
AOL News – 30th November, 2011 – Let the Light in!

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Namaste ,

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to let the Light in!


Thought of the Week

dalai-lama1I am always telling people that our century is very important historically for the planet.  There is a big competition between world peace and world war, between the force of mind and the force of materialism, between democracy and totalitarianism.  And now within this century, the force of peace is gaining the upper hand…..  Insight from the Dalai Lama


F.Y.I.  – Let the Light in!

When the world news is full of doom and gloom don’t buy into it!  Change the ‘radio station’ of your mind.  Focus on the small things that delight you.  Create space in your mind for gratitude, for what you have right now.  Perhaps it is a hot shower, a good dinner, a phone call from a friend or simply a hot cup of tea.  Find your Peace and Joy and you shall unleash the force of  God within you.divine-light

Speaking about Light we are thrilled to be able tell you for the first time about a wonderful event that is happening on the 26th, 27th, 28th October, 2012.

The event is called SHINE.  It is to be held on Cockatoo Island.  This 3 day event is going to be a global event as it is to be skyped to many countries around the world who will also be holding Sister Events.  Already 7 countries have signed up.   Doug de Vito is a partner in the event.  He has scientists now that can measure the change in energy following a ReConnection.  Imagine being able to measure the change in consciousness as this event goes globally.   It will indeed lift the consciousness.  As more news comes to hand we will let you know.  Keep that weekend free!!!!


Health tip – PEACE

How do we bring Peace into our bodies?  Through Meditation we reduce the stress and balance chemicals in the body.  Look at your diet to see if you are Acidic or Alkaline … what are you eating, how much fresh organic foods do you eat?

Suggested tools … Oils – ‘Peace and Calming Essential Oil’ by Young Living Essential Oils ,  ‘Blue’ Soul Colour spray by Narelle Green,  Music – John Levine’s, “Silence of Peace” or “Silence of Heart” CDs

About PEACE…  Say ” Divine Healing intelligence, I call on the blue ray of peace and tranquillity. Please bathe me in your healing light of serenity, calm and stillness.  Soothe all irritation and anger in my consciousness and transform it into enthusiasm, balance and passion for life.  Allow me to find freedom in the stillness of my mind.  Guide me to appreciate my life and grow to be more dynamic, vibrant and energetic.  Thank you.” Repeat the word ‘CLEAR’ several times until you feel lighter.

How would it feel to let go of all anger and negativity and  discover peace and freedom?  Recognise what you are angry about and be willing to let it go. Then focus on peace. Find time for stillness and quiet where you can allow inspiration to flow to you.  From ‘The Secret Language of Your Body’ by Inna Segal.innas-language-of-colour

All products mentioned above are available from The Academy


Affirmation – say every day.

Connect to The Southern Cross Academy of Light and then call in your Teachers and Guides and begin your day by saying:-

“I can see how the biggest challenge in my life has also been the best thing that ever happened.  I am grateful for the gifts life continues to bring me”….Self-love cards by Michelle McGrathsacred-self


In and Around The Academy

logo_small2from Rosemary Butterworth.

GREAT NEWS!!! Robbie Holz has agreed to come to Australia in 2012.  She will be hosted by The Academy.  Robbie is co-author of the inspiring book, Journey to the Heart, Secrets of Aboriginal Healing.  It is the inspiring story of her late husband, Dr. Gary Holz, a quadriplegic physicist who had been diagonised with chronic progressive multiple sclerosis, Holz was confined to a wheelchair and took a leap of faith traveling into Australia’s far reaches to be treated with powerful, 40,000-year-old healing techniques.  In this book, at the tribes request, Holz brings this knowledge to the Western world and reveals this secret medicine for the first time.  Gary provides a rare glimpse into the mystic life and philosophies of Outback Aborigines – one of the oldest cultures on the planet – and offers insights into an ancient system of healing that touches on physical, spiritual and emotional wellness.  This book provides step-by-step techniques for healing the body, mind and spirit.

Robbie who has worked with an Outback aboriginal tribe and healed herself of Hepatitus C and other illnesses.  She will be coming to Australia to teach others how to thrive in mind, body and spirit.

