
AOL News – Lift Your Spirits High

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to spread kindness

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FYI – You are bigger than your thoughts


Eckhart Tolle – Are Thoughts the Source of Ego?

Eckhart TolleEckhart Tolle discusses in a sample from a Q & A in May 2010 the question of “Is the ego the source of our thoughts?” Eckhart says that the ego arises out of the state of identification with thought and that freedom from this comes when we realise we are not our thoughts but rather, we are awareness.  This clip goes for 10 minutes.  It is very wonderful. Click here.

We have been recommending Rosemary Butterworth’s book – “How to Move Forward, Leave Your Thoughts Behind” the last few weeks and this video validates everything that Rosemary is teaching in the book.  Some amazing testimonials have been flowing in and we will be sharing some of them with you in the next few weeks.


Deep Creative Meditation 23 – Kindness – Holy Swan

Holy SwanThis is a beautiful meditation narrated by Brahama Kumaris.  The practice of kindness means that we focus on other people’s pure qualities – knowing this keeps the heart soft and the soul safe. The story of the mythical swan is that it picks up the pearls that we choose to focus on now.  Just so beautiful.  Take 5 minutes to watch this clip or shut your eyes and the feel the words spoken by Brahama.  Click here


TEDxSantaCruz: Howard Martin – Engaging the Intelligence of the Heart

Howard MartinAt a young age Howard Martin realised life had to be about two things, that is, continuous growth and service to others.  That process led him to the discovery of heart.   Howard talks about exploring and discovering the intelligence of the heart.  He says that we are learning new things about the physical heart that we have never known before, what the heart really is and its intelligence. This very informative clip goes for around 16 minutes – click here.



Man can be happy and safe only when the heart feels faster than the mind thinks.

Sri Chinmoy

Sri Chinmoy


Affirmation – say daily…

I touch others with a soft, kindhearted smile.

Kindness pic 1 – click here for link


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls Journey

With Kelly Stone

Sound night with Luna Pracht and her beautiful singing bowls was amazing on Monday night.  Not only did we get to hear Luna play her bowls but we also received incredible information about the healing qualities of sound and a live demonstration on how the sound and singing bowls work on healing the body physically and emotionally.  One Academy member received a healing treatment by standing in a large singing bowl, feeling the vibration as it entered her feet and through her body.  Luna then intutively used her voice and hands to pull and release energy to clear away blockages.  Another member received a healing on the floor where bowls were placed at the feet then played.  The bowls were then moved up the body.  As Luna was demonstrating this technique, she was explaining in great detail what was happening and what we could listen for when using the bowls in a one on one healing session.

Luna returns home to Germany this Friday.  The word “workshop” was suggested on the night, so we are hopeful Luna will return to Sydney in the near future.  Thank you Luna!


HEALTH – Emotions –

Don’t believe a Word that Your Mind Tells You

The mind permeates, not only the brain but goes through our entire body.  All emotions come from thoughts.  Postive emotions give you a sense of wellbeing whilst it is generally recognised that negative emotions cause illness and disease.  Some say that anger and resentment in particular, may give rise to cancer.  

The thought enters the mind often unseen and then creates the feeling.  Because we feel the emotion often before we realise that we are thinking, it will often seem to us the other way around.  Of course, once the emotions are aroused the thinking is also more audible and then it is often seen or “heard”. 

Cover_How to move forwardTaken from “How to Move Forward, Leave Your Thoughts Behind” by Rosemary Butterworth


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY –4 November 2013


Katrina CavanoughAs one of Australia’s Top 10 Intuitives, Katrina has discovered a bounty of wisdom and answers to some of life’s greatest questions, thanks to those she’s connected with on the other side.

Unlike most therapists and social workers, Katrina Cavanough has an extra special gift – the ability to communicate and receive messages from the souls of those who have passed.

Katrina Cavanough was just 28 when she took on the job of trauma therapist in a busy hospital emergency department. Within weeks, she was surprised to discover that her ability to communicate with Spirit would play an important role in her new career. Over the next 10 years, Katrina found herself in spiritual communication with many people as they made their transition into the afterlife.

“Outside I was the medical professional; supporting the families, helping the doctors” Katrina explains, “But inside I was the spiritual messenger; quietly and lovingly reassuring the patient as they passed from this world to the next”.

Her new book WISDOM FOR YOUR LIFE shares Katrina’s most memorable cases and what she’s learnt from the people who’ve passed over.

All at once inspiring and insightful, Katrina Cavanough’s WISDOM FOR YOUR LIFE is proof that death is anything but the end.

See more about Katrina on Youtube – click here.


