
AOL News – 4th July, 2012 – Open to a New World

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

The Southern Cross Academy of Light (SCAL) is a part of a Worldwide Spiritual Community that exists to assist in bringing new consciousness to all Humanity. We provide a welcoming, non-judgmental space for a variety of teachers and healers to deliver their messages through our meetings, e-Newsletter, website and Facebook.

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us that we can live stress free and be happy!


Thought of the Week:


Expect the best:

Convert problems into opportunities:

Be dissatisfied with the status quo:

Focus on where you want to go instead of where you’re coming from

and most importantly, decide to be happy,

knowing it is an attitude, a habit gained from daily practice,

and not a result or payoff.

……………..Denis Waitley, The Winner’s Edge


FYI – Creating a Better Place

We have found another amazing talk on TED!  This is only about 18 minutes and it is well worth it.  It fills you with hope! “The recent generations have been bathed in connecting technology from birth, says futurist Don Tapscott, and as a result the world is transforming into one that is far more open and transparent. In this inspiring talk, he lists the four core principles that show how this open world can be a far better place.” Click here to view.


For all of those students about to start study and exams think about this….students enjoy using this music as a study aid, insisting that  Silence of Peace quiets the mind and makes it easier to focus, absorb and retain information.

If the children seem to be ‘ruling the house’ people have found that John Levine’s Alphamusic, Silence of Peace is the answer.  It has been proven to help calm down babies and to help children sit still at the table and eat their dinner.

“I think it is a real blessing to play this music”, says one man, “After a stressful day when I do play Levine’s Alphamusic, I do feel that the stress becomes more manageable and at home the agitation is reduced and everything seems fine.  I encourage everyone to try and see what this music can offer you and your family.”

Alphamusic is available through the Academy.silence-of-peace

ALSO, remember you can clear negative thoughts and vibrations in the home by using incense, sprays and SOUND particularly MOZART or VIVALDI.


Affirmation – say every day.

“I release my judgement and allow life to be the way it is now.”

….Rosemary Butterworthcountry-road


HEALTH TIP –Creating More Energy

By Julia Griffin one-true-self

Monday, July 2nd, 2012

Our bodies need energy just as our spiritual body needs meditation and light.
Every grocery shop is filled with energy drinks, which provide a burst of chemicals and preservatives. Many foods – such as GMO grains or meat – deplete the body.
When our physical body is properly energized, we avoid issues such as allergic reactions, suppressed immune system responses and tiredness. Vitality is necessary to move joyfully through life.
Here are few methods of energizing the body:

1) Stand on magnets and breathe for ten minutes.
Deep breathing calms and energizes the body with prana. Magnets stimulate the bone marrow, red corpuscles and chi (life force) in the body.
2) Visualize perfect health, energy and physical vitality several times each day. Hold the image when you look into the mirror. (Expect to like your image.) Visualize a youthful appearance.

3) Eat organic products whenever possible, particularly dairy and meat.
Conventionally raised cattle, sheep and pigs are bred for obesity genetics. Chemicals are added to their diet to increase appetite. Dairy products contain hormones, which can be harmful. (All of these factors cause weight gain.) Try goat products if you can’t tolerate dairy.
4) Combine foods wisely.
Don’t eat meat, cheese and pasta at the same meal. Add raw foods to meals with high protein.
5) Avoid wheat and corn.
It’s impossible to avoid cross-pollination of big crops. Everything’s contaminated. Limit intake of bread, corn, pasta, etc. Choose rice, quinoa or oats for grains.
6) When you eat well or exercise, compliment yourself.
Notice your strength and peace of mind.
7) Avoid preservatives.
If you can’t pronounce it or don’t know what it is, avoid it. Limit processed food – even organic potato chips or chips. They’re not good for you!
8) Use green drinks to clear cravings.
I like one head of celery hearts, 3 cucumbers and one handful of parsley. The vegetables clean the blood and cucumbers are said to prevent aging.
9) Try a “simple” or single herb to build health.
Dandelion, mullein or alfalfa are examples. (This is not medical or herbal advice. I recommend googling “simples” and “herbs.” Herbs are rich in trace minerals and vitamins.)
10) Grow a tomato or pepper plant.
It’s better than any food in a shop and can fit into landscaping.
11) Cook three or four vegetables several times each week in large batches.
It’s easier to eat them when they’re already prepared.
12) Spend time outdoors every day, noticing the beauty of nature and the loveliness of life.
…..Julia Griffin is an intuitive healer and coach.


In and Around The Academy


With Rosemary Butterworth

With so many wonderful courses around these days, it amazes me sometimes that the volume of stress is so high.  But then the pressures of life have grown with our workload and cost of living.  So what to do about it.

