
AOL Newsletter 17th June 2009

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our latest Newsletter.

The Academy will help keep your energy high. It gives you tools to clear blockages and emotional issues. The Academy provides different teachers and healers and importantly a space where like-minded people can gather and be in group energy. The Academy meets every Monday Night at Neutral Bay, Sydney.    Phone:  (02) 9975 4905, or go to our web site to see what is on within and around the Academy on:


* Special Announcement

*  This Week’s Inspirational Message

*  This Week’s Meetings


*  A Teaching

*  Private Healing Sessions

* News

*  Community Announcements

Special Message From Rosemary

We say a special thank you to our beautiful Hedi who will sadly be taking leave of our office .   Hedi has been such an asset and treasure to the Academy and such a gorgeous loving light that we  will miss her smiling bubbly face in the office as well as her many skills!.  However we shall not fret too much as we will still have Hedi working from home in other areas ….

We extend our deepest heartfelt sympathy to Barbara Duck- Chong who suddenly lost her beautiful husband Neil last week. Neils funeral was held on Monday and was truly beautiful. Here at the Academy we will continue to send our love  to Barbara and her family.  However we will also all be comforted by the knowledge that Neil will still be listening and assisting from the other side



OPEN DAY – 2 August 2009


Special guest: Hilary Heaney and the Spirit Doctors

We invite you to join us for a wonderful uplifting day at our beautiful Jacaranda Haven.  Come and join us for a fabulous day in the country surrounded by breathtaking mountains beauty and revitalise your soul. The morning session will feature the Sound Magicians with singing, white crystal bowls, violins, joy and laughter. John Butterworth a master at the gong will share his creative talents and treat us all with the wonderful experience of a gong bath.

The afternoon program we will be conducted by Hilary Heaney and her team of Spirit Doctors.  Hillary will lay you down and allow her Spirit Healers to work with her, for you to receive healing, balancing and energising.

Investment $45 for Spirit Doctors (Please bring a plate to share for lunch)

PRIVATE SESSIONS – 3 August 2009

Private sessions will be available with Hilary on Monday 3 August. Hilary will be doing Psychic readings OR pattern removals. Hilary’s special ability is to lift energies that have been anchored there from other lifetimes and will be conducting the afternoon session. Cost $130. Please book early as places are limited.

BOOKINGS: Phone (02)9975 4905 email on :
The Southern Cross Academy of Light website:


After a fantastic weekend with Gerry Bostock, a truely amazing Aboriginal Healer, up at our beautiful Jacaranda Haven, we have booked a date for the next weekend ….29th and 30th of August so put it in your diary and ring the office to book and leave a deposit as numbers are limited.

Cost $125 for the 2 days plus an additional minimun $40 donation to stay at Jacaranda Haven


Inspirational Message:



Academy Meeting Place:

* Neutral Bay Monday Night Meetings:

Monday nights are a wonderful and powerful opportunity for all of us to join our hearts and minds to increase The Light of the World.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr. of Yeo Street and Barry Streets, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry street – (starts 7.30pm sharp) Entry fee: $15.00 , concession available.

Thank you to everyone who came last Monday night to share in the meditation and listen to Elaine speak.  Elaine’s journey is joyfully inspiring and I cant wait to attend her evening  July 15th at Crows Nest, so put that in your diary . The meditation was beautiful , providing healing and rest.  It helps us all enormously on our journeys working together in group energy. Intention is everything and Rosemary holds such pure intention in the space that she provides for us to work, listen and share in. Most who come have such special gifts that when we get together it is quite profound.   For those of you that came last Monday night ,.. don’t forget to remember the beautiful energy  of the meditation and bring that into your bodies before you go to bed. This will help your cells enliven and soften.  This week we will continue to place focus on our vision but we will also do a very special healing meditation  helping to destress the body. When we have less stress in our bodies we have the room for more clarity.

