
AOL News – 2nd October 2013 – Don’t take anything personally…

"Newsletter" buttonAcademy of Light Incorporated-Supporting Your Souls Journey

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to have a laugh every day.

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FYI – Keeping on top of it with ease and grace

The Four AgreementsDon Miguel Ruiz – The Four Agreements – Introductory Video

An introduction to a very fantastic book.  Don Miguel Ruiz reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering.  This book  has four very simple agreements that we can live by, that is, “Be impeccable with your word”, “Don’t take anything personally”, Don’t make assumptions” and “Always do your best”. click here


Patricia-Cota-RoblesRelease the Human Ego – Patricia Cota Robles

Here is a meditation that goes for 9 minutes.  If you feel you need to take some time out or feel depleted of energy, watch or listen to this clip that reminds you of your “I AM presence”. click here


PolicemanAnd you thought you had a bad day at the office…..

We want to bring some humour into your day, its important to laugh, and not to take things too seriously.  Take a look at this actual footage of a Detroit bank robbery.  Do you think the police had their eyes on the prize and missed what was in front of them? This is a 34 second clip. click here


Expand your mindTHOUGHT OF THE DAY –

“It is not just about expanding the mind, it’s also about creating new perceptions.”

Rosemary Butterworth

Sharing from Kelly Stone:

I recently had a session with Rosemary and I was able to finally grasp this concept. I had put up with a long standing health issue since my teens, thinking well that’s just the way it is, I best just try and manage it. It wasn’t until Rosemary told me that I didn’t have to put up with it. Wow, this was a new way of thinking. From then on no more of my time, thinking or energy went into this health issue. The health issue has now improved.  This has opened me up to a new way of thinking and new possiblities. I realised that I just didn’t know any other way of thinking.


Louise HayAffirmation – say daily…

Life is simple and easy….

All that I need to know at any given moment is revealed to me.  I trust myself and I trust life.  All is well.

Power Thought Cards, Louise L Hay 


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls Journey

With Rosemary Butterworth

“HOW TO AMPLIFY YOUR ENERGY WITH CRYSTALS” was the title of Monday’s talk so I went through the Academy’s  cupboards and found all the crystals that I had brought over the years and took them to the meeting.   Peggy made a beautiful display in the centre with coloured pieces of chiffon and we laid dozens of amazing crystals upon them.   Before I began the meditation I gazed at the crystals and found a particular one for each of the people present, one that seemed just right for them and told them to hold it during the meditation.   During the meditation the stillness in the silence was immense – and perhaps it was due to the crystals, so later this month we will try it again.

We enjoyed hearing about Eilish’s journey and the magic of it.  She then told us how to use crystals in our daily lives.  Most of us had forgotten and our crystals were gathering dust on the shelves.  Eilish encouraged us to talk to our crystals.  She passed around crystals and we were to ask the crystal where it was found.  I put it to my eye and heard the word Brazil as clearly as anything as did a lot of others  Eilish told us if we wanted more love in our lives to build or set a grid of rose quartz crystals, the grid in this case being a hexagon, and perhaps build it underneath our bed and leave it there for some time.  She said if our focus was to bring more love to Mother Earth, you could leave it there indefinitely.




You’d be a wise sage to add the herb sage to your recipes. Not only does it have a soft, yet sweet savory flavor, but for millennia, it has also been prized for its health-promoting qualities. Its reputation as a panacea is even represented in its scientific name, Salvia officinalis, derived from the Latin word, salvere, which means “to be saved.”

Want some sage advice? Boost your wisdom quotient by liberally adding sage to your favorite soups, stews and casserole recipes. Research published in the June 2003 issue of Pharmacological Biochemical Behavior confirms what herbalists have long known: sage is an outstanding memory enhancer.

In other research presented at the British Pharmaceutical Conference in Harrogate (September 15-17, 2003), Professor Peter Houghton from King’s College provided data showing that the dried root of Salvia miltiorrhiza, also known as Danshen or Chinese sage, contains active compounds similar to those developed into modern drugs used to treat Alzheimer’s Disease. Sage has been used in the treatment of cerebrovascular disease for over one thousand years.

Increased intake of sage as a seasoning in food is recommended for persons with inflammatory conditions (like rheumatoid arthritis),as well as bronchial asthma, and atherosclerosis. The ability of sage to protect oils from oxidation has also led some companies to experiment with sage as a natural antioxidant additive to cooking oils that can extend shelf life and help avoid rancidity.

Click here for further information.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 7th October, 2013



MONDAY, 14th October, 2013


The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself

Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting 1-29-13All present on the night will have the opportunity to experience this healing technique with Julie Jara and the Team of Sydney Practitioners.

