
AOL News – 5th June, 2013 – Heart Knowledge

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to listen to our heart

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FYI – Archangel Magic

Personal Pathways of LightLiving From a Heart Centred Approach

We’ve just had this website come to our attention and wanted to share it with you all – Personal Pathways of Light.  Linda Robinson channels Archangel Zadkeil and has some great reading on her site. Here is an extract from March.

The new energy is about joy and happiness, highest good and a pure intention. It is about wanting everyone to have the opportunity to advance and progress. It is about lifting up your brothers and sisters by living your life as an example of love and harmony.

Living from a heart-centered approach reflects the new energy. Your heart is the new barometer for making decisions. It is the gauge by which you judge whether something feels right for you. It is adding the feeling along with the rational thinking to provide the answers you are seeking.

To see the full article go to


universal-life-toolsThe Number 13

A few weeks ago we had Simone Mathews from Universal Life Tools speaking at Neutral Bay and she had an incredible amount of knowledge on sacred geometry.  Here is her information on Metatrons Cube and the Number 13.  Go to to see more from Simone.  Oh and by the way her book Shealla Dreaming is a very good read.


Thought of the Day

heart2What is your hearts desire today?

Each morning, make an intent by going to your heart and say;  ‘how do I want to be today’, peaceful, full of joy and happy.  You decide.


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls JourneyWith Rosemary Butterworth

On Monday night, in watching Ann Castle who was leading the ceremony to balance the elements and the Nicole Toohey who led a most beautiful heart meditation, I realised for the first time how some people have intellectual knowledge, a lot of learning which they share while others have actually embodied the energy of their passion and when they lead the group they are able to hold that energy and take the group into it.  This was the experience on Monday Night as Ann took us into the elements, air, fire, earth and water all of which are angelic forces both within us and outside.  It was such a sacred moment and I felt blessed to be there. 

Then Nicole, whilst holding the energy of unconditional Love, took us into our hearts and I experienced what I would call perfect Peace.  It was a blessed evening, one which I hope we can repeat.  In the meantime you might like to experience the energy Nicole can hold at Nicole’s next workshop on 16th June.  (See below).

You will notice that there is no meeting next Monday (holiday) but put the 17th June in your diary as we are going to have a healing night where everyone gets some hands on healing by Kosmic Fusion practitioners.

For all those who love the gongs, on the 24th June we will be having two gong masters, one of which will also bring his didjeridoo.  It will be a wow evening of sound.

NOTE:  The Academy will have a table at the Crows’ Nest Expo at Crows’ Nest Community Centre on the 7th July.  I hope you all can come.


AFFIRMATION – say throughout the day…

 “I hold the highest vision of myself in my heart and let go of the ‘how’.”

….Michelle McGrath Self Love Cards


HEALTH -How to Calm Your Mind With 3 Colours

Colour is something we rarely think about because we perceive the colour spectrum automatically. Marketing companies have been researching this field for decades – using their findings to determine what will convince consumers to buy their products.

Each year Pantone, a United States-based company that standardizes colours used for international printing, declares an annual colour of the year which is translated into consumer goods around the world. In 2011 they revealed Honeysuckle (a bright pink hue) as the colour of the year to lift spirits, signify hope, and even stimulate adrenal function!

Scientists involved in a relatively new field of study called colour psychology have determined that colour has a strong impact on how we feel, how we think, how to calm your mind, and even how much we eat.

With stress being linked more often to physical and mental illness, finding natural ways on how to calm your mind, body and spirit can help in ways you might not have considered.

Colour in Your Daily Life

An industrial facility in London found that morale improved, there were fewer work-related accidents and there was a higher sense of job satisfaction overall when they used orange paint to cover the grey machinery.  Employees at another plant found that the “new” green boxes weighed less than the black ones they were accustomed to using. Management had not purchased new boxes – they simply painted over the original black equipment.

 A bridge in London – made famous by the number of suicides committed from it – saw a decline in annual suicides by more than 30% when they repainted the bridgework green.

 3 Best Colours to Reduce Stress & Calm Your Mind

GREEN is a colour that inspires peace and tranquility.

A common colour in nature – found in grass, trees and vegetation – green can make you feel grounded, creative, and calm. It is the easiest colour on our eyes and can be stared at the longest without eye strain or agitation and can help to teach you how to calm your mind.

This makes it an excellent choice for business accents – consumers feel more relaxed around green which encourages them to shop longer. The same goes for employees. Studies show that employees in a green environment are more productive and happier overall. Production studios have “green rooms” which have a greater calming effect on guests than other colors do.

Researchers found that placing a transparent green page over reading material boosted student reading speed and retention. Schoolroom blackboards – before the days of overhead displays – were painted green so students didn’t tire of looking at them.

Natural greens are a safe colour choice in home décor; painted green walls are one of the most enjoyed colours for both genders. Green fabric looks good on all skin tones and makes the wearer feel refreshed and optimistic.

BLUE emits a sense of calm and well-being.

The colour of water and sky, blue is equated with positive things. Painting a bathroom blue multiplies the relaxing effects of a bath.

