
AOL News – 7 August 2013 – Stillness is a Must

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us we are not our bodies.

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FYI – The importance of being still.

youtubeYouTube of Beyond Fear-Guided Meditation

Take Time Out…… Listen to this video for it will help you realise that fear is the Great Magician – it casts the illusion that something can be taken away from us.  To dispel the illusion we have to be willing to go on an inward journey.  Take time out just 4 minutes…. You deserve it. Click here


soultosoul-roseChannelled message from the Andromedans 5/8/13, Channelled by Rebecca Brown, Soul to Soul

This is the time no doubt when you seek the answers of your purpose and in fact the higher purpose of humanity at this time. There are so many of you asking questions of why does this happen, why is this happening to me? This consciousness is in fact of a very low vibration and is a direct indication of your lack of faith. Those in complete connection, those who have mastered the earth plane, allow themselves complete surrender to the oneness of All That Is.

The strong energies of control, judgment and fear are the primary motivators on your earth at this time but we can tell you that we can see EVERYONE contributing to these energies even your spiritual leaders.

So the answer is simple. Stop asking why and accept your circumstances …..let go of control. This will allow unnecessary pain and fear to be vanquished from your reality.

Stop trying to figure it all out and just allow LIFE to flow through you and around you . You are in the ultimate experience, living in a physical reality.

How much do you realize how amazing an opportunity this is? How much are you thankful for the opportunity you have created to live this life? How much are you thankful for all the souls that have helped you create the reality in which you live?

We in the higher realms support you greatly but see such resistance to the sources of light that are surrounding you.

Stop to breathe in all of life through you and simply be. Even your so called harsh experiences are needed for the evolution of the soul and all of consciousness. By letting go of the judgment, control and fear you diminish much of the unnecessary pain.

It is time to restore your faith. Your world is going through a wake up and there will be events coming soon that will trigger deep awakenings within mass consciousness through the awakening of the pineal gland.

The earth will be receiving many frequencies. Be prepared, especially light workers, as many will be seeking healing and guidance. For too long, you have held yourselves back but now is the time to step forward as people are looking for you. Every experience you have had has prepared you for this. The human energy field is requiring change to a crystalline nature to withstand the frequency shifts and the magnetic shifts in the earth’s grid. That is why many human’s nervous systems are overwhelmed right now as the physical mainframe makes this transition.  With this shift, it will herald an awakening of consciousness and the system will be maintained from an internal light source. Your sun will also serve as an important cellular energy source.  Your cells are being purified so that this light source can fully function to sustain LIFE in the new world.

So, Humans, we urge you to stop asking why and hold the light in trust and faith. Take steps to connect with your faith? What does faith mean to you? How can you make efforts each day to connect in your faith? Look to those around you who have faith and ask them for guidance. All you need is within and around you. Simply surrender to it.

We bring you much love and hold a supportive embrace for you.

Blessings Be
(see Soul to Soul advertisement in Community Announcements)



“Take a breath, and come home to yourself, restoring balance to your mind, heart, and soul.”
These are the the words that Ram Dass uses in the 4 minute video allowing the stillness that enables your soul to rest.
Click here



No matter what happens to your body – meditate.  Never go to sleep at night until you have communed with God.  Your body will remind you that you have worked hard and need rest but the more you ignore its demands and concentrate on the Lord, the more you will burn with joyous life, like a globe afire.  Then you will know you are not the body.

….Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda. paramahamsa-yogananda


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls JourneyWith Rosemary Butterworth

An evening with Tim Noonan was a little bit mind blowing.  His knowledge of the voice took us to a new understanding of our own voice.  What is hiding behind the layers of sound we have put there since childhood.    Being blind since birth has given him exceptional tools – exceptional hearing ability to hear the nuances, the pain we are each hiding behind our smiling sounds.  He explained what happens in a voice reading session and gave us a demonstration.  Having fallen in love with his work, John and I are taking Tim and his lovely partner, Alan up to Jacaranda Haven on the long weekend in October.


5th October. 10.00am – 4.00pm.
Special Guest Speaker – TIM NOONAN – “Your Unique Sound”.

Tim was born blind and this has given him greater ability to hear the nuances in your voice. Tim’s talks about his Voice Readings: “You will be heard compassionately, at a heart and soul level. I attentively listen to your voice, your words and your totally unique sound. I then explain to you in words and ways that make sense to you, what your voice says about you. For example, I can explain what other people unconsciously hear and feel when they hear you speak, and I will also remind you about some of your unique qualities, values and talents which I hear in your voice.”


VENUE: Jacaranda Haven, 407 Avalon Road, Dyer’s Crossing.

