
AOL News – 3rd April, 2013 – What Influences Us?

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to bring balance.

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FYI –  Understanding What Influences Us


In the late 1990s when an American inventor, Clinton Ober, a retired cable TV executive, noticed that most people wore rubber soled or synthetic soled shoes, he started to think about the human body in terms of electrical grounding.  He realized that the shoes isolated  the body electrically from the earth, and he knew that ungrounded electronic instruments performed badly.
Other medical researchers in Poland studied the effects of earthing, reporting the effects on physiology and bioelectrical processes.
Ober found sleeping with his body grounded improved his sleep and health and so he started recommending this practice to other people.  He called the practice earthing. People started to tell him that their health problems had been markedly improved after they had tried this. He contacted doctors and scientists to test it out. But they generally refused to have anything to do with this, so he did the experimental testing himself. This showed that the great majority of his earthed-sleeping subjects experienced improved sleep and health and reduced pain and muscle stiffness.

Watch this YouTube for an introduction and if you are interested his book Earthing is available on Amazon among others.


Blessings from Qala

SRI’AMA QALA is most definitely a master here on this earth.  She travels the world channeling Divine Beings of Light and brings through beautiful words of encouragement.  Give your mind a rest by listening to her words; filling yourself with Light and erasing all your troubles.  Click here to see the YouTube


April Influences

Simone Mathews of Universal Life Tools has put together a wonderful article on what is happening and influencing the Earth and us in 2013.  We have extracted April 2013 – click here to read.  If you want more go to the full version covering all of 2013 –  click here.

The Academy is thrilled to announce that Simone will be speaking on the 15th at Neutral Bay.  Join us.  See Neutral Bay Monday Nights for more details.



 “Ninety-nine percent of who you are is invisible and untouchable.”

……….R. Buckminster-Fuller (1895-1983)


In and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

When the banks reopened in Cyprus, it was expected that their would be anger and even some violence but instead the people lined up peacefully.

It is hoped that the service we did the Monday before, in clearing anger and frustration by dowsing, in the people, helped them.

We are going to continue clearing people, cities and countries every Monday Night.  You can be apart of this wonderful service too.   One Monday night we could focus on repairing our water ways from the damage of cold seam gas mines.   Whatever your passion is we can focus on it and after clearing,  provide the loving energies that could bring about a balance.

See you soon,……..Rosemary


AFFIRMATION – say everyday.

“It is safe to express the truth of my heart.

I release my fears of speaking the truth.”

…………………………..Kaliana Raphael Rose. 


HEALTH –  Cold and Flu Symptoms….an unusual approach

Maria writes: For the last few years I have used the oil blend “Awaken” (a Young Living Oil) at the onset of cold and flu symptoms. When I feel I am coming down with something, I put one drop of Awaken on the top of each shoulder where my bra strap is. I also do this for my son in the same area. Usually the progression of the cold/flu stops at this point, although sometimes I’ll apply another two drops the next day. For some reason putting the drops at this particular spot  really seems to help (it’s the “injury point” from Carolyn Mein’s book, Releasing Emotional Patterns Using Essential Oils). Hope this benefits others!  from The Health Garden Bulletin

Enquiries for Young Living Oils email us here at



As I work in my healing sessions on people, I am always learning.  The other day a lady, who had trouble with her digestive system, came to see me.  While working on her I found that energetically her intestines were being ‘eaten away’ and that the lining on the inside was getting very thin.  Her energy there was very weak.  Next I found anger was the cause of it.  In speaking with her about this she told me that she had been told as a child to SWALLOW her anger.  She had believed that God wouldn’t love her if she was angry.

Let us pause here and look at this.  What happens when we swallow something.  Aren’t we eating it?  Then doesn’t it have to go through our stomach and then through our intestines?  What if over a lifetime we keep doing this?  Swallowing our anger; eating it.  No wonder our intestines suffer. 

It was necessary to do some Inner Child work to clear the belief she had taken on when little. ……..Rosemary


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 8th April, 2013


– Connecting you to the Unified Field of Consciousness through SOUND.

