
AOL News – Wednesday, 2nd April 2014 – Co-Creation!!!

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to detox all of your bodies.

FYI –  Self Discovery


We are becoming conscious of our own conscious evolution. ( Listen and enjoy to what Barbara Marx Hubbard has to say about conscious evolution). This means that we are able to use the power of intent to create. But also there is a growing realization that this power is much too large to use for oneself – instead it is a power that must be used for the good of the whole. It is time to cocreate.

The Academy itself is changing as its consciousness evolves. Under the Three Great White Brotherhoods of Light with Archangel Metatron in charge, it is shifting to allow the ‘whole’ to take part in setting the intentions. In this way, people can play a part in serving one or another of the Brotherhoods.

There are 72 Brotherhoods of Light, with three serving the Universe at this time and they are:-
1. The Brotherhood of Melchizedek which looks after the shift in consciousness.
2. The Brotherhood of Enoch which looks after the Spiritual-Scientific advancement.
3. The Brotherhood of Michael which looks after the protection of all species.

Barbara Marx HubbardBarbara Marx Hubbard talks about the consciousness of our conscious evolution here on the Thinking Allowed site…click here…

John of God is coming to Sydney in November 2014!

John of GodJoao de Deus is coming to Australia for the first time.  It should be an amazing event at the Sydney Showground.  The three day prayer and meditation event is not to be missed!  Many in our Academy community have travelled to Brazil to experience deep healing and personal transformation at the Casa.  There were also some amazing tales that were shared by those who took part when he visited New Zealand a number of years ago.

Ann Joel will be sharing her experiences with us on 14th April at Mosman – see Monday meeting info below.  To find out more and book go to

Illuminate Your Path of Self Discovery

Grail Haven CardsHere’s a great tool for guidance…….Go on line and get a free reading using the Grail Haven Flower Essence Cards click

There are 38 cards, one for each flower essence. On the front is the beautiful photo of the flower and on the back an interpretation of the unique insights the Deva will share with you to support your healing journey..

Gerry Taylor-Wood has created these beautiful cards taking photos of all the wonderful flowers in her Grail Haven garden at Mount Tambourine.  The cards are available to purchase online at

Don’t forget we have the Grail Haven Water available at the Academy to support us through transformation!

Self Discovery Through Innocence

Amira Willighagen Sings OperaWe offer you a moment of Joy with our final offering to you today in FYI is a video of a young 9 year old girl, Amira Willighagen, who went on Holland’s Got Talent to sing.  Her genre of choice will surprise you – she discovered it on YouTube!  Her ability will amaze you!  Her joy in the reaction of all those that listened will fill your heart…enjoy!  Click here to view.



Where you stand is your sacred ground and you carry the light force.
Did you know that your emotional brain reacts six seconds faster then your rational brain? So stop take a deep breath wait six seconds and than respond. Understand that the brain is constantly changing. It is like fertile land where anything and everything is planted and grows. You can pull out the weeds – the thoughts and belief system that do not serve you and plant new seeds. Seeds that are full of happiness, love and prosperity.
The world truly is what you think it is.

Taken from Alkehela newsletter.  Click here to go on their site to see the wonderful work they are doing in Guatemala with the local people.  alkehela-christina-christou



“I AM…”

Remember when you connect to the “I AM” you are connecting to the highest energy there is.  Feel that connection/presence and know that it is empowering you.  You can do anything when you fully embody this frequency and/or connect to the three fold flame “I Am Light, I AM Love, I AM Truth”!

Rosemary Butterworth channelled Lord Melchizadek on Friday 28th March 2014 and he spoke of the importance of the Presence of the “I AM”. Click RB & Lord Melchizadek to listen (start 1 minute in.).


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls Journey

With Terri

People are being stretched.  In time, in emotions, in physicality.  Are you noticing that you or those around you are having to face anything that hasn’t been cleared yet.  Barbara Marx Hubbard gives the example of the catepillar creating the cacoon – resisting initially – and then transforming into a new being of light, the butterfly.  This is what is happening now and although the tunnel you are walking down might be very dark there is a light somewhere there.  KNOW that Light is supporting you in your transformation and you are not alone.

Just like you, we receive a lot of emails (part of the sharing in co-creation) and the majority at the moment are focussing on the changing energy and planets at the moment.  Again making us aware that we are not alone in this and that there is a good reason for everything.  Simone Mathews of Universal Life Tools is just one of these Divine Beings of Light that has sent some interesting information out.  Simone says “There is something quite incredible building, can you feel it?  The pot is being stirred and we are in the midst of transformational change.“  We recommend you go to her site as she has some wonderful information and videos on the planetary changes happening in April and beyond.


HEALTH – As We Head Into April Detox

This information is from Elizabeth Peru of Deltawaves (

As we head into April a complete life overhaul and change of direction is here. Can you feel it already begin?

It is the first eclipse season of 2014 and if you follow my work each year, you will know that I encourage us to use the eclipses as a great clean up and shake up of whatever is not working in your life.

BEFORE THE ECLIPSES: We are in need of a big detox.

Have you been receiving the inner guidance to clean out your physical body? As well as our body, the mind is asking for a clean out of our thoughts which are making you feel heavy and sluggish. Now is the perfect period (with two weeks before the eclipse) to start a detox. You choose how and what needs detoxifying, you will know.

Simply upping your filtered water intake will help tremendously what is in excess from the body and mind. As well as increasing your physical exercise and amount of time spent outdoors, just being under the sky, Nature is the ultimate healer and life force generator. When in doubt lie on the grass.

