
AOL News – 5th September, 2012 – Live Life!

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

The Southern Cross Academy of Light (SCAL) is a part of a Worldwide Spiritual Community that exists to assist in bringing new consciousness to all Humanity. We provide a welcoming, non-judgmental space for a variety of teachers and healers to deliver their messages through our meetings, e-Newsletter, website and Facebook.

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind have fun.



“It’s time to start living the life you’ve imagined”

– Henry James open-doors



They teach it at Stanford University….

happy-women-laughingIn an evening class at Stanford University the last lecture was on the mind-body connection – the relationship between stress and disease. The speaker (head of psychiatry at Stanford) said, among other things, that one of the best things that a man could do for his health is to be married to a woman whereas for a woman, one of the best things she could do for her health was to nurture her relationships with her girlfriends. At first everyone laughed, but he was serious. Click here to read more……………….


Good News! Because of the Australian Dollar remaining high,  Alphamusic CD’s  have  been reduced. silence-of-peace

New prices are:

Peace v1, vol2, emerald forest, orange grove siesta, The last dragonfly, = $25
shell vol1 = $19
rest of the cds $23


spirit-science-logoWho loves Sacred Geometry and the Flower of Life? If you want to know more or just enjoy an animated, easy to understand short video (11 minutes) of it watch Spirit Science.  Under the Spirit Science banner there are a number of short but really informative and fun YouTubes!   Click the link make a cuppa, sit down and enjoy!

2012-expected-mega-event-pane-andovReflections on the Pane Andov event last weekend – 2012 Expected Mega Event:
Pane Andov gave a 4 hour talk on Saturday for UFO Research NSW at the SMSA.It was attended by about 70 people. He had almost lost his voice but managed to keep going and enthralling the many who attended. He has an extraordinary skill in joining the dots. This applies to the true history of humanity, how ETs bio engineered us and continued to upgrade us over eons therefore we are a hybrid species. He showed around 1,000 slides, many designed by him and absolutely gorgeous. He sources fantastic material.  He showed slides of elongated skulls and some with huge eye sockets, definitely not human. There are also giant skeletons…often up to 30 feet long. He talked about ancient civilizations and their advanced capabilities and architecture such as at Yoni Guni near Japan. He discussed socalled “junk” DNA and linked it to our Higher Consciousness functioning which includes remote viewing, psychic perception, astral travelling, and much more. He mentioned the children being born now, conscious of their star heritage and with greater spiritual awareness and higher intelligence, sometimes off the charts.  He linked the number 64 throughout the cosmos and claimed that we as humans have 64 bodies, only three of which we are aware of…the physical, mental and emotional. We have been dumbed down as a species and the current consciousness shift is a necessary progression for us to reconnect with who we really are.
Pane studies crop circles for messages and is also in communication with several ET races, who give him information which he includes in his talks. He had his first contact experience in Macedonia at age 7. He studied yoga and advanced Buddhist meditation practices for many years, meditating for up to 6 hours a day, thus facilitating the opening of his psychic and intuitive abilities. He follows the signs he perceives and in his estimation, a vast cosmic wave from deep Space could cause the sun to react and become a Red Giant. He offered the date of 23rd December this year and some people felt this was a doom and gloom prediction and irresponsible of him. However, Pane offered it as his interpretation of a variety of signs including crop circles and he encouraged everyone to do their own research and to only accept what resonates with them. He runs a bootcamp for advanced meditation, yoga and remote viewing in Queensland and has dedicated most of his life to teaching and spiritual development.


Affirmation – say every day.

“I think I have an endless supply of energy;
I believe I have an endless supply of energy;
I know I have an endless supply of energy.”

…..Carole Daxter   energy-spiral


HEALTH TIP Insomnia solutions

What is insomnia?
Insomnia is a state when your normal sleep pattern is disturbed. It is a disorder which makes it impossible or difficult to either go to or stay asleep.