Julie is giving away on the night 3x double passes to “The Essence of Healing with Dr Eric Pearl on Friday 29th November as Lucky Door Prizes.

The technique of Reconnective Healing that was founded by Dr Eric Pearl. Dr Eric Pearl states:

“The Reconnection® principle is simple, and the outcome is revolutionary. There is a healing power that transcends the limitations of human ability and imagination. By opening to it, without preconceived agendas, we are able to restore balance and harmony in our lives and, as such, transform our bodies, hearts, minds, and souls in ways that otherwise may seem impossible”.

About Dr. Eric Pearl: Dr Pearl was running a successful chiropractic practice when a series of bizarre occurrences led him to realize that his gift lay far beyond the realm of spinal adjustment. There was also an astonishing series of occurrences when patient Frederick Ponzlov – and others – began delivering coherent messages about the healings that were occurring, seemingly coming from a source beyond our four dimensional existence here on Earth. But there was much more… profound and life-altering information, illumination and wisdom on how we can improve our lives. These insights came courtesy of Solomon, an extra-dimensional intelligence.

Learn more about the new book “Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life”.

Julie Jara is an Associate Instructor with The Reconnection who has been involved with this work for nine years, traveling to over twenty countries with Dr Eric Pearl and The Reconnection Teaching Team.

Meet Julie and a team of Reconnective Healing Practitioners who are based in Sydney.

For further information click here for Julie’s website and click here for The Reconnection webstie.



Want a Fresh Beginning? Heart-beat with Les Dyer

 Les Dyer Banner

Two 1 day personal growth spiritual Seminar Workshops

Day 1: Saturday October 12th 10am-5pm How to Stop Sabotaging Your Health Wealth and Self

Discover why you sabotage yourself, how you sabotage yourself and how to overcome it in order to live a fearless, fulfilled and generally joyous life.

Day 2: Sunday Ocober 13th 10am-5pm Repairing the Net of Time

Have you ever wondered why you sometimes act irrationally and against your own better judgement? We inherit family unresolved issues…often for life – at least until now!

At “Your Soul Centre”, Building D, 30 Suakin Drive, Mosman

$95 per seminar. Click here for more information and email Les to book on


Embrace Life, Live Life Expo

Embrace Life Live Life

at Harbord Diggers in the Northern Beaches

Sunday, October 13th   10am – 5pm

A day not to be missed!!!

Every Expo that Embrace Life put on is different and this one is no different.  See you there.

Click here for the Half Price Tickets when you and a friend come together.


Sydney – Face Reading & Psychosomatic Therapy

Face Reading

The Art of Reading faces comes with practice and lies in the ability to master the understanding of the “individual features” and the receptiveness of being available to others.

This is your opportunity to learn the basic principals of Face Reading within the Psychosomatics framework and most importantly, understand and connect to yourself and others on a different level.

2 Day Face Reading Workshop:    Teacher: Linda Thackray
Location:  Katoomba

Dates: Saturday – Sunday 23rd – 24th November, 2013

10-day Psychosomatic Therapy Course: Teacher: Sean Jago
Location:  Katoomba (retreat style – accommodation included)
Dates:       Level 1:   8-13th November (6 days)
Level 2:   29th Nov – 1st December (4 days)

For more information click here


Community Announcements



Jacaranda Haven Spring No  3 2012407 Avalon Road, Dyers Crossing.

Well it is nearly here and we are very excited.  It will be the first Open Day this year.  Lots of fun, good company, good food and laughter not to forget our wonderful presenters who will delight us with their unique abilities.  You will love Tim Noonan as he tells you about his special gift which is to hear the real you, the special you, not the one you hide behind and how his voice readings can help you.

We have one disappointment to announce, and that is Julia Smith is ill and doesn’t think she will be well enough to travel the 4 hours up to the land on Sunday so she has cancelled.  But Spirit had other plans and now Narelle Green from Soul Colour has stepped in to take her place.   Narelle will be talking about activating the light body and don’t forget, there will be a fabulous gong bath from John Butterworth and Jessica Cowley Martin who is bringing her white crystal bowls.  I will be leading a meditation.  So we will all be busy….Rosemary

There will be lots of special products from the Academy to purchase. 

Starting time: Sunday, 6th October 10.30am  (Remember it is the first day of daylight saving.)

Phone:  6550 2169 (Jacaranda Haven) or 9967 4425 (Sydney)



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
Academy of Light St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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– © Copyright 2013 – Academy of Light Inc.  ABN: 26680515199