BOOKINGS: Email: or phone: Jacaranda Haven 6550 2169 or Sydney 9967 4425

ACCOMMODATION is available at Forest Lodge, Bulahdelah. 4997 4511. Forest Lodge is situation on 100 acres, has reasonable rates plus for those who love horses, horse riding is available. A great family weekend.


Affirmation – say daily… I AM MASTER OF MY CELLS.

My inner child copies my behaviour. I now work with my inner child, allowing it to develop and grow up.  Now I will be an adult with my inner child, and then it will not be childish and needy. The lost child inside asking for help and direction is me. Let me create light and move from the past into a new future.  I have greater things to learn when I allow myself to grow up and take responsibility for my own failings.  Let all emotions now flow as though I have found the answers to all my questions.

 This I have done by myself, therefore everyone around me will know I have grown up and matured.


From Talk to Your Cells by Elaine Croker – Stress Release No. 83 (available at the Academy – $15.00), Prime Tuning  elaine-croker-web_page


HEALTH- Practical Meditation

one-true-selfAs stress is growing in the community there is a need, more than ever, for you to take time out for yourself even a few minutes each day connecting to the sunshine, your angels, your guides is important.  Your group is important too so do endeavour to make going to your spiritual meetings a top priority.  Meditation is important.  Meditiation is a lifeline. 

Julia Griffin of One True Self says “Meditation is a way of staying on the path. It can be a practice of developing stillness, co-creating dreams, or receiving divine guidance. On the highest level, it’s a combination of all three. Part of the fulfillment comes from learning to hold a higher frequency. When you see your life from a more positive point of view, you hold a higher frequency. (It’s not just about creating your dreams; it’s about staying connected.)”

To see the full article on steps for dreaming and creating with Practical Meditation click here


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


 MONDAY, 12th August, 2013


Julia SmithJulia Smith

• AuraEnergy Photography of your energy field and chakras. This is a fun way to interact with your energy field and can really help you understand where you are at.
• Come along and be one or more of those present to experience photographs of the real you and how ‘Sound and Colour’ as pure energy directly impact your energy field.
• AuraEnergy Photos show you are more than you can see as they capture an’ in the moment image’ of your whole self – the visible physical and invisible energy field that surrounds you and that you emit like a beacon.

The colours in these photos provide interesting and valuable information about the current operation status of your chakras and the vibration in your energy field.

We are both an energy being and a physical being, so by actively working to cleanse, open and balance your chakras and energy field you allow the optimal amount of ‘chi’ or’ pranic’ energy to enter your being. This sets a platform of better health, vitality, creativity, implementation and assists to raise the vibrational rate of your energy field.

Along with positive thinking and a higher vibrational rate you will increase your Law of Attraction, attracting optimal experiences into your life.

By working with sound and colour, as pure sources of chi energy, these vibrational energies easily are absorbed into our bodies and greatly assist in cleansing, opening and balancing our energy field and chakras.

A few willing people from the audience will have the chance to receive ‘before and after’ AuraEnergy photos Aura Photo, after experiencing a short session on the Sound Massage table and Colour Therapy.

Julia is the Founder of Inner Tranquillity & Peace – The Power of Sound and Vibrational Waves
* Corporate Stress Management * AuraEnergy Photography * Sound Massages for stress release, Colour Therapy and Chi Energy Balancing
* Distributor – Soul Colour Essences, Sacred Self Alchemical Oils, Genzon Phi Living Water Filters

Contact Julia:  Mobile – 0404 619 148  Email:  Skype – tranquillity3911  Website:

Member: IICT and International Sound Therapists Association


 MONDAY, 19th August, 2013


crystal-blue-angelKathleen Bryant

Kathleen will share her spiritual journey to the Egyptian Pyramids where she had revealed to her a piece of ancient wisdom and teachings….

The untold mysteries of the pyramids in Egypt has been a journey for many that has sparked an interest to unlock it’s answers, and some have.

What if you weren’t looking for it, it found you?

What if you were given information that became a decipher to one of those keys, to only later be shown the key. A hidden piece of ancient wisdom that eventually lead you to Egypt to unlock it within the spiritual journey of higher evolution.

Delve into the energies of the pyramids through the spiritual journey that discovers the true meaning of the decipher to reveal the key of the ancient teachings and beyond, to bring about a new understanding on our evolutionary path.

Kathleen Bryant was shown in 2011 how to use the Crystalline Light Body to unlock a key hidden in the pyramids. With a connection to the Sphinx, the Throat chakra of Mother Earth, the Time clocks, the Council of 9 and the Gateway.

Kathleen is a spiritual intuitive on the central coast who has taught spiritual psychic development classes, meditation. Kathleen is also a regular guest speaker at the spiritual church, a healer and a medium.

Contacts: M: 0409.445 834



‘Let Us Be The Change We Want To See In The World’


Seminars offer different radical perspectives by three real-life adventurers on what you/we can do to bring about a desired (visionary, illuminating, inspiring, ground-breaking) change in ourselves, and hence the world.