Symptoms can appear in various ways:

  • difficulty falling asleep, frequent among young children.
  • regular waking up during the night, frequent among the elderly.
  • waking up too early in the morning
  • not feeling sufficiently refreshed to function normally despite having [few hours?  enough?]   sleep.

Insomnia affects 1 in 3 people worldwide.  US Department of Health and Human Services conducted a survey which showed startling results of 64 million Americans who declare they suffer from insomnia each year.  In the United Kingdom approximately 7.5 million people are said to wrestle with the same problem.
These statistics show how widespread the problem actually is.

Causes of insomnia

  • Insomnia can be caused by numerous factors.  Among the most common are:
  • Drugs or stimulants such us medications, caffeine, ephedrine, methamphetamine
  • Noises from the outside such as traffic, snoring, loud music or neighbors
  • Hormonal shift,  common amongst women
  • Antibiotics
  • Stress, anxiety, worries
  • Sleep disorder caused by disturbances of the circadian rhythm (common amongst travelers)

In some cases, insomnia is usually caused by different diseases, side effects from tablets or  mental problems.

Long lasting chronic insomnia can lead to psychological health problems such as depression, or addiction to alcohol or legally prescribed drugs in order to gain sleep.
Prescribing or taking any medication to prevent or avoid insomnia should  be considered as a  last resort.
There are other non invasive methods to solve or reduce the problem.
1. Start by setting aside an hour which you might like to call your ‘Bed Time Moments’. Repeat the activity each day, create a new habit, and contibue until your sleep pattern stabilizes.
2. Before going to bed try to relax by listening to soothing music such as the one which transforms your brainwaves from the stressful beta brainwave state  to a calm alpha state – alphamusic.
3. Try to avoid naps during the day, if possible
4. Start thinking positively and avoid thinking about the next day activities such as work responsibilities. What has to be done will be done the next day, so stop thinking all the time and switch off from everyday problems.
5. Keep away from caffeine products, especially a few hours before you go to sleep
6. Make sure you have a clean comfortable bed and pillows
7. Find an alarm clock that which will gently wake you. One that can start playing  a calming music cd to gradually increase your brainwaves from delta to theta to alpha waves. This method this is by far preferable to the unpredictable sounds and noises of the radio or the shock of a bell or a buzzer! Using a light box programmed to wake you up in the morning would be especially helpful in he dark winter months. Once you have set your alarm you don’t have to worry!Of course assuming you have given yourself a healthy 8 hours to sleep and rest.
8. Do more exercise. If you have a weight or a health condition it’s best asking an expert to design an exercise plan. Going for a walk and breathing fresh air can help greatly.
Try the above methods to overcome insomnia and share your experience with others

Resource box
Cheap drug free relief tool which is highly recommended by both professionals such as Patrick Holford, world renowned nutrition expert and Dr Marina Rose from Aston University and Birmingham Children’s Hospital

For Insomnia use Silence of Peace and Orange Grove Siesta.
More information can be found at site


In and Around The Academy


With Rosemary Butterworth.

John Levine, composer of Alphamusic, called in for breakfast Tuesday morning and shared with me a wonderful happening.  When he was running his workshop on the Goldcoast, a woman told him that she had used his music to help a lady who had Alzheimers.   It is a cruel disease as part of the brain dies, and this lady could no longer remember how to walk up the stairs and this was very distressing to her.   However, when one of his CD’s were played, and I think it was Silence of Love,  the Alpha brain wave was activated or as John said to me at breakfast, a new part of her brain went into action and she remembered how to do it.  What a wonderful feeling it gave her to be able to walk up those stairs once again.  John is looking forward to conducting some scientific experiments with the elderly with his music when he gets back to England.

Don’t forget, Silence of Peace is wonderful if you are studying, it will quieten all those nerves and help you to remember.   Also for those people,  who want to raise their frequency and be able to accept more light into their body, Silence of Light is the one to listen to.

