
AOL Newsletter 18th March 2009

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our latest Newsletter.

The Academy will help keep your energy high. It gives you tools to clear blockages and emotional issues. The Academy provides different teachers and healers and importantly a space where like-minded people can gather and be in group energy. The Academy meets every Monday Night at Neutral Bay, Sydney.    Phone:  (02) 9975 4905.


*  This Week’s Inspirational Message

*  This Week’s Meetings

*  Schedule of Events

*  A Teaching

*  Private Healing Sessions

* News

*  Community Announcements

Inspirational Message:


Life is like a motor car. A motor car can be used to travel great heights. But most people lie in front of it, allow it to drive over them, then blame it for the accident.

By Anthony De Mello.


Academy Meeting Place:

* Neutral Bay Monday Night Meetings:

Monday nights are wonderful and powerful opportunity for all of us to join our hearts and minds to increase The Light of the World.

Meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr. of Yeo Street and Barry Streets, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry street – (starts 7.30pm sharp) Entry fee: $15.00 or by donation.


March 30th Shantari & Darren Maxwell –

The Mystic Shaman

Like Mystics of past, Darren’s initiation into the mystery schools of Universal wisdom was very demanding yet profoundly life changing. During his Initiation, Great Spirit presented him with a unique vision of Infinite energy that Darren uses to explore the outer reaches of possibility while involving everyone in his Psychic Shaman Oracle. He also talks about the state of mind that enhances your ability to acquire spiritual integration through conscious thinking and the benefits constantly working to increase your level of psychic ability.
Shantari – Spiritual Awareness Facilitator/ Energy Medicine Therapist
Shantari receive self-realization due to a traumatic life experience 18years ago. From that time, due to many out-of-body experiences and guidance by spirit she attained the ‘Soul Code Programs” for the new earth awareness. The Soul Code program is series of modalities that aid the awakening process through, self-inquiry, conscious adjusting, presence meditation, energy transference healing and sound.

Using ancient wisdom, Darren & Shantari address fundamental questions about human existence and the nature of soul & spirit. Their philosophy explains equality in the human experience where self-responsibility, wholeness and mastery are achieved for each and every being.  Check out heir web site at:

6th April – Hillary Heaney


Hilary Heaney is a spiritual healer – medium.  Her gifts have been with her since she was a small child and in the past worked with Dr. Verna Yater assisting her, bringing through the Spirit Doctors.  Tonight she will share with us her gifts which include channeling Christ energies, healings and psychic readings.

13th April – Closed Easter long weekend

*Schedule of Events:


Don’t forget the Spirit Doctors Night on the 31st of March

We recommend having a  pattern Removal Session after the Spirit Doctors evening so the Patterns of illness don’t come back.

Spirit Doctors – with Hilary Heaney – Crows Nest Community Centre –  March 31st 2009 – 7.00pm-9.00pm  $45. To book:  Phone the Academy  (02) 9975 4905

Please bring a cushion and a rug to lay on.

Don’t forget Hillary is available for private sessions on the 2nd, 7th and 8th of April to remove patterns to prevent your illness/symptoms from returning.   For more info see our website:



A Teaching:

labyrinthpathNever waste time and energy wishing you were somewhere else, doing something else. Accept your situation and realise you are where you are, doing what you are doing, for a very specific reason.

Realise that nothing is by chance, that you have certain lessons to learn and that the situation you are in has been given to you to enabl eyou to learn those lessons as quickly as possible, so that you can move onward and upwards along this Spiritual Path.

By Eileen Caddy,  From Susan Hayward and Malcolm Cohan’s book

To meet the needs of today’s present world situation and the stress that it brings
we present the following therapists and invite you to book an appointment if you feel your energy is below par.



19th, 20th, 21st, 23rd and  24th of March – Sal Rachele Is available for 5 days of healings,  – (only limited places available now) contact Barbara or Neil Duck Chong for details on Phone: +61 2 9456 4155
Mobile: +61 4 1823 7688
Fax:     +61 2 9696 0683



Hilary Heaney – 2nd, 6th and 7th April. – Psychic, Medium and Energy worker will be doing Readings and Pattern Removal – these sessions are about uncovering patterns and blockages and the final part is removing the layers and filling the space with healing sounds and vibrations and the healing rays of light.  Hilary, Verna Yater’s friend and confidant was with her when she died last year. Sessions Readings $120. sessions 1 hour and Pattern Removals $130. Sessions 1 1/2 hours.