In the meantime you can read this marvelous book.  It can be purchased through the Academy’s website.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.



troi-lenard-3TROI LEONARD, International Speaker from Norway

I invite you to experience a ‘Deepening of Oneness’ into the Heart of Love…

The practice of  BEING rather than DOING is the difference between the
PAST and the NOW…  I believe that all Yogas, Healing’s and the myriads of Self Development
Processes have led us to the threshold of entering into the TRUE SELF, the I AM presence of

By applying the tools of our Spiritual Trade in our everyday, practical lives…the right use of the breath
reconnecting us in fullest measure to the body and it’s FEELING NATURE, stilling the  minds erratic behaviour…
with right FOCUS and INTENT…. and establishing, over time, a basic and healthy RHYTHM over the whole
of our personality, to the HIGHER RHYTHM and COMMUNION with our SOUL…PRESENCE of our BEING.

The LOVE THAT WE ARE impels and implores us to cast aside our resistances to the inevitable change
we are in the very midst of…and surrender with acceptance and joy…our destiny and purpose for
BEING…in the SERVICE OF LOVE and the new world we are CO-CREATING together.


Whilst Troi Leonard is visiting SYDNEY – December  1 to 7th,  – Troi is offering Spiritual Guidance and
Soul Counsel Sessions, as well as Sound & Color ‘ Energy Flow ‘ Healings plus Raindrop Aromatherapy Healings.
Troi is also an Esoteric & Pranic Healer with over 35 years of experience in applying the Seven Rays & Harmonic Tones
to free and remove negative and stuck energy in the Aura and Physical/Etheric bodies…

For appointments, please call…02 9328 2231
Or email Troi at…
For Troi’s activities schedule look under…





Tonight I will be speaking about Abundance, manifesting it, using intuition, and taking leaps of faith. I will share my personal story of Abundance.  I will share what I do to create abundance in my life and lead an abundance manifestation meditation at the end of my talk.

My intention is that the audience will have something woken within them and at the very least come away inspired and feeling abundant.

Jason Snaddon is the Managing Director of a Real Estate business Love Property he has also recently served on the Board of the SGLBA and is the Managing Director of  Shine Sydney 2012. He has created and manifested an abundant life and has recently taken a giant leap of faith to follow his purpose and his abundance.

Two Lucky Door Prizes of the Evening will be a boxed set of Angel and Destiny  Cards PLUS an Angel Reading by Rosemary Butterworth

This is the closing event for 2011.  The Academy opens again on Monday the 16th January when the speaker will be the wonderful writer, composer and film maker Anatole Petrovich Kononewsky.  Anatole’s latest book  ‘Soft Diamond Light: only love matters’ is available through Adyar Bookshop.



grail-haven-fellowshipThe Grail Haven Fellowship Programme presents:

CRYSTAL WORKSHOP, Sunday, December 4th  – 10am to 4pm
– with Richard De Welles

Working with crystals, chakras, healing techniques and guided imagery Richard will assist your healing and transformational journey.

Click here to find out more and then please contact Richard at Grail Haven for full programme.


Community Announcements

gerry-crowBe Empowered by Spirit  Gerry Crow is back in Sydney area from 3rd December till 10th December 2011 running clinic hours

She is available in the Leichhardt clinic for Three Days Only!!!

As well she is teaching her workshop ‘The Metaphysical, the Moon and You’.

The workshop is in Bowral and runs from 10.00am till 8.30pm.  All materials and dinner is included, please bring your own lunch  Investment: $150.00

Gerry Crow is a renowned, professional psychic, medium and healer with thirty years experience.  Her Clients’ Testimonials validate her accuracy.  Be Sure to take this Opportunity to have a session with Gerry.  Private Readings and Healings Available Saturday the  3/12/2011, Tuesday the 6/12/2011 and Wednesday the 7/12/2011  Bookings are Essential  Ph: 0449 865 473 Day and Evening Appointments Available

Please do not text me as this function is not working on my phone at the moment

A Reading Session is 50 minutes Investment  $150, A Healing Session is 50minutes Investment  $130  For more about Gerry visit:



A community announcement costs $30.  To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75.

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.  To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



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Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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