NOTE:  For those people that were too busy and didn’t get the opportunity of watching the video we included in last week’s FYI. (Click underlined words)  PLEASE WATCH IT. Watch what three women have done. What can we do on a practical level that will help people everywhere?  Any ideas?


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 10th September, 2012

3 Ketes (Baskets) of Knowledge

ehetere-watsonEhetere Watson

We all carry Ketes, containing gifts from the universe seeded through our lineage and we must ensure our Ketes are balanced.

Ehetere will explain how to access those baskets.
* Sometimes they contain knowledge both positive and challenging to be examined and balanced with compassion and unconditional love.
* Sometimes they contain knowledge and skills from the Past, to be shared and balanced with the experience of the Now to co-create the Future.
* Our challenge is to learn from the contents of the baskets as we walk our journey – through the lessons of love, vision, giving, sharing and joy.
* Right now the ancestors are telling us to awaken and walk our path knowing that all we ever need to know is within and the world awaits our service as we approach the Shift of Ages, so long prophesied.

Ehetere is Ngatikahungunu Heretaunga Ki Wairarapa, a much loved Maori Elder and Healer who weaves into her Mahi (work) of MiriMiri and Romiromi, ancient healing massage, elements of nature and colours from the land and the ocean.  She is a member of the Sydney group of Rainbow Healers, Wahine Maoriora and past President of Maori NOW (Network of Women).

Ehetere carries the three Ketes (baskets) of Knowledge which support her work to bring harmony and balance to the Earth and all who walk upon it.


MONDAY, 10th September, 2012

Where The Psychic Meets The Psychological

elizabeth-robinsonElizabeth Robinson

  • Elizabeth will share details of her own personal spiritual awakening, offering insights into what she sees as the new paradigm for health and healing – where the psychic meets the psychological
  • A live demonstration of her intuitive and multi-sensory abilities and techniques, ‘tuning in’ and providing guidance to personal questions and offering fascinating individual energy treatments on various audience members.
  • As well, Elizabeth will give us a unique mass healing, channelling an immensely powerful energy into the room through her hands, working throughout the entire audience en masse.
  • Talk about her new book “There are No Goodbyes” – about afterlife communications.

For almost thirty years, Professional Counsellor, Psychotherapist & Intuitive Consultant Elizabeth Robinson has dedicated herself to awakening others to the hidden factors that hold them back from living their greatness. Through an extraordinary story of her own spiritual awakening spanning three continents and involving the tragic deaths and afterlife communications from two young teenage girls and close friend and mentor Harvard Psychiatric Professor Dr John Mack, Elizabeth now offers the remarkable details as a soon-to-be-released book, entitled ‘There are No Goodbyes.’

“I do what I do because I Passionately believe in people’s infinite Potential to live their Greatness. And because I Passionately believe that the world will be a better place, once we embody our Greatest Potential.”

Elizabeth Robinson BSW AASW, Psychotherapist, Author, Professional Counsellor , Intuitive Consultant, email:



Signature Cell Healing in Sydney!!!

Master Healer

Kahu Fred Sterling

in Sydney,  14-18 September

signature-cell-heallingLearn Signature Cell Healing….
Complete both levels and gain Practitioner Certification.
Check out the attached flyer.

Are you a practitioner wondering how you would use SCH with your existing modalities?

Kahu says, “Do the SCH OPENING SEQUENCE and then use appropriate tools & strategies from SCH and/or other modalities and then finish with the SCH CLOSING SEQUENCE”.  It’s a really simple integration & manifestation of healing energy.

The Opening & Closing Sequences (level 1 workshop) raise the vibration for both client & practitioner, bringing in the purest light & love energy to amplify the creator energy within.  The sequences: *Activate the pineal gland – the centre of all that you do between spirit & physical,  *Activate healing in the blood, the bones, the meridians,  *Balance the left hemisphere & right hemisphere of the brain,  *Integrate the Omni brain  *Alchemy

PLUS Uluru Hook Release  ULURU 2012 AD 2

Key dates are  Sat 22 Sept and Sun 23 Sept at Uluru.