Join Fr Charles Ogada, John Fitzgerald & Dr Ron Farmer to find out how.

Brisbane – 10th August, 2013 Griffith University, Nathan Campas

Sydney – 17th August, 2013 Mecure Sydney Parramatta, Rosehill

Melbourne – 18th August, 2013 Rydges Bell City (UN Room) Preston

Cost $100

Register Online Now at:

Enquiries: 07 5546 7998 or 0427 190 619


 Power Living for Women

Powerful Living For Women
Starting Sunday 25th August 2013

 Are you a strong, passionate woman with a wonderful vision for your life? But do you also find yourself feeling tired or stressed and lacking the energy, motivation or tools to be able to create that wonderful life?
Join me for the Powerful Living for Women group sessions and finally make a change for the better.

 Powerful Living for Women group sessions offer you a time-out from the demands and pressures of your busy life.
Experience relaxation techniques, learn simple take-home exercises, and discover how you can tap into your own personal power and resources to create a happy, healthy and successful life.

 A series of 5 small group sessions held once a month, starting 25th August 2013.
You can attend any of the individual sessions, or enrol in all 5 sessions and as a BONUS you’ll also receive a personal 1:1 Success Coaching session.
For further details see the attached flyer and the webpage:

Cost: $45 per session
Location: Bondi Junction
Contact: Jane Chessell – Success Coach
Mob: 0417 453 972  Email:  Web:


Community Announcements

Soul to Soul

Crystal Light Healing I, II & III

Level I – 7/8th September 2013 Level II – 9/10th September 2013 Level III – 11/12th September 2013
Your Soul Centre Mosman
Facilitator: Rebecca Brown
Early Bird Price $444 per level

Do you love crystals?
Are you ready to embrace crystalline wisdom?
Do you need some spiritual tools to help you on your journey?

Crystals are excellent tools to increase your connection in life, for protection, for meditation, for healing & helping your loved ones etc. But there is so much more to them! Crystal Light Healing® is not just another course about Crystal Healing. It is an AMAZING journey of embracing crystals for within.

It will change your life! Crystal Light Healing® is a ‘Life Mastery’ course that provide real tools to bring spiritual/metaphysical principles into your physical world… whether you are a novice, dedicated healer or business professional. It covers crystal basics right through to advanced teachings from the ancient mystery schools.

You learn all about crystals & their energies, using crystals for healing & gridding etc. but you also learn a comprehensive mix of ancient wisdom and scientific quantum principles… that empower you to understand the multi-dimensional octaves of Creation. Most importantly, Crystal Light Healing® gives answers to ‘who are you, and what is your role here on Earth’….not only on a personal level, but also in the greater context. Levels II & III cover sacred geometry, understanding colour & sound, learning about our 12 chakra system, DNA activation & attunement and much more.

These workshops are for either self-interest or practitioner qualifications.
You can do one, two or all three levels in any order or do the 6 day intensive for immediate practitioner qualifications.

You receive a 160 page manual jam packed with wisdom for each level. Read detailed coverage of each level by clicking on the link below.

Click here to read more detailed information and enrol.


Shine - Monks Millionaires and MoneyShine Event – Monks Millionaires and Money

Tuesday 13 August, 6pm – 10pm at the Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney

‘The Calling’: changemakers stories of courage.

This evening is an opportunity to hear change makers speaking from the heart, about their journey. A series of tender, funny and exquisite stories leading the audience to a deeper understanding of purpose, alignment to Self and money. A fusion of story, talk, art and poetry, this event opens the way for you to move forward courageously toward your calling.

The speakers will be exploring the theme:  “99% of how the world works is invisible”  Buckminster Fuller

Details of the event:
Date: Tuesday 13 August 2013, 6pm – 10pm
Venue: Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney
Tickets: $50 +GST
First 70 bookings online will receive a gift from Shine.   Book online at


theta-healing-logoTheta Healing at Co-Creation in Crows Nest


Free Introduction: 13th of August
Basic ThetaHealing®: 23rd – 25th of August
Practice Night: 20th & 27th of August
Spiritual Movie Night: 20th of September
Disease & Disorder: 9th – 20th of September
Advanced ThetaHealing®: 18th – 20th of October


Basic Teachers Instructors: 7th – 10th November
Advanced Teachers Instructors: 11th – 12th November
Rainbow Children Teachers Instructors: 14th – 18th November

(Please note the Basic & Advanced Practitioners are a pre-requisite to do any of Vianna’s classes in November 2013)

Phone: (+612) 9613 0712 or 0414 968 216    or  email:



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
Academy of Light St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

Scal Australia | Facebook



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– © Copyright 2013 – Academy of Light Inc.  ABN: 26680515199