
AOL Newsletter – 10th February 2010

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly Newsletter

Visit our website for our current events

The Aim of this Newsletter is to Inspire, Inform and bring you Current Events.

Inside you will find:

1.    A thought for the week
2.    A Teaching
3.    A Health Tip
4.    What’s On
5.    Advertising/Community Announcements

Thought for the week

“Rather than working solely to acquire wealth. We need to do something meaningful, something seriously directed toward the welfare of humanity as a whole.” The Dalai Lama



‘The necessary foundation for world peace and the ultimate goal of any new international order is the elimination of violence at every level.  For this reason the practice of non-violence surely suits us all.  It simply requires determination, for by its very nature non-violent action requires patience.” The Dalai Lama

We sometimes forget that when we are angry and have negative feelings towards other people and ourselves  we are adding to the violence in the world……The Academy


Health Tip

Upon rising in the morning have a glass/cup of warm water.  The water must only be warm not hot.  As you drink the water be aware, taste the water and say ‘Angel of Water please cleanse my intestines and wash away any anger and negative emotions and thoughts from my body.’  Your energy will lift immediately and you will find it a wonderful way to start the day.


Whats On


Neutral Bay Monday Nights

Monday nights are a wonderful powerful opportunity for all of us to unwind, recharge, relax and rejuvenate. Come and feed your soul through restful meditation and be inspired by our gifted speakers.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street. Session starts 7:30pm. Entry Fee: $15, concession available. Light refreshments are served.


Last Monday night Wendy Batchelor’s talk was so inspiring that people wanted to follow her to France and visit The Languedoc.  Wendy has a special day of Earth healing on the 20th Feb (this Saturday) before she returns to France.

If you are interested in attending phone Wendy on 0425 312 014.


Coming up next Monday 8th February, 2010

by Gerry Taylor-Wood


(A new and different talk by Gerry)

When we move away from an ordinary life to the extraordinary life of truth, light and love, we may find ourselves isolated on a path that few understand including families and friends.
Throughout history there have been saints and saviours who met sticky ends by their declaration of their love of God.

Tonight will be about a personal journey, how we stand up for our spirituality and how to live peacefully with family, friends and society that have different perspectives.  She will talk about the lives of the Saints and the difficulties they faced.

The spiritual quest for the union with God.


Monday 22nd February, 2010

by Kayt Macleay


Angel Gain is the Angel for financial self worth, positive abundance and money.  This evening we will enjoy receiving the guidance from this angel on achieving financial self worth, enjoying the experience of wealth and financial freedom.

We will do the Money Process with Angel Gain, along with absorbing the benefits of his presence.

Kayt Macleay is well known to the Academy for the beautiful and potent angelic evenings she conducts.






Time: 9.30am – 4.30pm, Saturday, 27th February 2010, Cost $120

Venue: Crows Nest Uniting Church Hall, Holterman Street, Crows Nest

Using her ability to connect to higher dimensions and through meditation and other tools, Rosemary will facilitate your experiencing the energy of the Temple. These powerful processes will seed in you the knowledge and understanding that will take you forward. A very empowering day!

1. On the day you will be taken into group consciousness where you can physically experience the power of the group.

2. In the Temple at a very high level of energy, you will work on your DNA to cleanse it of genetic patterns.

3. She will lead a special meditation connecting through the heart to your Higher Self.   If you are ‘thinking’ you know you are not connected to your Soul or Higher self,  the Lower Mind is in charge.

Rosemary attracts to herself teachers and leaders to be made ready.  It is time now that you are ‘out there’ for the world needs you.

to book email or call (02) 9975 4905



….and then went on to write, books and medical manuals ….. and now…


The Academy presents


A course in


Level 1 Sat 20th & Sun 21st March 2010 $395

Level 2 Sat 27th & Sun 28th March 2010 $450

Time: 9.30am- 5pm Sat & Sun

Venue: Crows Nest Uniting Church Hall, Holterman Street, Crows Nest

Elaine Croker Author of “Talk To your Cells” discovered in the early 1990’s that your cells are intelligent.  In a quest to find a cure for her dying children, impaired by a rare genetic disease, Elaine uncovered a system by which she could talk to the cells as an intelligent life force.  Elaine healed all four children and embarked on a mission to the development of a healing practice called “The Prime Tuning Of  Cells”

After 30 yrs of healing many people of many diseases, Elaine has made it her lifes work to now pass this technique on to other people.  Her work is growing quickly throughout Australia and a College is now being set up and accreditation is underway….

