress that it brings
we present the following therapists and invite you to book an appointment if you feel your energy is below par.


Hilary Heaney – 2nd, 6th and 7th April. – Psychic, Medium and Energy worker will be doing Readings and Pattern Removal – these sessions are about uncovering patterns and blockages and the final part is removing the layers and filling the space with healing sounds and vibrations and the healing rays of light.  Hilary, Verna Yater’s friend and confidant was with her when she died last year. Psychic Readings $120. sessions 1 hour and Pattern Removals $130. Sessions 1 1/2 hours.


Kellianne Parker is available for one to one private sessions from the week commencing the 30th of March.

Please ring Kellianne for bookings on: 02 94993983.


June long weekend Sat 6th and Sunday 7th with Amazing Aboriginal Healer Gerry Bostock

Starting at 3pm on  Saturday
the 6th and finishing on Sunday the 7th at so giving you a day at of rest at home, the Academy will be holding a very special event on the land at Jacaranda Haven with Gerry learning Aboriginal Healing methods and ways of life. Gerry is a powerful healer and will answer any questions on Aboriginal Spirituality.

spirits_of_the_fire-732x524We will have another amazing Healing Circle around the camp fire!… (the last time we had Gerry up on the land magical things happened see pic of camp fire on left, it shows an Aboriginal Elder on the right at top of fire and his dog on the left underneath him)…

We need to know if you require accommodation to stay at Jacaranda Haven which is limited or the closest motel at Tuncurry/Foster, but you can bring a tent and camp on the property if you need.  It will be an amazing weekend, the property is only three and a half hours from Sydney so is an easy drive.

Please contact us if you would be interested in coming on this wonderful weekend, you can email us on

or phone us on 02 9975 4905 to let us know.



The next Open Day at Jacaranda Haven is on the 19th April.  Hilary Heaney is our special guest that day. The open days are proving to be so delightful and this one will be no exception, with wonderful country cooking, lots of laughter, beautiful music and smiles abound, it’s such a happy day.

Click here for further details on this wonderful Open Day!

If you need accommodation please let us know phone the office on: 02 9975 4905.


Advertising in ShiningBRIGHT Magazine;

The next issue of ShiningBRIGHT is on deadline now, the back page in full colour is still available for only $400. if you are interested in advertising on this page the specifications are: 297mm h x 210mm w + 3mm (full bleed) or 277mm h x 190mm w (image area).

Community Announcements:

Full Moon Ceremony on Good Friday and Women’s Business in generalfull_moon_
Presented by Elizabeth Grace:

The first step is to understand that what we seek to know and become is not separate from us.

The next event is the Full Moon Ceremony on Friday 10th April at Sunrise. In this ceremony we will explore ambiguity, something that pervades our lives yet with which we often feel most uncomfortable. The ceremony will take place at a site reasonably close to the CBD, so that we can experience the sacred in close proximity to the business hub. For this ceremony I will be asking people to make a donation, suggesting $30, but happy to move the figure either way.

In line with the deep nature of Women’s Business and the essential need for it to be experiential,  the programme will be evolving in relationship to the needs of the time, the earth and the cosmos.

In the Northern Hemisphere, where most of us have ancestral heritage Easter is a Spring festival celebrating the prospect of Summer, yet in Australia we experience this time as the end of Summer and the coming of Autumn and Winter. We see Easter Bunnies in all forms celebrating the spring and new life as we watch the leaves begin to fall from the trees. In Australia we are in the unique position of experiencing and also moving beyond duality, ambiguity.

Elizabeth Grace, who lives in Sydney, has spent over 25 years exploring the Universal Feminine from many perspectives and traditions, Eastern and Western, Northern and Southern Hemispheres. She has spent time at sacred woman’s sites around the world, from the most ancient geological land of Australia to the birth of earth of the Kilauea Volcano on Hawaii, from the Americas to Europe to Britain. Elizabeth has practiced and received wonderful teachings in Christian Mysticism, Sufism, Tibetan Buddhism and Shamanism. She has a masters degree in Transpersonal Psychology, her thesis explored the relationship between Australian Consciousness and the Land.

For further details contact Elizabeth through her website or by email

Elizabeth Grace   BA Dip Ed MTP PACFA Reg. 20798 , Psychotherapist, Cammeray NSW 2062


“Elizabeth Grace is truly an amazing woman, I have known her for over 12 years Elizabeth has been a close mentor of mine during my own Spiritual awakening many years ago. She has much valuable knowledge to share and one would only gain in there own awakening by being a part of anything Elizabeth Grace does.

From Heidi Pigott-Irwin.


For Sale

Portable and light Massage Table $150
Beautiful like new sofa – light purple corduroy. Can sit 2-3 people $150
These prices are negotiable.
Call Laurie on 9989 8988 or 0423 394 676


You can advertise on our Weekly News Letter either with your flyer in a PDF format for $75.00 plus a paragraph of about 50 words written by you as an introduction to the flyer, or you can put in a paragraph of information in our Community Announcements for only $30.00. To make a booking just call our office on 9975 4905.

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