Sending you Love




22ND JUNE:  JULIE  HAMILTON – TOPIC: ‘A Guide to Nurturing your Child’s Infinite Potential ………….An evening not to be missed …tell your friends with kids!!!

Do you want to encourage your child’s intuitive side but are afraid of how to manage what they can do? You are not alone!. Come along and learn how we can safely develop our childrens intuition but lets not forget our own intuition!!

elizabeth-kruger-pic-2 29TH – JUNE ELIZABETH KRUGER COMES TO SYDNEY- an introduction to “The Merkabah in the Ascension Process”

Elizabeth will be focusing on how we can receive cosmic protection from the Merkabah. Like the Crystal Triangle, the Merkabah is a concentrated energeitc form that protects us. However, whereas the Cystal Triangle is a protection for the physical form, the Merkabah is cosmic protection.  It will take regular use of both to thrive during the transition that lies before us.!


Julie has run a successful Reconnective Healing Practice in Sydney since 2004 and has begun to work with The reconnection based in LA, travellng extensively with their seminars worldwide. Julie returns to Sydney to share ideas at the forefront in healing with the Reconnecrtive Kids Workshops, Reconnective Yoga and a new film on the science of healing ” the living MAtrix” which features Dr Eric Pearl.



4TH JULY-  SATURDAY 9.30am – 5pm “ELIZABETH KRUGER ” – Neutral Bay


Come  and spend the day learning what the Merkabah is and how to use it.  Elizabeth will

  • Raise the level of light that you can absorb and hold
  • Strengthen your connection to soul and spirit
  • Tune in to higher frequencies
  • Become aware of other levels of reality

Cost $130, Uniting Church Hall Cnr Yeo and Barry streets, Neutral Bay

Bookings please phone 9975 4905

Click here to find out further information on Elizabeth Kruger from our website

Click here for information brochure

15TH JULY-  ELAINE CROCKER – Evening. Seminar
Crows Nest Community Centre 7:00 – 9:30pm


Author of “Talk to Your Cells, How to be your own Creator” invites you to discover the Prime Tuning of cells.  At the core of our Being our cells are controlled by our subconscious mind.  By reprogramming at this level, break through can be achieved in all areas of our lives. $45.

Bookings please call 9975 4905 or book through the website .Click here for more information

Click here for brochure information

22nd July – Hilary Heaney and the Spirit Doctors – Evening  Seminar

Crows Nest Community Centre 7:00 – 9:30pm

Hilary is a wonderful psychic and whilst here she will be doing readings and Pattern Removal Sessions. She has the ability to lift energies that have been anchored there from other lifetimes. Following her amazing success in facilitating the Spirit Doctors, Hilary is returning to Sydney to bring them through for us again. If you are in need of healing or balancing, this night is for you.

“I really felt the Spirit Doctors working on my spine. It felt like they were going from one vertebrae to another untilt he whole spinal column had been adjusted.” TG

Investment $45

30th July – Doug de Vito – Evening Seminar



The Science of Reconnection This is New!  This is different!  This is Real! Find out what’s baffling the medical community.  These seminars will teach you a mastery of healing beyond anything you’ve read about, thought about, dreamed about!  $45

Click here to find out further information on the Science of the Reconnection.


A Teaching:


H stands for Happiness and humanity and the fact that we are here to make all humans we come into contact with happy. Life naturally evolves in the direction of happiness. We must constantly ask ourselves if what we are doing is going to make us and those around us happy. For happiness is the ultimate goal. It is the goal of all goals. When we seek money, or a good relationship, or a great job, what we are really seeking is happiness.  The mistake we make is not going for happiness first. If we did, everything else would follow.


Community Announcements:



You can advertise on our Weekly News Letter either with your flyer in a PDF format for $75.00 plus a paragraph of about 50 words written by you as an introduction to the flyer, or you can put in a paragraph of information in our Community Announcements for only $30.00. To make a booking just call our office on 9975 4905.

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