Come and learn this fascinating modality ………A must for all practitioners or just learn it for yourself and your family.

I have met, through working at the Academy, many healers and done many coarses. Elaine’s purity and  integrity moved me. Elaine’s work is truly profound and the more you learn about it, the more your realise that this technique has a power all of its own…..Also I was in complete awe of her medically detailed manuals that we work with in the coarse………There is no doubt ..Elaine has God working through her.……………………Kellianne

your-cells1Bookings (02) 9975 4905  or email

or  to chat  with Kellianne about the course , call  0411 52 55 55

You can purchase Elaine’s book “Talk to your Cells.. How to become your own creator” through the Academy for just $10.



25th February – to be confirmed next  week.
Watch out for PARVATI –

PARVATI is from India.  We have only been just told that she is here from the 8th Feb until the 1st March.  She brings messages from ORION.  She said she has been told to come to Australia to assist in increasing the activation of Spiritual Sites in Australia.

Whilst she is here, the Academy has asked her to share the messages she has received from ORION.

We have yet to confirm it with her but we are hoping she can speak with us on the 25th February at Crows Nest Community centre.  We will confirm this next week.  So please keep the 25th clear.

Paravati (sometimes spelled Parvati) is the Hindu goddess of mountains, marriage and households.  Legend says that Shiva the Hindu god was grief stricken following the death of his first love, Sati, so he retreated to a mountain cave.  When  Paravati was born in the mountains, Shiva fell in love with her devotion to helping the planet.  They become united in love and had a son, Ganesh.  Call upon Pravati for solace and solutions to any seeming problem, especially if you’re meditating in the mountains.  ‘Ascended Masters Oracle Cards’ by Doreen Virtue.


TROI LENARD and KEN PAGE will be coming soon to Sydney, to keep you posted watch for more news soon.


Margaret Stringer is an Intuitive Therapist who has taught Psychic Development, Healing and Awareness for over 25 years.  She has facilitated workshops here in Sydney, as well as New Zealand, and some country areas of NSW .

Her book “The Forgotten Instincts” has been well received.

A student at one of Margaret’s weekly practice groups in Mosman recently commented, “Margaret has taken a subject that most people think is only for the spiritually talented, or gifted, and shown us that in essence it is natural to all of us.”

Please see attached details of her next One Day Workshop in Crows Nest…28th Feb,  (call 8065 9410)

For the brochure click here to open



steps-to-freedom-1smallBOOK OF THE WEEK
7 Steps to Freedom
A Systematic Guide to What Everyone Wants
By Gilbert Mane
This book presents both modern and ancient wisdom from the East and West in a clear, readable and entertaining way. The aim of this book is to outline a practical method for attaining freedom and happiness and gives practical exercises at the end of each chapter so you can experience these steps for yourself.
About the Author
Gilbert Mane is presently Headmaster of John Colet Independent school  in Belrose which came sixth overall in a ranking of NSW primary schools based on the results from NAPLAN tests. Having trained as a lawyer, he made a welcome change to teaching 20 years ago.  View article, front page Sydney Morning Herald Jan 30th, 2010 by Anna Patty
RRP $29.95 NOW $25.OO to order a copy phone 9975 4905



A Community Announcement costs $30

To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75

Please email or call our office on (02) 9957 4905


cov jan 2010ShiningBRIGHT Magazine …….. The Voice Of The Academy.

* Your personal copy of ShiningBRIGHT can be mailed to your door,  for only $20.- (postage and handling). You’ll receive 4 issues throughout the year.  Look out for the January issue in your letter box soon.

Click here to subscribe

* Get your FREE copy of the January  issue at our Neutral Bay Monday night meetings, Adyar bookshop or selected outlets – see website for details.


Advertising– rates available on request for April, 2010 edition,  colour and mono space  available in various sizes.

Email Ann Castle Ph  (02) 9975 4905



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