
AOL News – 8th February, 2012 – Change the World-Practise Kindness!

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Namaste ,

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to be kind.


Thought of the Week

balloonsIf you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.

……..  Andrew Carnegie


F.Y.I.  – The 22nd February – A special day.

We have probably by now experienced the ‘upgrade’ of energy that is coming onto the earth.  Like all good ‘electricians’ it is necessary to ground this electromagnetic energy by taking it down through the feet and imagine it going deep into the earth.

We have been told by Jennifer Starlight (Min,, that on the 22nd February there is to be an immense amount of energy coming down on to the planet.  We advise you to be sure that you not only ground it but that you use it well.  Here is your opportunity to set the intention that this energy pours into your special project, your relationship or career.  abundanceangel337Direct this energy consciously into something very positive.  If you notice that your thoughts are negative, say ‘cancel clear’ to them and gently guide them back to the present and be happy.


This is important. The Sydney Morning Herald is conducting an on line poll on whether or not natural medicine should be taught in Universities.  If you wish to vote please go to–universities–teach–alternative–medicine-20120203-1qxb3.html#poll


To help you, The Academy has began a dictionary of some the words which are often used amongst spiritual people. The first word we have chosen is Astral. The Academy has used Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda, author of ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’, as a reference.

ASTRAL WORLD:  The subtle world of light and energy that lies behind the physical universe.  Every being, every object, every vibration on the physical plane has an astral counterpart, for in the astral universe (heaven) is the ‘blueprint’ of the material universe.

We intend to have a fuller explanation on our website in the new future but until then you can read Chapter 43 in ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’.


Health tips

Fluid Retention.  from Accidentally Overweight.  by Dr. Libby Weaver

“Estrogen is the hormone that makes female breasts bud at the first signs of puberty, it broadens our hips, and it gives us our curves.  It lays down fat on a woman’s hips, bottom and thighs and is typically responsible for making the bottom half of a woman’s body broader than the top half.  Estrogen also, unfortunately, promotes fluid retention when there is an excess of it.

If you get on the scales in the morning and weigh 70 kilograms and by night weigh 73 kilograms, know it is not physically possible to gain 3 kilograms of body fat in a single day.

In a nutshell, fluid retention can be driven by poor lymphatic flow, mineral deficiencies and imbalances, and poor progesterone production.  From an emotional perspective, you might like to think about who or what you are holding on to that no longer benefits you?  Perhaps it is a belief that no longer serves you and your body is simply trying to wake you up to this and get you to change.  So many of us fear change whether we realise it or not.

Estrogen can be a likely culprit when it comes to fluid retention.  In excess, it can also drive headaches, including migraine, increase blood clotting, decreases libido and interferes with thyroid hormone production…..big health consequences all because there is too much of one little hormone.”

Find out more about Estrogen and how to become healthy in Accidentally Overweight. accidentally-overweight$25 (plus postage) to purchase click here.

N.B. If your stress is increasing as the energy coming onto the planet rises don’t forget to play restful music.  We recommend highly John Levines ‘Silence of Peace’ which takes you to an alpha brain wave pattern quickly and easily and therefore enables your mind to come to rest.  His CD’s are available through the Academy for $35 (plus postage)Click here if you want to see more.


Affirmation – say every day.

Take three deep breaths and relax.  Say:

‘I choose to think kindly of myself and others.

I choose to act kindly towards myself and others.

I choose to be kind.’

…..Rosemary Butterworth

kindnessConnect with kindness. Say this as often as you can through out your day.  Also, see this website Care-Aware.


In and Around The Academy

logo_small2from Rosemary Butterworth.

The thought for the week is KINDNESS.

Remember way back when….when it was popular to practice one random act of kindness each day.  I used to love to pay the toll on the harbour bridge  for the car that was behind me.  I love it when I give way to someone trying to get into the stream of traffic, and they smile and give me a cheery wave.  It makes me feel so good inside.  But then, being kind always does.  I look at the Dalai Lama’s face and see kindness etched into every line, every curve.   How different the world would be if nations were kind to each other, helping instead of fearing what the other will do.   But perhaps it starts with small steps.  Perhaps if each of us were to practice again, one random act of kindness each day, the world would be different.  Perhaps it starts with us.