I have written a book and called How to Move Forward and this week I am including the first chapter as the monthly attachment.  See if you like it and let it help you notice what thoughts you are having on a daily basis that are stressful.  Remember it is our thoughts about our day that create tension in our body and cause adrenalin to be pumped through our veins.   It is not the actual situation but resistance to it being that way.  So click here if you would like to read more.   I have found it a wonderful help to removing stress.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 9th  JULY, 2012

KATHLEEN BRYANT  –  “The Crystalline Light Body”


In 2007 Kathleen was given the information over an 18 month period about the Crystalline Light body.
Kathleen says “It is my wish to share what has been given to me, with the same love and guidance, to uplift from the heart with understanding makes my heart sing”.
Come along ….
* find out how the Crystalline Body works and where our DNA fits into it.
* the relationship of Mother Earth and us and how we are all connected within this
* how do the elements, the tree of life and flower of life incorporate into the divine template of our being.

Kathleen has been unlocking the gateways around the world for humanity’s and earth’s higher evolution using the knowledge she has been given. At the same time she has been directed on her path to bring in the knowledge of the Crystalline Light Body and beyond.
Kathleen has also been called to do what she calls Tasks that started in 2005. In 2007 this took her overseas to do the same, the 1st of which lead her to Mt Shasta in California, where she connected to a crystal skull that gave her the keys to the 7 Sacred Sites of Mother Earth.
Kathleen Bryant is a Spiritual Intuitive, Medium and a healer of emotions and past lives.
She also has recently started another form of healing called Touch Healing, guided by a Blue Angel. Kathleen has taught Spiritual Psychic Development classes and Meditation on and off for the past 8 years and is a regular guest speaker at the Spiritual Church on the Central Coast of NSW.


MONDAY, 16th  JULY, 2012

greg-degenhardtGreg Degenhardt

“How to raise your vibrational energy daily with Essential Oils”

Essential oils are the way of the future, able to impact in a profoundly “intelligent” way on emotions, body, mind and spirit.

Come along this evening to interact and experience:
* Discover why essential oils are such a powerful tool to raise your vibrational energy
* Feel how “Highest Potential” oil blend affects the size and strength of your own
energy field (with an exercise borrowed from the Ancient Chinese)
* Learn how to balance your aura and chakras with essential oils to raise your body’s
vibrational energy frequency in less than 10 minutes.
* Learn about specific oil applications to assist with vision, pain and stress relief.
* Learn about what oils to use for bacteria, viruses and for the cardio vascular system,
* How to avoid products and foods that contain toxic petro-chemicals which lower your
vibrational energy
All questions are welcomed. Also receive a free gift.

The vibrational energy of our planet is changing, speeding up and creating a lot more stress. Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils have living vibrational energy. Rich in oxygen they can assist to raise the vibration of your body’s energy by detoxifying physical and emotional stress to assist you through these challenging times.
Naturopath Gary Young, N.D., the founder of Young Living Essential Oils, has been able to literally, capture the living essence of a plant into a bottle. This is why Young Living oils often “feel different” and why we call them Vibrational Essential Oils.

Greg Degenhardt – A Young Living Essential Oils expert, a practitioner of Raindrop and Egyptian Emotional Clearing Techniques, studying and training for over the last 7 years with both Young Living Oils and the Raindrop Association of Australia.
Also Greg has trained in Mind Dynamics, Reiki,  Mastery University (with Anthony Robbins), NLP and Kinesiology. Greg regularly assists many people with their health and well being as well as presenting many workshops on Young Living Essential Oils and products.

Contact – Greg Degenhardt
Tel: 612 9665 0163   Mob: 0416 277 759




July 5th: Healing and integration of past life experiences
July 12th: Healing of thought patterns that no longer serve
July 19th: Healing of the emotional body, releasing blockages & moving into Love
August 2nd: Healing the Spiritual body, connecting with your inner core Light
August 9th: Healing into the Great Shift in Consciousness

Unconditional Love is the key to Healing. Sananda, the Ascended form of Master Jesus, brings the strength of his Love to those present, in a powerful and tangible form, that is evident to those receiving it.  It can be understood as a sphere of unconditional Love that is placed around you personally, as well as for the group as a whole, creating a space of deep Trust and Acceptance of the Healing that is taking place.

Where:  6/78 Upper Pitt Street, Kirribilli
Exchange:  $30
RSVP Please to Takeli Ph 0417 941 905 or email
to reserve your place.


The Rev. Dr Lauren Artress, grandmother of the modern labyrinth movement in the United States, is coming to Australia in October to teach and speak about labyrinths and to do facilitator training workshops in Perth and Brisbane.  This is a very special opportunity to learn about labyrinths from a world renowned authority.

chartre-slabThis tour is being arranged by Veriditas, a non-profit organisation based in San Francisco, dedicated to teaching people about the labyrinth and training labyrinth facilitators. For more


Art Classes For Wellness

archangel-michaelwith NARELLE GREEN

* Do you wish you could open the creative door?

* And release the joy of your creative spirit?

* Be amazed at your hidden talents!

* Have fun, feel good and find the Artist within!

To find out more click here.


Ph:  (02) 99393796



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
The Southern Cross Academy of Light at
St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 1542 10967

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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