
AOL News – 31 July 2013 – Go With the Flow!

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us that change is happening.

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FYI – Ascension is Happening

Merkabah Activation – July & August 2013

Merkabah_29_July_2013_Crystal_GridMost people are aware of the Merkabah Activation that is happening between last Monday 29th July and August 25th.  There is so much information out there at the moment.  Everyone has their own take on it.  We particularly like Simone Mathews – Universal Life Tools article on it along with a great 2 minute video which brings it all together so simply.

“In July & then in August 2013 we will experience within the celestial heavens a stargate ‘Merkabah’ portal… set to quantum leap our DNA. This is a VERY RARE twin Merkabah alignment of most divine potential!”  …..To read more please go to:  AND don’t forget the video on the same page!


Earth Speaking

earth-in-handsWe are on a bit of a sound mission at the moment.  Sound can either create or destroy.  ‘Listen’ to what the Earth is saying in this recording from NASA.  Click here to hear Earth – Chorus and to find out more click here.


 We CAN activate our DNA!! 

DNA Activation is a reconnection of your original blueprints for life to a higher degree, and as you continue on your path of life you will connect yourself back to yourself deeper and deeper. The Answer of course lies in the connections made within the sacred space of the heart, which can be accessed by breathing, focusing on your heart (Organ & Chakra), and practicing unconditional love of ALL.

spirit-science-logoThe above work has come from Spirit Science and there is a great video that explains it fully with more information.  Please click here for the link.



Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.

………Lao Tzulao-tzu


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls JourneyWith Rosemary Butterworth

Wow! What a difference it made to having Julia Smith’s Kirlian photography along on Monday Night.  Seeing is definitely believing.  Narelle explained what a spray of Soul Colour could do for you, how it would change your aura, your etheric body and help you but on Monday Night Julia was able to take a photo of before spraying with the colour that Narelle dowsed would assist you to either heal or move forward and then Julia took another photograph and the difference in the aura was amazing.  One man wanted to be able to give voice to his truth, and in  the first aura photo before spraying you could see how small his throat chakra was and after spraying it was much larger and more definite.

As I was suffering from a cold, I asked Narelle to find the colour that would assist me feel better and she ran her pendulum over the 14 bottles and it began swinging when she got to magenta.   It was interesting when she told me that the pendulum swung anticlockwise when the colour was needed to release something caught up in our energy field and clockwise when we needed to absorb the colour to assist us.   My aura photo was so balanced, the charka system seemed to have been energised and indeed I felt a whole lot better.

To know more about Soul Colour go to  See Neutral Bay Meeting details below for the 12th August to learn more about Julia Smith.


Affirmation – say daily…

 “Everything is flowing.  I go with the flow.”

………………….Aura-Soma, Healing Through Color, Plant, and Crystal Energy  Aura Soma Bottle 43


HEALTH– Ascension Headaches

A common ascension symptom for star children (and adults) gifted with an exceptionally developed third eye chakra, enabling them to function as powerful conduits of Glactic transmissions are frequent headaches.

This is a channelled healing technique.  Galactic Healing Triangle

1. The human mind associates the simple geometry of a triangle or prism to be a concentrator, processor and transmitter of information.

2. A red triangle or prism with its apex pointing downwards (away from the sky) naturally directs the Galactic transmissions down the body and towards the Earth for effective grounding, thus reduces the energy overload within and surrounding the third eye which usually brings about prolonged and severe headaches

3. An anti-clockwise movement of the triangular shield (or the third eye itself) slows down the Galactic energy downloads, in order to provide the pineal gland in the brain ample time to process and disseminate these higher vibrations to the entire nervous system. Improving energy throughput (input and output) of the pineal gland reduces the frequency and intensity of such ‘ascension’ headaches.

 This came from Amara Tia Ann in Pears of Wisdon – Chanelled Messages.  To read full post click here


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


 MONDAY, 5th August, 2013

”ENGAGING YOUR VOICE – Your Unique Sound”

Tim NoonanTim Noonan

Did you know, like your unique fingerprint, so is your voice?

Every voice contains not only your pain, your trials, but also your talents.

Tim has been blind from birth and due to this his listening skills have been heightened to an extraordinary extent.

On the night Tim will explain:
• The human voice, it’s magic and mystery
• Sound activities to awaken our vocal consciousness, release stress and soften our hearts
• Tim will demonstrate by choosing someone from the audience, some of their hidden talents

During the evening Tim will guide us through one or two simple sound activities to awaken our vocal consciousness, release stress and soften our hearts. He will explain what a Voice Reading is, how it works and how he can interpret the subtle nuances of your voice to give you a unique insight into yourself.

Tim Noonan is a voice and sound consultant, inspirational speaker and the founder of Vocal Branding Australia. A lifelong student, Tim’s formal studies include a degree in Psychology and Education, a Diploma of Remedial Massage, a Certificate in Relaxation Hypnosis and extensive studies in energetic & sound healing.