Blue can have a sedative effect; it calms the mind and can actually lower your blood pressure and body temperature.

Surrounding your workspace in different shades of blue can help you focus and memorize details more fully. It also happens to be the most common favourite colour of men.   Human resource specialists suggest blue for an interview or first meeting – it inspires trust, maturity and dependability. Men in blue project feelings of security and stability in the opposite sex.

The colour blue has the opposite calming effect on our appetite. One study found that painting your kitchen blue decreased calorie consumption by 30%.  Scientists believe blue’s effect on appetite is caused in part by the fact that blue food is uncommon outside of a few fruits – human instinct causes subjects to avoid foods dyed blue – possibly due to our concern about food going rancid.

PURPLE  in all shades has a calming mental effect and boosts sex drive.

Research results from the United Kingdom showed that the colour purple in a bedroom triples the sexual activity of long-term couples.

Purple has proven beneficial in soothing mental illness and nervous disorders, making it a popular colour in mental health facilities to calm the minds of those who are distressed. Harmony and balance of the mind are often apparent after patients spend time around purple.  Since ancient times, the colour purple has been associated with royalty, wisdom and spirituality. It is a wonderful choice for spaces used to create or meditate. Inspiring independence, originality and a sense of purpose, purple should be used in small doses.  Since it occurs rarely in natural settings, the impression of too much purple can subconsciously feel artificial.

Colour and Emotion

Many cultures use colour in politics, athletics and religious ceremonies. Some civilizations use colour to provoke certain feelings or actions.

The next time you notice yourself gravitating to a certain colour – ask yourself how you feel when you see it or wear it. Then surround yourself with the colours that make you feel best!

Read more:


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 10th June, 2013 – CLOSED

Queens Birthday


MONDAY, 17th June, 2013


kosmic fusion


An opportunity NOT TO BE MISSED …. Here is your opportunity to have an experience of being immersed in the Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse, the Signature of the Source – Zero Point (QVSWWPP), in a meditation and to also receive an Energetic clearing, upgrade and healing.

This Zero Point Energy was released to humanity end of 2011 only to assist us through these transformational times. Gaia is in the 5D and Hue’man consciousness is shifting into this New Paradigm.

The QVSWPP is a self-referring, auto scan and auto heal upgrade system. It knows where it needs to go to instantly clear and activate. Healing is the by-product of this ‘wholis-tic’ re-set. It addresses all the energy bodies and realigns you to your original Soul purpose and Divine Mission. The Energy is instantly available to every cell of the body at once.

The Kosmic Code Meditation will re-set the Chakras to receive the Quantum Vortex waves at a faster frequency and speed your soul’s vibratory signature which will enable your cells/DNA to activate with the charge from the God Particle. As all human beings are made up of the same God Particle, this inherent Oneness can aid us to become telepathically connect and become compassionately ONE with each other. We were all designed by the ALL THAT IS equally to receive, transmit and share the LOVE consciousness.

Join this powerful Night with 8 or more Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse Light Emissionaries from Kosmic Fusion.

To read more about QVSWPP Energetic Transmissions and how to upgrade to a 5D+ Holographic Light Grid so your cells can emit the QVSWPP, see

Contact: Ilja Jutte on M 0404.368 121 or email:




 Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting 1-29-13


 You might have to reconsider everything you’ve read up until now about healing, consciousness, and our four-dimensional existence here on Earth. During the time that Dr. Pearl was learning, exploring and expanding the unique transmodality known today as Reconnective Healing, he was also gaining new insights into the intelligent energy that is the extraordinary force of creation, the source of healing and the connection we have to our higher states of being.

 Those insights came courtesy of Solomon, an extra-dimensional intelligence that speaks through Frederick Ponzlov. Click on the link to read the extract of the book.

 Eric Pearl will returning to Sydney this November presenting seminars in Reconnective Healing.

 For further information go to

 Or contact

Julie Jara in Sydney • • 0403 312 316

Marie Budimir in Melbourne • • 0413 069 036


Community Announcements

Woman of Essence

woman of essence

Rekindle your spirit…

Come along to this light-hearted workshop to awaken, heal and connect with your beautiful presence – the essence of your soul.

Sunday, June 16th, 2013 – 10am to 3pm.  Early Bird by 10th June $100, Full Price $120.

For further information contact Nicole Toohey on 0438 265 650, or go to


Cosmos of the Heart – From Love to Inlightenment

Cosmos of the Heart

Monday, 10th June, 9.30 am, Sydney time

Takeli will be speaking on her weekly internet radio show about Living in the Heart, in the full Beauty of Love.

Being in that space now, as it is already here for us, as we can allow it in…living in the Oneness of our Creator’s Love.

This is the place of Being we will be in, in the new dimension, and it is already overlaying our Earth, for those who are ready for it to experience now.

The Guardians for the Shift and I will be offering an upliftment of your DNA process, in the form of a Guided Visualisation and an Activation of your Light Codes during the show, to have you Be, in your own Truth, Trust and Passion, moving into the next phase of your own paths of Light.

See more about Takeli at



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
Academy of Light St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



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