
AOL Newsletter : 19th October 2022 – Live a Joyful Life

Previous Event :  Higher Selves, Splinters & Walk-Ins in These Shifting Times with Takeli

On Oct 10th we heard about Takeli Mmagdelan and her journey as a channel for Metatron who came through last year with a purpose and plan for her at this time. Part of this purpose is to assist us to move onto an accelerated path for humanity. Takeli is a medium and channeler and has been actively involved with the AOL several years ago. Our founder, Rosemary Butterworth was instrumental in her stepping into her purpose.  
She explained how we are aspects of our higher self and oversoul. Aspects of us are sprinkled around different planetary system but right now the focus is on Earth. We have soul guides around us as well as the higher self and other spiritual beings that are around us and use splinters (a vibrating shaft of light of a particular frequency). The splinters bring us toward a direction that brings us closer to our desired path. It will attach physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. Eg a sudden painful shoulder or a cold could be a splinter. The process requires integrating the splinter, looking at it and ask for help from guides to integrate. 
As this is our clean up life it is more important to integrate these. Sometimes the work is happening in the sleep state. Splinters shift our DNA into greater consciousness. As we gain more and more light via this integration we also entrain others and assist them to shift into a higher consciousness. 
Walk-ins, Overlights and Master guides and how they integrate and work with us was discussed and also that negative entities can not take over at this time. We can also access little Walk-ins that channel through us for a brief period of time. 
Our intent is crucial for protection: having a strong ‘yes’ to bring in more light rather than enter into fear of what is happening on our Earth plane. Aligning in love versus fear to create a mass consciousness for humanity to jump onto a new plane. 
A huge wave of spiritual support for the wave of change is needed on our planet and from beyond. Are we going to open our hearts to new thoughts and experiences and connection with our Creator? 
She gave us a few examples of statements of commitment to assist with opening up to higher potentials: 
“I choose to be in service to the creator force of love” 
“I choose to be open to my higher self” 
“I choose to live in my deepest truths and trust in the divine love of the creator” 
As part of the talk we had a beautiful channeling with Metatron as well as a ceremony to assist with the integrations to move us into ascension and our soul evolution. At the end we had the opportunity to ask 5 questions to be answered by Metatron. 
This was a beautiful and encouraging session for all of us going through these current times of change, as well as educational and instructive in how to move forward energetically and connect deeper with our guides and angelic beings. 
?If you would like to have a session with Takeli, the contact details are listed below.
Facebook : Takeli MMagdalen | Facebook
Email : (best for when Takeli is on the road)
Phone : 0459 194 533 (over the next few months)  
              0417 941 905 (when Takeli is in the eastern states)

Written by Ros Bongiorno

WHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : In Mosman and online via Zoom
              Mosman Art Gallery, 1 Art Gallery Way Mosman 
When:   2nd and 4th Monday Night every month 
              7.30pm – 9.30pm

Monday 24th October 2022 – Thrive in Life by Developing a Soul Perspective with Marie Antoinette Helou

Marie Antoinette Helou is on a mission….to return the truth to the world, to help set people free from all false conditioning and help assist the return of ancient practises to humanity, in order to help heal and open their hearts to their true divine sovereign power.
Marie is a naturally gifted generational psychic medium and galactic channel. She has trained in Gestalt Psychotherapy, Family Constellations, Theta Healing and Crystal Dreaming. She is also an author of the book, Same Same but Different – A soul approach to mental health. 
Marie will be sharing parts of her own journey and speaking about how to thrive in life by developing a soul perspective on our human experience. She will be talking about:
    – Spiritual Emergencies and why it’s so important to be aware of  what they are in today’s world.
     – Dark nights of the soul
     – The impact of societal conditioning when it comes to spirituality
     – Our ancient origins and galactic heritage and how this ties into   the restoration of our earth and the resurrection of all indigenous  cultures
    – The best ways to gain spiritual support for our human experience
Marie will also do a sound activation and channel guidance for the group from the Galactic Federation of Light.

** Please note : Marie will be on Zoom for this event **

Monday 14th November 2022
A Night with Julia Smith – All About Ascension 5D and Beyond

Come for a special night with the amazing Julia Smith. Julia has been consciously on her journey of ascension for more than a decade and she is coming to share all about ascension, answer your questions on ascension and give tips on managing ascension. She is a galactic channel of the Light, and connects to many different Beings of Light, Star Systems, and frequencies of Light especially the Christ Consciousness and the energies beyond that. She will bring along many of the high frequency tools she uses in her practice as a Transformational Energetic Healer, Starseed and Soul Life Purpose Coach and Earth Grid Lightworker and we will be working with them on the night. Julia will also bring powerful Star Being crystal skulls and dragons who will work with us all during the meditation. Julia will take us to the higher realms that will boost us all on our own ascension journey. 
If you are keen to accelerate your ascension journey and learn more about ascension, come along and become immersed in the Light that Julia will share.
We will love to see you there!

FYI :  A Moment of Joy

Rosemary Butterworth has shared a most wonderful meditation with us. After doing this meditation, two people in the group reported that they were pain-free (while they were in pain before the meditation). How amazing and powerful.
Rosemary has also asked us to notice the moments of joy in our life. Often we may think that our lives are not full of happiness, but we miss the small moments of joy that are in our life. Like our morning coffee, or a phone call from a dear friend. Focus on these moments and give thanks for them. This opens up a portal which allows more joy to come in. Give it a try ! Rosemary would love to hear from you and know about the moments of joy in your life. Contact details are below.
Click here to listen to the meditation. Just over 20 mins.
Rosemary will be on Angel Heart radio on Thursday 20th of October at 10 am if you would like to learn more.
Email :
Phone : 0414 941 543

Make an Impact

“When you were born, you cried while the world rejoiced. When you die, give the world something to cry about when you rejoice.” Wow, what a powerful quote! The video is a wonderful lesson that teaches success is only temporary, but making an impact allows you to leave your legacy and influence the future of the world way beyond your time spent on earth.
Click here to watch.  Just over 2 mins

Thought of the Week

If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.
– Maya Angelou

Affirmations – say it daily and slowly, feel it, believe it

I am worthy of health, wealth and love

Community Announcements

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