Click on the links:  What is a Hook Release?

Join us at Signature Cell Healing for Webinar replays
Replay of the June webinar: Q and A format
Replay of the July webinar: Q and A format
Replay of the August webinar: Distance healing. Must see !
Follow this link to some inspiring interviews:  with Cynde Meyer, Guy Spiro & Lee Carroll on Signature Cell Healing


blue-star-4Shaman Blue Star

In October Shaman Blue Star will return to Australia for the fourth time to share her teachings in Native American Indian spirituality.

Blue Star has been working with Chief Dancing Thunder of the Susquehannock Tribe of Florida for 18 years and is initiated as a clan mother of the Pan American Indian Association. She works as a transpersonal healer and is a clear medium using a shaman’s drum and her voice. In her workshops she combines shamanic journeys with channeled messages from spirit and teachings of ancient knowledge. Blue Star teaches with a warm heart, great empathy and a lot of humor.

She will run workshops in Sydney (Beyond Trance Dance), Southern Highlands (Water Rituals & Self Healing) and Melbourne (Shamanic Intensive) in October and November.
For bookings and information contact Paulien: or 0420 751 255.  Click here for more detail.

Blue Star will offer a shamanic journey with golden healing light on 15 October at The Academy at Neutral Bay.  Watch Diary of Events for further details.

Terry Oldfield’s Australian Concert Tour terry-oldfield

Journey Into Space 2012

Friday 7th September @ Qi Yoga, 2 Moore Road, Freshwater. Doors open 6.30  Bookings:

Saturday 8th September @ Shanti Mission, Level 2 152-160 Hunter Street, Newcastle.  Doors open 7pm.  Bookings:

Says Terry “I take my inspiration from the cultures of the world and the beauty of nature expressing myself through flutes and other instruments. It is my heartfelt wish that this music assists you in experiencing peace in your life.”






Sessions  Sunday’s 10.00 am Sydney Australia time. For maximum healing it is recommended that you have a session once a week.

Further dates to be announced. For more information click here to see flyer.

Robyn Welch is a Diagnostic Medical Intuitive and Natural Practitioner. Her highly developed skills covering 18 years Robyn can diagnose and treat  clients without physical contact . All work is conducted by landline phone only. Quantum Physics and positive energy. The Quantum Zone is the highest Zone humans can attune to, its here that all things are positive, atoms and molecules can be changed to promote healing
Your session with Robyn will commence by having your energy field cleared of negative frequencies. Robyn will then verbally visit all major body parts, using positive energy similar to a laser ray.  Collective Healing Sessions will be super powerful as all concerned will be vibrating on Quantum energy, as a whole . Positive and negative electronic components in the human energy field are connected to body parts, therefore if any of these components weaken from lack of positive heart energy or outside influences, such as radiation frequencies, which are negative to the human system, body parts will weaken, therefore creating illness.



The Past Should Never Be Allowed To

Determine Your Future”

Michelle Darby-Fay


Michelle will take you on a powerfully healing and spiritual journey of awakening and self-realisation as she shines a light on the true causes of any emotional blocks, relationship issues, feelings of disconnection, fears and anxieties you are experiencing in your life.

She runs a busy healing practice in the Lower North Shore area of Sydney, where she specialises in transforming limiting belief systems, past life healing, dream interpretation, energy rebalancing, Soul retrieval (bringing back the missing pieces of your Soul), as well as spiritual activations to assist your spiritual development and expansion.

Bookings Essential/Contact Details:
SOUL SANCTUARY, 4/139 Military Road, Neutral Bay, NSW, 2089
Mobile: 0401 551 581 / Email:
Sessions: 1 Hour / $95 / For more details visit:


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
The Southern Cross Academy of Light at
St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 1542 10967

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



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Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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