
AOL News – 9th October, 2013 – Divine Truth Flows Though You

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to meditate.

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FYI – The way to finding your true self

Maggie Doyne

Love in Action…We have the power

This is the inspiring story of Maggie Doyne, a young American teenager who decided after school she would go backpacking to find herself and what she wanted to do with her life and she has done just that.  Her calling became clear in India seeing the Nepalese orphans by the roadside working.  At the age of 23 she is now the “mother” of 30 children and has built a two story home for them and a school.  This clip goes for 24 minutes but we felt it was a great way to reconnect with the passion of our life’s purpose.  When you go to this page, donations can be made if you feel so compelled to help Maggie and the children.  Click Here.


Third EyeThe Science of Breathing (Third Eye and Spiritual Masters) Part 4

This is a fascinating series we have found on You Tube.  This is just one clip focusing on the importance of meditation.  By practicing more meditation we receive higher energy and higher knowledge, more energy flows which activates the third eye as it energises the etheric body.  The expansion of consciousness is the very purpose of self.  Click here to view.  This clip goes for 10 minutes.


OshoOSHO – There is no tomorrow…

This is an excerpt from an interview with Good Morning America, ABC TV, United States.  Osho talks about the present moment, there is no tomorrow, there is no yesterday. Although you have heard this before many times it is a good reminder.  Osho says “All that is in our hands is the present moment, now here.”  This is only a short clip, 4 minutes.  It is very relaxing to watch.  click here.



Avatar Meher Baba“Worry is the product of a feverish imagination working under the stimulus of desires.”

Avatar Meher Baba


Affirmation – say daily…

A course in miracles“I could see peace instead of this.”

Taken from Lesson 34 – A Course in Miracles:  …Peace of mind is clearly an internal matter.  It must begin with your own thoughts, and then extend outward.  It is from your peace of mind that a peaceful perception of the world arises….


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls Journey

With Rosemary Butterworth

Open Day at Jacaranda Haven – Love in Action

Open Day at Jacaranda was just amazing. 33 people came – a magical number that created a magical day. People had travelled from far and near to be there. Suzanne Eckert came from Bathurst . Suzanne found the Academy when she lived in Sydney . She introduced the Academy and its members to Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov (just treat yourself to a few minutes of heavenly thinking and google him), she studied Signature Cell Healing and then went to America to increase her understanding and studied a course that reconnects your physical body to your spirit and other bodies. I want her to tell the Academy more about her work at a later date.

Paula drove up from Cessnock with two friends, Rosemary and Gail. We first met Paula when we hosted Elaine Croker at Jacaranda Haven. Paula fell in love with Elaine’s modality and has studied up to level 4 of Prime Tuning of Cells and is now working very closely with Elaine. Paula is very grateful to the Academy for introducing her to this work because as she practiced clearing the cells of her own body, her relationships improved tremendously and she looks extremely happy.

Jessica, who came down from Caparra, quite a distance north of us, brought her white crystal bowls. Eighteen years ago, Jessica drove with her 14 year old daughter down to Canberra for the first Annual General Meeting of the Academy. It seems that the Academy has made strong ties to hundreds of people over the years that we have promoted other people’s work.

I want to make a special mention of our Guest Presenters, Tim Noonan, Narelle Green and myself. Tim’s knowledge and understanding of the voice is incredible. Tim helped all those there realize that the sound of our own voice is a reflection of who we are at the moment of speaking. It is a truthful reflection of our inner condition. He also helped us understand the importance of being calm and peaceful when pregnant because the unborn baby can feel the chemicals as they flow through the blood. He brought us together at the end of his talk with a humming segment.

Narelle had an App on her Iphone which took a photo of your aura, so you can imagine the queue when it was her turn to speak. Everyone wanted to see their aura. I think she was able during the course of the day to take everyone’s photo before they had a spray of Soul Colour after. She explained the intelligence of colour very clearly, how it worked in your energy to support the particular problem that you were currently facing. She read the change of colour to your aura and spoke about how her colour sprays can not only change your aura to a higher vibration but also help clear the issue.

I was able to help some people by telling them it was the hidden thoughts and beliefs that had been locked into the cells of their body and were not noticed that were making their situations repeat. One sentence I told them that I found limited me the most and stopped the Angels and Masters helping me was the sentences that I began with – “I have to……or……I’ve got to…..” both of which, being a very busy person, were favourite sentences of mine. I explained that I realized in saying that……the Universe said…..Oh, well, if you want to do it by yourself”……and so the Angels took a step back and let me do it alone. I encouraged people to practice noticing and reminded them that my book comes complete with the exercises to do and Affirmations to say, to increase awareness and More Forward.  I told them to practice saying, the fridge needs cleaning, the garden needs watering, this bill needs paying and to leave the “I” out of the sentence.

The day ended with a gorgeous gong bath by John Butterworth.

To sum up, it was a day filled with love, bonding and reuniting. The Academy has indeed created a spiritual community, no matter where you live. It made me realize and value the work of the Academy over the years. …..Rosemary

P.S. The Academy sells all the abovementioned books. Enquiries: . Also a space has been created on the 11th November, so I thought you might like Narelle to bring her IPhone with the App and you will be able to have your aura taken and see what colour you need at this time to help you move forward. Good Idea???