I am excited today because a delivery of Accidentally Overweight has arrived together with Ruth Rendely’s book Seraphin Blueprint. If you want to be kind to yourself, put them on your shopping list.   Ruth used to lecture at Harvard University and writes extremely well.  It was my first introduction to Seraphim and although I have worked with Angels most of my life, I didn’t know Seraphim were the top of the Angelic Hierarchy.   But all that changed when Ruth introduced us to a Seraph and we experienced the Abundant energy.  The Seraph told her that ‘measured in your terms we are about 25ft. tall, without wings and look like clouds of light.’  In the book there is a symbol which says – to connect with a Seraph touch the symbol with your palm for 8 minutes.”   The book is all about the ‘Power of Angel Healing.’  A good read and a good reminder that there is so much more to learn and enjoy when we work with our Angels.  Costs; $24 (plus postage). to purchase click here.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 13th February, 2012


Gerry Taylor-Wood


What is bubbling away inside you?  What lurks in the shadows of your consciousness blocking the one true Light?  There are tools and methods to illumine exactly where you stand with your Self today.

Drawing from the source of ancient knowledge from the Alchemists and Astrologers, Gerry will talk from thirty years of experience in these esoteric fields, to assist you in finding clarity on your life’s journey, the transformational passage from shadow to illumination.

Gerry lives on Tamborine Mountain in Queensland and will be staying in Sydney for private consultations from February 13-15th  Call Gerry on 0424080391 for an appointment.

Gerry Taylor-Wood is the guardian and owner of the Grail Haven spring water and flower essences (  She is a member of the Centre for Psychological Astrology, UK and she is the columnist astrologer for Insight Magazine and has been on radio and t.v. and spoken at numerous international venues and conferences.

From The Academy:  Gerry is a fountain of knowledge.  Every talk is fresh and different and we leave will a fuller understanding of the topic.  Don’t miss her!


MONDAY, 20th February, 2012

bernie-priorBernie Prior

The Unlimited Real You  –  Creating a new Self – Evolving a New Humanity

Deeply engage the Heart with Bernie Prior, contemporary Spiritual Teacher and Evolutionary Visionary.   Join Bernie for an evening of profound dialogue and discovery at the Academy of Light!

The Unlimited Real You  –  Creating a new Self – Evolving a New Humanity “The whole point of existence is to bring in the Real You; who you really are, deeply and utterly, as eternal Being, Becoming. “

Bernie Prior is a passionate and utterly engaging teacher, who challenges the deepest myths of our humanness with uncompromising Truth. Through compassion, humour and profound honesty, he invites every individual to their highest potential through their deepest knowing, and the actualisation of that in their life now. Bernie brings an integral evolutionary context to the experience of all human life. His very presence ignites the connection with one’s true self.

In the course of the evening Bernie will introduce ‘moments’ of The Form Reality PracticeTM, giving participants an opportunity to directly experience this powerful transformational practice.

The Form Reality PracticeTM is a profound evolutionary movement practice to realise and embody the Authentic Self in everyday life. It is a sequence of five structured movements in ever increasing frequencies that can be practiced alone or given to another. ‘The Form’ is a dynamic instrument of conscious transformation for these radically changing times, an instrument of AWAKENING, evolving consciousness for you, for life, for all.

Watch a brief clip about ‘The Form’.

Powerfully shift your awareness-consciousness and engage life as Authentic Self.  For further information contact: Karen 0414 876 561

See the ‘Calendar of Events’ on the website for other events with Bernie in Australia, including talks and workshops in Sydney, Brisbane and Perth.



Starting tonight!!!!  Join us and ‘Wake Up and Fly Free!’

rosemary-recent-picture-1105With Rosemary Butterworth

Join Rosemary on Wednesday nights between 7 & 8.30pm starting 8th February running through to 28th March 2012 and discover your purpose .  During the 8 weeks there will be a focus on a happy healthy & stress free life through the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies and how to clear them, amoungst other things, using a pendulum.

The aim is to create awareness, clarity and expanded energy.  This course will help you move forward.  Become aware of how to make a new lifestyle choice!

Remember you can have a phone session with Rosemary

She will use her psychic talents to help you help yourself.

$35. for half an hour.

For more information click here, phone on 02 9967 4425 or email on


Community Announcements


Connect with Sono whilst she is here in person.

Sono Rose Truth (USA) at is offering distance energy sessions for shifting your energetic field, so you can move forward now.  Gaining a different perspective, receiving energy and expanding your consciousness are possible outcomes of a session.  Sono uses her intuition and sound, drawing and dancing to assist you in making changes to your energy field.  Sessions are offered on a gift basis.

Click here to hear the free sound downloads on Sono’s website.


houseCan you help?

“A respectful gentleman (known through the Academy) and currently finishing his second degree at Macquarie University is looking for accommodation.  Budget $150 per week.  For more information please call John on 0421485084.



A community announcement costs $30.  To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75.

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.  To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



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Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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