PLUS – Noel Jordan uniting the group to clear problem areas around the world through dowsing.  Our mission here is to help the earth and humanity.  Each Monday Night we will be doing this act of service.

Rosemary & John Butterworth

John and Rosemary Butterworth will work together to let you experience Unity.  Tonight is all about bringing your body into harmony and connecting to the harmony of your Soul.

The collective conscious that we usually tune into in our everyday life  is very discordant.  You only have to hear the news.  This discordant energy blocks the energy flowing through our meridans and prevents us from connecting to higher vibrations, such as the 5th dimension where there is only unity, there are no ‘likes’ or ‘dislikes’ but simply a willingness to accept whatever is in your life.

So working together, using meditation and sound, your chakras will be cleared and energized.  Discordant unwanted patterns released from the cells of your body and replaced with harmonies that restore your body to peace.  You will once again be in the unified field of consciousness.

You are welcome to bring a mat or rug so you can lie down during the gonging or you can stay seated.

To read more about John:  &  Rosemary:


MONDAY, 15th April, 2013


Simone Mathews

Come and embrace the power of Sacred Geometry within your life, as we make our evolutionary foray into the ‘Golden Age’.

Extinction …. The question is, ‘will humanity be next?’

* Simone will be talking about how we can embrace the divine principles of ‘Sacred Geometry’ within our lives
* Expand our hearts and transform our perceived limitations through the power of the Heart.
* Will provide real tools for participants to take back into their lives.
* All attendee’s on the evening will receive a free gift from Simone.

Simone says: “We sit on an incredible tipping point in the evolution of humanity; we use resources at a 30% greater rate than is sustainable, our population has increased by over 600% in the last 150 years and over 55,000 species of animals on Earth become extinct each year.  The question is, ‘will humanity be next ?’.

In order to evolve into a compassionate and sustainable human race with a reverence for all LIFE, we are being called to change the way we view ourselves and to see the bigger picture of humanity in the vastness of our universe.  

Simone will be talking about how we can embrace the divine principles of ‘Sacred Geometry’ within our lives in order to quantum leap our thinking, expand our hearts and transform our perceived limitations through the power of the Heart.  The talk will touch on science, art, metaphysics, ancient wisdoms… and provide real tools for participants to take back into their lives.

Simon’s new book ‘Shealla-Dreaming’ will be for sale plus an opportunity to  have a personally signed copy!

Simone M. Matthews is an international speaker, author, spiritual teacher and a visionary pioneer of conscious evolution by design. 

As co-founder of and author of the best-selling book ‘Shealla-Dreaming’, Simone is facilitating a global awakening of people to the infinite power of their heart and soul.  Founder of the healing modalities Crystal Light Healig® and Essence of Angels®, Simone embraces ancient traditional healing in a contemporary setting.  She travels the globe facilitating master classes, as well as her practitioner & teacher courses in these healing modalities. Simone is a well respected, international authority on the ancient science of spiritual wisdom and is a much sought-after keynote presenter, retreat facilitator and dream weaver of The Divine Feminine.  She has been a guest speaker on TV & radio and is a regular contributor to publications both in Australia and internationally.


Community Announcements

Australian Dowsers Society Inc

Next meeting is Sunday 7th April 2013 – 2pm at Sydney Hub Unitarian Church Hall, 15 Francis Street East Sydney

A very special guest Dean Collier, The Dean Of Numbers – – will be speaking.


HEART GATHERING in Cronulla & Kiama

Hearts are gathering to share spiritual knowledge, meditate and deepen the connection with our true selves.

Cronulla – Commencing 6th April – Then 1st Saturday each month. – The Best Little Book Shop in Town.

Kiama – Commencing 20th April.  – Then the 3rd Saturday of each month. –  Devinely Fit Yoga

Contact Pauline Godfrey 0448 942 008     or Karen Wade 0418 428 046

Truth creates Heaven on Earth by Karen Wade in which the reader experiences eleven different energies as they travel through the journey of truth contained with the book.   The presence of each energy will trigger the awakening of truth with the reader of many levels.  Available through the Academy.  $24,95



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
The Southern Cross Academy of Light at
St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 1542 10967

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



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