To see the full article click here.

We can’t say it often enough Grail Haven Water is for Transformation!!!


Mosman Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker.  By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead.  See below for the next two weeks topics. 

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman at 7.30pm Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00. Light refreshments are served.

MONDAY, 7th April 2014 at 7.30pm




Ekaterina will align us with a combination of energies, the frequency of these energies are for new beginnings, new ideas and the flow of enthusiasm to build the new earth starting from within.  These energies also have a fundamental focus on strengthening of the crystalline body vehicle.

The energy attunements provided by Living Eternity are a set of keys, keys to transform every element of your existence – the keys to the gateways of the truth within.  The energy attunements will be:

Attunement 1. Crystalline Truth

Crystalline Truth is a continuous flow of ever-increasing energy held in the crystalline grids of pure Divine Love manifestation available now for all who wish to partake in the Divine love awakening on Earth. This is the sustaining energy for the metamorphosis process of your crystalline light body development. Crystalline Truth energy flow holds the keys to ignite internal illumination to tear through the veil of ignorance to free the opulence and riches of the universe now available to you.

Attunement 2. Metatron Healing System

Metatron Energy (level one of two levels) is a divine light source connection assisting humankind with our light evolutionary process, including the light body creation. You can use this ultimate intuitive healing system on yourself and others. (Master level if desired will be provided free of charge on individual bases any time after the 28 day integration period, you will have an option to arrange distantly or in person subject to availability.)

Ekaterina says this is a perfect way to get in tune with the current energies and get a real kick start in transcending all that no longer serves and birthing the new light you.

Ekaterina Sophia began to run the Living Eternity website and workshops with the aim to empower people to awaken to the truth that they hold within. “Over the years I have studied many energy systems and searched through never ending interpretations of the ‘truth’. I came to realise that our power is within and all we need to do is use energy keys to open this timeless wisdom. The energy activations that I provide are just some of the keys available today. The activations align the person with their soul essence so they can be the ‘truth’ that illuminates the world. Most importantly the activations aim to empower the individual to have the confidence to independently find their internal wisdom so they too can become keys that help to unlock this wisdom in others.”

Ekaterina contacts: Email: – Website

Ekaterina is leaving Sydney the day after this presentation – Tuesday 8th April.  She is originally from Russia and resides in the UK and is on an extended visit to Australia.

MONDAY, 14th April 2014 at 7.30pm

Ann Joel & John of God

John of God is coming to Sydney!!!

This photo taken when John of God had just finished his day after seeing 4000 people, still in Entity here with Ann Joel in the gardens of the Casa de Dom Inacio, Brazil.

Ann Joel has been attending John of God’s healing sanctuary for fifteen years, as one of the original Casa guides she has been taking groups for twelve of those years. Ann until this year has spent six months of her year at the Casa in Brazil, studying, writing and taking trips with groups back and forth from Brazil.

This year she will not be going again, as she and those close to him are involved in preparing for his much longed for visit…the first time ever to Australia.

Ann will talk very briefly about her journey with John of God, the greatest healer of our time.

Then take you through the amazing experiences she has witnessed in His room and on stage. She will talk about his dedication to his mission to humanity and overwhelming stories about the many healings that have taken place with John of God and his Entities (spirit doctors). He has seen over 8 million people from all over the world to date…and will continue to do so until his time comes…

He is expecting to see around 6,000 people over the three days he is here. I will explain how he can manage such a number daily, which has now become the norm at his main Casa de Dom Inacio in Brazil.

We know some of you will want to book a place ASAP so there is more information and a link to book on Ann’s site

Ann has a healing centre, Pure Energy Healing in Darlinghurst, is a spiritual healer, teacher and medium with over twenty five years of experience, she is also an Interfaith Minister, which greatly assists her work with those in transit

Rev.Ann Joel,  Pure Energy Healing Centre,


Learning to Read Faces

Finding Magic Within

The Art of Reading faces comes with practice and lies in the ability to master the understanding of the “individual features”, and the receptiveness of being available to others.

This is your opportunity to learn the basic principals of Face Reading within the Psychosomatics framework and most importantly understand and connected to yourself and others on a much deeper level.

Upcoming Dates:

Katoomba Residential –
Psychosomatic Therapy Certificate
April/May 2014 (Teacher: Sean Jago –
Level 1 Tues/Sun 22nd – 27th April (incluisve of Anzac Day) – 6 days
Level 2 Thurs – Sun 8 – 11th May – 4 days

Face Reading Workshop
2 day Face Reading Workshop (Teacher: Linda Thackray (
Sat/Sunday 3rd-4th May

Pymble (Sydney) –
2 day Face Reading Workshop (Teacher: Linda Thackray) 19th – 20th July (accommodation attached to this venue)

Please click here for flyer.

Community Announcements

Mystic Coming in April!

Internationally Renowned Mystic coming to Sydney in April to answer all your Questions.

Have a one on one session with Natasha.

Call Natasha (02) 9314 2521(02) 9314 2521 for an appointment.

Theta HealingBasic Theta Healing

25th-27th April at CoCreation, Level 1/59 Hume St, Crows Nest

To book email: or call: 02 8065 115302 8065 1153.  To view more information on this course or any others go to:

Theta Healing is a wonderful easy, modality that anybody can learn that can change your life.


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425(02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562(02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

Scal Australia | Facebook


Visit the front page of the website and enter your email address under subscribe.

If you like this newsletter then send it to a friend and spread the Light!