Tim’s talks about his Voice Readings: “You will be heard compassionately, at a heart and soul level. I attentively listen to your voice, your words and your totally unique sound. I then explain to you in words and ways that make sense to you, what your voice says about you. For example, I can explain what other people unconsciously hear and feel when they hear you speak, and I will also remind you about some of your unique qualities, values and talents which I hear in your voice.”

Testimonial  “Thanks Tim for the recent voice reading of my speech patterns and frequencies. I spend a lot of time on the phone and in person communicating with clients and have never heard the voice my clients hear, which was enlightening. Your explanations and tips have shown me how to understand the vibration message and personal connection I am sending my clients.” Ian Smith, Northbridge

Contacts: M: 0419 779 669 E:  Readings: Facebook:  Vocal Toning Course:


 MONDAY, 12th August, 2013


Julia SmithJulia Smith

• AuraEnergy Photography of your energy field and chakras. This is a fun way to interact with your energy field and can really help you understand where you are at.
• Come along and be one or more of those present to experience photographs of the real you and how ‘Sound and Colour’ as pure energy directly impact your energy field.
• AuraEnergy Photos show you are more than you can see as they capture an’ in the moment image’ of your whole self – the visible physical and invisible energy field that surrounds you and that you emit like a beacon.

The colours in these photos provide interesting and valuable information about the current operation status of your chakras and the vibration in your energy field.

We are both an energy being and a physical being, so by actively working to cleanse, open and balance your chakras and energy field you allow the optimal amount of ‘chi’ or’ pranic’ energy to enter your being. This sets a platform of better health, vitality, creativity, implementation and assists to raise the vibrational rate of your energy field.

Along with positive thinking and a higher vibrational rate you will increase your Law of Attraction, attracting optimal experiences into your life.

By working with sound and colour, as pure sources of chi energy, these vibrational energies easily are absorbed into our bodies and greatly assist in cleansing, opening and balancing our energy field and chakras.

A few willing people from the audience will have the chance to receive ‘before and after’ AuraEnergy photos Aura Photo, after experiencing a short session on the Sound Massage table and Colour Therapy.

Julia is the Founder of Inner Tranquillity & Peace – The Power of Sound and Vibrational Waves
* Corporate Stress Management * AuraEnergy Photography * Sound Massages for stress release, Colour Therapy and Chi Energy Balancing
* Distributor – Soul Colour Essences, Sacred Self Alchemical Oils, Genzon Phi Living Water Filters

Contact Julia:  Mobile – 0404 619 148  Email:  Skype – tranquillity3911  Website:

Member: IICT and International Sound Therapists Association



 Power Living for Women

Powerful Living For Women
Starting Sunday 25th August 2013

 Are you a strong, passionate woman with a wonderful vision for your life? But do you also find yourself feeling tired or stressed and lacking the energy, motivation or tools to be able to create that wonderful life?
Join me for the Powerful Living for Women group sessions and finally make a change for the better.

 Powerful Living for Women group sessions offer you a time-out from the demands and pressures of your busy life.
Experience relaxation techniques, learn simple take-home exercises, and discover how you can tap into your own personal power and resources to create a happy, healthy and successful life.

 A series of 5 small group sessions held once a month, starting 25th August 2013.
You can attend any of the individual sessions, or enrol in all 5 sessions and as a BONUS you’ll also receive a personal 1:1 Success Coaching session.
For further details see the attached flyer and the webpage:

Cost: $45 per session
Location: Bondi Junction
Contact: Jane Chessell – Success Coach
Mob: 0417 453 972  Email:  Web:



Revelations of the Sacred Feminine

Treasury of Light

Nancy Valentine Smith

Sunday 18th August 2013 – 9:30am – 4:30pm

Workshop $177 – Early bird special of $145 until August 5th 

Mary Mackillop Place 7-11 Mount St., North Sydney

 Nancy Valentine Smith is a messenger, a facilitator, works with Sacred song’s, a seer and, an Oracle.

 ‘I hold workshops, seminars, bringing people together and co-creating changes in their lives.

 I also facilitate energy work on a one to one basis as a Sacred technician, clearing data from people’s cells.

 I have always seen, heard and had a tangible connection to the Spirit world in all dimensions.

The day of the workshop is an experience of receiving high frequencies, channeled throughout the whole day.’

Click here for more information

Love and Blessings, Nancy Valentine Smith.

To book: or mobile: 0426885189


Transformational Workshops

Series of 7

Colour By the Sea - Aura Soma Cover

I’m an Aura-Soma and Light Pen practitioner with a background in Transpersonal therapy, offering a series of seven workshops on “The Journey Of The Self” to promote self-love, strengthen one’s inner resources and enhance self-awareness and joy. It will be a multi-dimensional experience and the participants will be invited to use the Aura-Soma essences to clear, protect and nourish their auric fields; creating an opportunity for transformation. Each journey opens a doorway into a world of new possibilites in prime areas of challenge and are designed to develop people’s skills to utilize their own wisdom and unique talents to create more joyful lives.

Each workshop will be the fourth Sunday of the month commencing July 28th.
Click here to see flyer

Colour Harmony By The Sea
Renalda  0414 526 211



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
Academy of Light St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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