
AOL News – 3rd July, 2013 – A Call To Action!

"Newsletter" buttonAcademy of Light Incorporated-Supporting Your Souls Journey

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us turn up!

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FYI – Going Up

We love anything that will take us up the spiral at the Academy of Light and here is something that will do just that!

Diana Cooper - Archangel Metatron OrbDiana Cooper shares an attunement to Archangel Metatron with a guided meditation to help accelerate your ascension.  She shows photo’s of orbs whilst one of her divine friends is using tuning forks on her auric field.  She tells you who each photo represents and what intention to hold whilst focusing on it.  If the clip (it’s only 5 minutes in total) moves to the next one too quickly pause the video and stay as long as you like.  Click here to enjoy the experience.


Love The Life You LiveWhat a great opportunity we have discovered!  Anne Hartley is giving away a downloadable version of her bestselling book ‘Love The Life You Live’ for everyone who subscribes to her blog.  Anne is an accomplished Life Coach, Speaker and Author.  We have often shared her blog info in this newsletter.  Check out the EVENTS section below for Anne’s latest workshop details.  Click here to go to to sign up for her blog.


Lucis Trust - TrianglesWe read the following in the Triangles Bulletin ( and thought it was so interesting that we wanted to share it with you.

‘Alice Bailey writes that creative processes in the new group of world servers proceed in a cyclic rhythm.  In the three-year cycle, a year of crisis is followed by a year of tension that is then followed by a year of emergence or impact on human things.  The same cycle operates on a larger scale over a nine-year period (three years of crisis and so on) and then on an even broader time scale over twenty-seven years (nine years of crisis etc.).’

This year 2013, will be in the phase of emergence and impact on public consciousness.

She writes:  ‘In this third year, all must bear its fruit in action, sustained, strong, well-balanced and effective. ‘


Embrace Life logoBREAKING NEWS!!

For all those people that would like to build a business around living their soul purpose, and/or would benefit from accessing more clients – then you are in for a treat!

Embrace Life, Live Life MBS EXPO has just confirmed two of their workshops that will provide tangible ways to engage your ideal client, ensure you have an effective message and ultimately create the business you deserve!

Whether you’ve had business for more than 10 years or just starting out, getting clients through the door is a number one priority.

So come along at 10.15 am to “Connect People to Your Passion”, by Karen Bowller, after years as a journalist she will be sharing how to create an effective message, tap into the Language of Light and ways to approach the media;

Followed at 12 noon by “Spiritual Marketing: The Universe as your Business Partner” by Lorna Stewart, both of these workshops will work perfectly if you are looking for ways to grow your business

They are being held at the Pilone Room, Crows Nest Community Centre on Sunday 7th July, and are included as part of your general admission tickets – so book now,



Each time a swarm of worries invade your mind, refuse to be affected, wait calmly, whilst seeking the remedy.  Spray the worries with the powerful chemicals of your peace.

……Sri Sri Paramahansa Yoganandaparamahamsa-yogananda1


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls JourneyWith Rosemary Butterworth

IT IS EXCITING.  The Embrace Life, Live Life Expo is on this Sunday 7th July at 10.00 – 5.00pm at Crows Nest Centre and we have a table.  The Academy of Light has a unique niche market of products such as books, CD’s, sprays, and cards that have been written or produced by our guest speakers.  What a wonderful message they contain.  They have been produced especially to uplift, enlighten and support everyone and for this reason the Academy of Light is selling them.   Some products have been greatly reduced – to entice you to our table.

I will be coming and going  during the morning to sign my book and write an Angelic message especially for you.  The books will continue to be sold at the special price of $15.00 for the Expo.

If you look in our Community Announcement section you can click on CLICK HERE and bring a friend and go for half price.

Parking in Holterman Street Car Park is free on Sundays!


AFFIRMATION – say throughout the day…

“I AM a generous,  loving person.  I live in the Now.”

      …….Rosemary Butterworth  Rosemary-BW


HEALTH – The Power of Words

Words are a vibration and they have substance.

Dr Emoto photographed frozen water crystals to prove this.  This image includes sentiments such as ‘Thank You’, ‘Love and Appreciation’ and ‘you make me sick, I will kill you’.Dr Emoto water crystals

When they are negative and are kept in our cells they cause sickness in our body.  But what of the spoken word.  The words spoken in argument or gossip, or the violent words sometimes coming from our TV into our living space.

It should be remembered that these words stick to our walls, curtains and ceilings.  They just hang there, creating a vibration that is so negative and one which is very easy to pick up.

Have you noticed that you might arrive home and feel quite peaceful, but after a few minutes your energy changes and the old tension from the night before, comes back.

The answer is to regularly clear the energy in each room of the house.  You can do this by dowsing, smudging, spraying and dusting.  When this is done, your home will feel fresh and a joy to be in.   Everyone will benefit.

Another way to clear the energy is to say.

“I ask the Team of White Healing Angels to collect and contain all spoken and unspoken words in this room and take them up to the Realms of Light to be dealt with and raised in vibration.   So Be It.”  .

…..Rosemary Butterworth, author of How to Move Forward, Leave Your Thoughts Behind.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 8th July, 2013


gerry-crow1Gerry Crow

Don’t miss out on this….Each person on the night will receive a FREE one card READING

Gerry will give us an overview about:
• The Journey of the Major Arcana.
• Plus the Wisdom of these 22 Archetypes
• Utilising the Medicine Wheel with the practice of the Tarot System.
• How this course can strengthen your Psychic Ability
• And deepen your Spiritual Connections

Gerry utilises her direct Spirit Channel through the Tarot and will speak about her unique course ‘DREAM THE TAROT’.