Kellianne Parker will be available for one to one private sessions from the week commencing the 30th of March. Please ring Kellianne for bookings on: 02 94993983.




Can we have expressions of interest please to give us an idea of how many people would like spending a weekend on the land at Jacarada Haven with Gerry learning Aboriginal Healing methods and ways of life.  We need to know if you require accommodation to stay at Jacaranda Haven which is limited.  It would be an amazing weekend.

The date we are thinking of is the long weekend in June, 2009. Please contact us if you would be interested in coming on this lovely long weekend, you can email us on

or phone us on 02 9975 4905 to let us know.

The next Open Day at Jacaranda Haven is on the 19th April.  Hilary Heaney is our special guest that day – we have room on the farm for 7 people to stay on the Saturday Night.

Community Announcements:





21-22 March 2009

World-wide Inspirational Spiritual Teacher & Writer – Autori returns to Sydney for one seminar only. Come along to this empowering workshop of inner discovery & learn how you can manifest the extra-ordinary in your life.

Testimonial: “I have been working with Autori for five years & his guidance continually pushes me towards my power and my destiny”  Lily de Chalain

CONTACT: Lily de Chalain – 02 9918 0467 / e:



Awakening Intuition/Medical Intuition

With Jenny McFadden, Intuitive Kinesiologist.

Within you are all the answers you have been searching for. Your inner-tuition will guide you to better health, more joy in your life and greater trust in your innate ability to choose your life direction. “Tune in” to messages from your own or someone else’s body, easily and accurately.

Sat/Sun 28/29th March, Crows Nest. 0403 787 474 or 02 9940 4511
More info from

or go to the web site on:



appleforhealthpublishersResources in Far North Qld.

What if you could completely heal all that is blocking the true expression of your life?

Location: Cairns/Atherton

Resources website:



Lovely property for Sale – Approx 25 Acres.
Owned and cared for by very spiritual people this property just 20 kms out of Bathurst has a small fruit orchard and large garden.  It has an aeroplane hanger and large double garage (ideal for workshop space).
For more info. contact The Professionals, Nerida Meaken on 6332 2900


Support for Sudanese Refugees please…

With winter approaching we are seeking a small quantity of good quality used clothing and bedding to take out to the Sudanese community on Wednesday 25th March. Appropriate clothing would be; clean, sound winter coats, jackets, sweaters and trousers – suitable for wearing to jobs, classes and interviews in the community.

And,  in bedding; clean sheets, doonas, and blankets, (no pillows thank you)   Your discretion is appreciated and as always your kindness and generosity is gratefully received…

We had such lovely feed back from the abundant Christmas giving.  Jo Frecker will be going out to meet some of the Sudanese community with the Refugee Co-ordinator Di Fagan on Wed 25th  March..

If you can assist please bring to SCAL at Neutral Bay on Monday 23rd.  or phone Jo on 02 9909 2500 Other agencies are better placed to take general clothing and household goods and to assist the organisation which is voluntary, their specific targeted items at this time will be wonderful assistance to those who benefit.

Thank you very much.



Sal Rachele Events:


Don’t Miss ‘A Day with The Founders‘ 9:30 am – 5:00 pm at Crows Nest Centre, 2 Ernest Place, Crows Nest, 2065. Donation $95.00.

Introductory Evenings – ‘Earth Changes and 2012’, 7:00 – 9:00 pm on Thursday March 19 at 1/21 Gaerloch Place, Tamarama, 2026 and Friday March 20 at ‘Gnostic Forest, Oval Street, Woy Woy, 2256. Donation $20.00

As we move rapidly through 2009, it is time to take a look at what we can do, and specific changes we can expect over the next few years as we approach the end of the Grand Cycle, culminating on December 21, 2012. Sal Rachele and his guides, the Founders will detail the latest projections regarding the situation on Earth, including climate and geophysical upheavals; what to anticipate in economics; the prospects for war and peace; the specifics of safe places to live; lifestyles for thriving instead of just surviving, and much more.

The Founders are 12th dimensional beings of pure light that come to Earth during pivotal times to bring their boundless wisdom and love. To find out more about Sal and his work, visit Sal’s website at

For additional information or bookings contact Neil or Barbara Duck-Chong at 0418 237 688′




You can advertise on our Weekly News Letter either with your flyer in a PDF format for $75.00 plus a paragraph of about 50 words written by you as an introduction to the flyer, or you can put in a paragraph of information in our Community Announcements for only $30.00. To make a booking just call our office on 9975 4905.


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