
AOL Newsletter : 17th August 2022 – Take a Leap of Faith

Previous Event : My Sagacious Body with Kathryn Hand

Thank you to Kathryn who shared with us her inspiring and ‘giant leap of faith’, journeying with and learning from her breast cancer experience. Midst great opposition and intense pressure, particularly from the mainstream medical practitioners, and friends and family, Kathryn’s support of healing practitioners came to her when she was most in need.
Kathryn shared this big ‘wake up call’ was a message there was something out of balance in her life and to think of cancer as a healing response not a disease response. She had to get in touch with her innate healing and a big call for Self Love. She was impelled to listen to her body’s wisdom which she did through physical, emotional and energetic and spiritual healing therapies.
Amongst her research and evidenced corruption and greed of big pharma and further disclaimers ‘chemo therapy does not work for breast cancer but we do it anyway’, Kathryn is forever grateful she chose a different way. 
Kathryn has evidenced Self Healing is the call for each of us, to listen to our body’s innate messages and guidance and that people who come into our lives are there for a reason. 
Kathryn’s confirmation came from a near death experience where she said she understood the ‘nature of who I am as a multi dimensional being’ and everything came together in the challenges she had been through to LOVING SELF in her journey.
Coming to a sense of being One with God and knowing fully God is within self and ‘I can help myself’ … in this moment she saw the interconnectedness that every choice is in the NOW and when we make choices from the heart everything falls into divine perfection and the best outcome for all is revealed. 
Her Crystal Clarity force of beingness and light in her body NOW, where she is not connected to outcomes, is evidence letting people know there is a better way. 
Thank you Kathryn. We love and honour you and are in great gratitude for your mission and message to our world. 
Together with her partner Kathryn also organises the Cosmic Consciousness Conference:
Kathryn’s website is:

WHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : In Mosman and online via Zoom
              Mosman Art Gallery, 1 Art Gallery Way Mosman 
When:   2nd and 4th Monday Night every month 
              7.30pm – 9.30pm

Monday 22 August 2022 – Conversations About Death with Carmel Vowles

Carmel Vowles has been supporting people for over 40 years who are experiencing profound grief. “I have embodied this work as my dedication, to be fully present with those in greatest need”.
Together, in a supportive and caring process, we reflect on the traits, gifts and attributes of those we love, to come to a deep sense of gratitude for them in our lives and realise there is nothing missing.
Carmel has worked as a hospital chaplain, attended many courses, workshops and festivals on the dying process and completed a midwifing death course. 
As a Funeral celebrant, we create rituals and ceremonies that reflect the spirit and life of those we love.”
I look forward to opening up conversations about death and to sharing how through my experiences of journeying with dying people and with those who are experiencing the death of loved ones, the gifts and challenges that have presented themselves.
More recently, through work with Dr John DeMartini, I learned from him that we can come to a place of love and gratitude for the person departed and have absolute peace and joy-filled gratitude for that person.
Talking about death and dying is often shied away from in our society. Especially in the times we are living in it is very valuable to know how to support our loved ones on the threshold and how to come to a place of gratitude….

Monday 12th September 2022 – Family Constellations : How to Heal Intergenerational Trauma with Paulien Gort

Do you feel you are living your full potential? Or do you feel that something is holding you back?
Maybe there is some long held trauma in your family line that you are not aware of and that has been passed down. You might notice you are repeating patterns, have unexplainable emotions, carry a burden, feel stuck, have relationships issues. ‘Forgotten’ deaths, divorce, addiction, exclusion, betrayal can be reasons for entanglements within a family system.
By doing a Family Constellation you go back to the core to where it all started and release the stuck energy that is there in order to restore the Flow of Love. Family Constellations works on a subconscious level and provides deep transformational healing that can ripple out into your family. You will start to experience more ease in your life as a result of it and you can start enjoying relationships that were challenging previously.
This work can be applied to any stuck relationships, lack of abundance, work related issues and physical symptoms. 
On the night Paulien will explain how Family Constellation work. There will be an opportunity to experience a constellation and some systemic exercises. 
Paulien Gort is a Family Constellations facilitator and Sound Healer located on the Northern Beaches. She has been running Family Constellations workshops for the past 10 years.

FYI – Find the Hero in You

Isabelle Mercier  is a ‘no-nonsense’ dynamo born to catapult passionate entrepreneurs to build infectious and impactful brands, businesses and lives.
95% of North Americans either go to bed or wake up worrying about something. Yet, worrying is the #1 killer of creativity, performance and dreams. When revolutionary brand strategist Isabelle Mercier-Turcotte discovered “What we tolerate we worry about,” she realized a little structure brings a lot of inner flexibility and freedom. The result is her simple yet powerful model to help you instantly decrease worry and increase peace of mind.
Click here to listen.  Just over 20 mins

Rampage of Abundance and Money with Abraham

Abraham has described themselves as “a group consciousness from the non-physical dimension” (which helps a lot!). They have also said, “We are that which you are. You are the leading edge of that which we are. We are that which is at the heart of all religions.”
Listen to this talk and be inspired to allow money and abundance in every aspect of your life, come flooding in.
Click here to listen. Just over 13 mins

Thought of the Week

Kind words are short and easy to speak; but their echoes are truly endless

Affirmations – say it daily and slowly, feel it, believe it

Every experience I have is perfect for my growth

Community Announcements

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The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.