A past student testimonial:  “Dreaming the tarot was by far the most memorable course I have ever had the privilege of experiencing. This course worked on levels that far surpassed any form of expectation. To Dream the Tarot was like meeting each of the Major Arcana in person and finding where they sat within me –it awakened the memory of pure soul connection. I was able to feel, see and breathe the Tarot. With deep gratitude” Crystal Isaac.

Gerry’s course on this is brilliantly designed for you to completely connect with the Spiritual and Archetype wisdom of the Tarot Cards

Gerry Crow is an internationally respected psychic, clairvoyant, medium, spiritual teacher and medicine woman, with thirty years professional experience.

One-to-one sessions – for appointments contact Gerry direct on:

Phone: 0449 865 473 or Email:   Web:


MONDAY, 15th July, 2013

“REMEMBERING & RECLAIMING YOUR ANCIENT SELF – A Sacred Journey into Ancient Worlds”

rebecca-brown-2Rebecca Brown

An experience not to be missed…

• On the night Rebecca will be guiding you in a journey to review and release a past life from the past sacred & high energy times

Also find out about …

• How vows and oaths made in past lives can hold you back in your life now.

• A brief Spiritual history of the Earth and some of the key energies, woundings, gifts and learnings from times such as Lemuria, Atlantis, Ancient Egypt, Avalon, the Christ Life and more.

As the Earth shifts beyond 2012, it is vital that we clear and balance our energy fields and reclaim the gifts from our Ancient Lives in order to move forward into embracing and living in the 5th Dimension.

Within our soul’s memory, we hold powerful vibrations, both of dormant gifts & talents and woundings from times on earth where we lived in higher frequencies such as Lemuria & Atlantis.

Rebecca has a successful healing & teaching centre in Mosman called SoultoSoul Healing & Teaching, where she helps people to heal at the level of the Soul to embrace their full soul’s potential in this human journey through one-on-one healings, workshops and meditations.

She works with people to alleviate their health problems, stress, depression, relationship issues as well as, support Light Workers, Empaths and sensitive souls.  Rebecca also loves working with children and has special ‘Kids Angels and Crystal workshops’.

Rebecca is a Soul specialist, advanced Lightworker and Multi-dimensional teacher working directly with the realms of light. She is a clear and open channel working directly with Spirit, Angels & Guides and often assisted by Archangels, Ascended Masters & Galactic beings. She specialises in healing the past including past lives and childhood issues to facilitate deep transformation.

Rebecca helps you to raise your vibration & connect with all aspects of Soul – within (your true self) and without (your angels etc.) so that you can love yourself and your life. She is here to help humanity move into the Fifth Dimension in 2012 and beyond. She particularly helps Lightworkers & is a catalyst for ascension.

Contacts: mobile – 0402 327 215



Hart Life CoachingTrain to be a Life Coach with Hart Life Coaching

Life Coaching is a wonderful profession and service to the community. 

If you feel a calling to be a life coach consider training with us. What makes our training unique is the coaching model we use.

The Heart Process began as Ten Steps that I developed to help get me through a mid life crisis, what I didn’t realise at the time was that life crisis led me to understand myself in a way I never had before. I began training life coaches in 1998 and since then our coaching process has grown and evolved into The Heart Process, which is unlike any other life coaching model. Our approach to life coaching is spiritual, yet practical. It appeals to people from all walks of life and it is life changing in the best possible way.

Our training is in-depth and there is a lot to learn, but it’s not complicated or hard. At the end of every course students always say that they don’t want the course to end.   They love it!

If you are thinking about becoming a life coach please check us out.

Click here to see the flyer on the Hart Life Coaching Event!

For more information please visit our website or call me on 02 9940 1575.  Heartley0131 - Copy - Copy (427x640)


Community Announcements

 Embrace Life logoJoin us at the Embrace Life, Live Life Expo at Crows Nest this Sunday – 7th July

There will be readings, free talks and lots and lots of great stands to look at and people to speak to.

Invite a friend to come with you then CLICK HERE and print out the half price flyer. 

One person $15 (with the flyer $7.50 each!)

Come and visit us at one of our Mind, Body and Soul EXPOS

  • Crows Nest Community Centre, 7th July 2013

  • Thornleigh Community Centre, 3rd August 2013

  • Northern Beaches – Harbord Diggers, 13th October 2013


woman of essenceWisdom Circle – 14 July 2.30pm – 4.30pm

What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon!

Our first monthly Wisdom Circle commences 14 July in Cherrybrook. This IS an authentic, organic, feminine, fun, deep sacred space we call the Temple of the Sacred Heart. It is NOT a therapy group. It is a sacred space where women come together and connect from within a deep presence. It is about remembering who you are. Exquisite! 

Register your interest now by emailing Nicole Toohey:

Come and meet Nicole who will be at the Academy’s table at the Embrace Life, Live Life Expo between 11am and 1pm this Sunday 7th July.


soul-colour-spraysSOUL COLOUR CIRCLE 

– 2nd August, 2013 –

The Colour Circle is held on the first Friday night of every month 7.30 pm to 9 pm

The Colour Circle is an evening to relax, unwind and connect with your soul’s needs through deep meditation, colour and sound.

GOLD is the colour for AUGUST

Gold in our Aura is a most brilliant vibration, it awakens the power and glory of the God Self, Higher Self or True Self and enables us to relate to others and to life from a higher perspective and deeper essence of our being.

Gold is a ‘call to action’, to expand our mind, raise our consciousness and live the dream of our Divine inheritance.

For bookings and further information email Narelle: or go to

Narelle Green will be at the Academy table at Embrace Life, Live Life between 10.30 & 12 this Sunday.  Come and say hello!



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
Academy of Light St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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– © Copyright 2013 – Academy of Light Inc.  ABN: 26680515199