HEALTH – Bicarbonate of Soda

BicarbThe bathroom is a place to pamper yourself as well as keep clean.  Many of us don’t like to use nasty chemicals in our bathroom or anywhere else for that matter.  Here is a tip that is good for your health and also takes the stress out of cleaning:  

THE BATH TUB – Bicarbonate of soda is safe for cleaning all types of baths, but you probably don’t always want the bother of cleaning it straight after you have a soak.  No problem: just sprinkle a couple of tablespoons of bicarb into the bathwater before you pull out the plug and your bath will be as clean as you.   

Taken from the book, Bicarbonate of Soda – Expert Advice by Diane Sutherland, Jon Sutherland, Liz Keevil and Kevin Eyres.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 14th October


The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself

Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting 1-29-13All present on the night will have the opportunity to experience this healing technique with Julie Jara and the Team of Sydney Practitioners.

Julie is giving away on the night 3x double passes to “The Essence of Healing with Dr Eric Pearl on Friday 29th November as Lucky Door Prizes.

The technique of Reconnective Healing that was founded by Dr Eric Pearl. Dr Eric Pearl states:

“The Reconnection® principle is simple, and the outcome is revolutionary. There is a healing power that transcends the limitations of human ability and imagination. By opening to it, without preconceived agendas, we are able to restore balance and harmony in our lives and, as such, transform our bodies, hearts, minds, and souls in ways that otherwise may seem impossible”.

About Dr. Eric Pearl: Dr Pearl was running a successful chiropractic practice when a series of bizarre occurrences led him to realize that his gift lay far beyond the realm of spinal adjustment. There was also an astonishing series of occurrences when patient Frederick Ponzlov – and others – began delivering coherent messages about the healings that were occurring, seemingly coming from a source beyond our four dimensional existence here on Earth. But there was much more… profound and life-altering information, illumination and wisdom on how we can improve our lives. These insights came courtesy of Solomon, an extra-dimensional intelligence.

Learn more about the new book “Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life”.

Julie Jara is an Associate Instructor with The Reconnection who has been involved with this work for nine years, traveling to over twenty countries with Dr Eric Pearl and The Reconnection Teaching Team.

Meet Julie and a team of Reconnective Healing Practitioners who are based in Sydney.

For further information click here for Julie’s website and click here for The Reconnection website.





Come and find out how …
• Abundance is in every moment.
• The power of being neutral and in a state of constant joy is the perfect environment for   
   manifesting anything.
• Focusing and thinking outside the box, with the right questions and intuition we can find the right answers, provide critical feedback and instant results in any issue.
• Feeling good means your activating ‘pass-ion’ and getting closer to your desires.
• Energy can be moved at lightning speeds, to change your mood or clear pain or create  desires in to manifestation

Where will your destiny be and where are you going?
• Find out do you have a heart-wall?

• The truth and the right answers give us instant shifts, NOT Healing, Healing implies that it takes time.
• Health is always related to life issues (Physical, mental, emotional or spiritual).
• No more procrastinating, worries, fear, limiting beliefs or anything can stop you.
• What skills/habits do you want to develop?

Whatever pain you are experiencing, whether emotional, physical or mental … All have root causes and can be strengthened…

Adam says he works on the central core – the hard drive of the body.  Gives 1-1 sessions and has a 7 week Course on Abundance and Synchronicity.

He is a Health and Wealth Consultant, Pain Relief Specialist and also a Success Consultant.  Adam says he has been granted the wisdom of infinite potential and instant quantum shifts in mind, body and spirit. He has been on the journey for 6 years exploring whole foods, nutrients, personal development and energy work. Through this the truth has come forth and the discovery of the Laws of the Universe and how they apply to Everything.  Adam has studied The Emotion Code, NLP and Yuen Method Student, Touch for health Level 1 and Energetic wellbeing process Level 1.  Also Adam has found through his technique that this is the quickest method on the planet to clear your pain FAST.



Embrace Life, Live Life Expo

Embrace Life Live Life

at Harbord Diggers in the Northern Beaches

This Sunday, October 13th 10am – 5pm

A day not to be missed!!!

Every Expo that Embrace Life put on is different and this one is no different.  See you there.

Click here for the Half Price Tickets when you and a friend come together.


Community Announcements


Maree Knight

Maree Knight

With sadness in our hearts, we wish to inform you of the passing of Maree Knight last Wednesday, 2 October 2013.  Maree passed away after a long ilness.  She was an original member of the Academy and she was a very brave and courageous woman.  Maree loved John of God and took many people there.  In the latter years of her life Maree studied and became an Interfaith Minister helping the sick and dying cross over with ease and grace.  She has chosen to leave her body to science.  Friends of Maree are arranging a celebration of her life.


Our Thoughts do Create our Reality

annette-mccoyOnce a month Rosemary talks with Annette McCoy on Angel Heart Radio.  The topic being discussed today, Wednesday, 9 October 2013 is our thoughts do create our reality.  As a bonus, Robbie Holz Author of Secrets of Aboriginal Healing, based in the USA, speaks before Rosemary. To listen to the archived program click here



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
Academy of Light St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



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Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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