 MONDAY – 11 November 2013



“We are all beings of Light. Have you forgotten this? Do you not remember that your only true purpose here is to wake up and shine your Light?” (Ishtaria)

Carole McKeracher11:11 symbolises ‘remembering’! A remembering, of an ‘outer’ war; and yet, a greater meaning for this symbol, is the ‘inner’ remembering–of who, we truly are!  The remembering that we are never separate disconnected beings. That we share the same mind with everything that has ever been is and will ever be!

Carole’s presentation will include a channelled communication with several Higher Dimensional Beings. The grace and humour of these transmissions makes for a fun and uplifting experience and are both personal and universal.

The transmissions from these Beings are multi-dimensional. Beyond the form of the words of the communication, it is also offered as an energy field, or blueprint, upgrade—rather like upgrading the latest software on your computer. If allowed, this can expand the energy field and the awareness of the receiver to a higher frequency, and is often felt quite tangibly in the energy bodies of those present.

Carole relates to these Beings as we might, a profoundly wise and kindly older brother or sister who exists outside of time and space, as we know it. They are here to remind us of the truth of who we are and have much wisdom and guidance to offer humanity during these wonderfully expansive, yet also very turbulent, times.

This will be followed by questions and answers.

About Carole:

Carole began writing ‘with Spirit’ in 2006, believing it then to be only for her personal growth. Yet, since then, that writing has evolved into direct voice channelling, which Carole has been offering publically for the last three years.

These dialogues with Higher Dimensional Beings of Light, among them are an infinitely wise and patient collective who have become known to me as the ‘Elohim’; and also ‘Ishtaria’, a very colorful, expressive, and larger than life, Star Being. Working in this way has truly transformed my life. I would say that the greatest gift I have received, is the understanding, the knowing, that to express myself in truth–the truth of who I am–is the gift I bring to the world.

We live in exciting, fast awakening times and this is truly an amazing time to be alive! My intention and passion is to share this ‘Timeless Wisdom’– the love, wisdom and healing – that the unseen world wish to share with us.

Carole also offers private sessions and regular public events.

Click here for website.  Click here for email address.  Mobile: 0411 109 984



 Thursday, 28 November 2013 and Friday, 29 November 2013

Hopi Elder in Sydney

Grandmother Mona

It is with great pleasure and deep gratitude that we are welcoming Grandmother Mona Polacca to Sydney on her first visit to Australia. She will be met and welcomed to country by Dunghutti – Jerrinjha Grandmother Margret Campbell, and a number of senior traditional Elders.

Grandmother Mona is one of the elders of the world-renowned International Council of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers. Grandmother Mona’s paternal lineage is Hopi. On her mother’s side, she is Havasupai, “People of the Blue Green Waters” from the Grand Canyon. Her grandfather and great-grandfather were the last chiefs of the Havasupai Nation.

There will be two public meetings with Grandmother Mona:

1. Thursday 28th November 2013 Bellavista, Manly…with a sweeping view over the harbour. Time: 5:30 to 8:00 pm

2. Friday 29th November 2013 Gardener’s Lodge Cafe, Sydney….with Auntie Beryl’s Aboriginal food. Time: 4:30 to 7:30 pm

For REGISTRATION to these events click here.

Grandmother Mona will talk to you about the Original Message of Unity and Oneness, which she learnt on her Hopi grandmother’s lap – a most timely message for these tumultuous and transformational times we are living. In an open forum, Grandmother Mona may also touch on wide-ranging issues such as climate change, water, sacred sites, traditional healing, and sustainability. These meetings will remain spontaneous and open to any processes – word and/or ceremony – which the elders and Grandmother Mona may wish to initiate. You will have ample opportunity to interact and ask questions of Mona and the elders present.


Community Announcements

Saturday, 16 November 2013 – 6.30pm

Love Inspires

Join us and be part of an Inspiring Night

There will be: Guided Meditation linking around the world to bring forth love and healing to the Indigenous people, Earth Mother and each other.

Followed by:
Live music
Mayan hot chocolate and sweets (available by donation)

Investment: $20

All proceeds going to building a hospital, birthing centre and school for 35 villages in the jungle of Guatemala

Click here for Guatemalan project update for details

Limited space available.

Get your tickets now!

Buy Now

 Contact Christina on 0412 606 098

Your support is much appreciated. We welcome any donations.

Like us on Facebook to keep up to date. Dreaming Woman or Alkehela

Love Inspires


If you are unable to attend, please take 30 mins out of your time on Saturday 16th Nov and meditate on bringing forth the love and healing to the Earth Mother and each other.

Get your friends to join and lets prove that Love is the greatest power we have. Spread the word and lets make this global.

Thank you



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
Academy of Light St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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