
AOL News – 29th May, 2013 – Embrace It All

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to see the gift.

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FYI – We’ve Got Time

Phil Hansen's Unusual Art

Embrace Your Limitations!

Wow!  Aren’t Ted Talks fantastic?!  Here is another one that we recommend you listen to, because by listening to this it can help you embrace what you think is wrong in your life.  Phil Hansen: Embrace the shakeit is only about 10 minutes long and is inspiring.  His art is just as incredible as his creative mind.

In art school, Phil Hansen developed an unruly tremor in his hand that kept him from creating the pointillist drawings he loved. Hansen was devastated, floating without a sense of purpose. Until a neurologist made a simple suggestion: embrace this limitation … and transcend it. 

So he learned to let go of outcomes, failures and imperfections.  We encourage you to listen to what he learnt and see how you can transform yourself and your world.  Change your life!


Energetic Clearing Process ken-page-150-112

In Ken Page’s ( May newsletter he made available an energetic clearing process that we thought we would pass on to all of you.  Here is the introduction and then click through to the full article.

What if we were to tell you there was a place where you were alone, 3, 4, 5 or more times a day, in complete privacy, where you basically have nothing else to do but just be?

 Impossible? No, not really. This place is of course, the bathroom! While this might even seem laughable to some of you, think a moment. If we said you would have to stop your busy schedule even just two times a day to change your life and even if we could give you provable results, how many of us would really follow through?

 This is why we are suggesting you simply begin the following clearing technique the very next time you go to the bathroom. In that moment of privacy, whether you are sitting or standing, do the following….


nellie-pattersonA fabulous opportunity !

If you are interested in having a cultural experience like you have never had before this might be for you.

“Nellie Patterson is planning to be at Yulara in August, she invites you to come and camp with her and share culture.

The camp site at Yulara belongs to the Indigenous Land Corporation and is managed by Voyages. If you would like to come and be on this land you will need to provide everything for yourselves, from transport to sleeping gear, food, water and cooking gear. There will be an opportunity to coordinate transport, equipment and food so that resources can be pooled. Note that this is not an organised activity, if you wish to camp with Mrs Patterson you do so under your own arrangements and at your own risk.

It is expected that a donation of $700 will be made by each Visitor to the Elders for the opportunity to spend time with them on Country, getting to know them and learning about their culture. This money will be used by them to cover their transport costs and other living expenses while there, so please bring it with you in cash and give it directly to Mrs Patterson. The Elders will also have art works for sale and will be creating additional pieces during camp.

The Date will be 19th – 23rd August, 2013, so to allow time for resource coordination please register your interest by 1st July, by sending an email to with your name, contact phone numbers, home address and email address. If you have any queries please call Robyn Law on 0414 905 444 or Suzanne Thompson on 0488 955 935.”


Thought of the Day

Physical illnesses may be cured by medicines.  No medicine, however, can induce that state of boundless energy which comes when every cell in the body cooperates with the mind willingly, joyfully, in all that it seeks to do.

Such radiant well-being comes after the mind has been cleared of everyshadow of unwillingness, of fear, and of doubt; when one has learned to say yes to life; and when one has learned to love. .….. J. Donald Walters.

Begin by practising to be kind in thought, word and deed.


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls JourneyWith Rosemary Butterworth

A client came to me because she felt terrible after attending a weekend workshop.  She said it hadn’t worked for her and was wishing she had not attended.   When I put her on the table I saw all this movement of ‘dust’.  It was as if she had had thoughts that had been buried in her subconscious disturbed and they were now flying around her.  This was the ‘dust’ that I was seeing and feeling and these thoughts were making my client feel unsafe, little and scared.

BUT NOTHING HAD GONE WRONG!  This ‘dust’ needed to be disturbed.  It was thoughts that had been buried in the subconscious and that been pried loose like weeds in a garden and then the weeds could be turned into mulch and used as fertiliser or dried and turned into dust and blown away.

The energy coming onto the planet now is very strong and will pry loose what we are attached to and trying to hang on to.   Susan Jeffers, author of ‘Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway’,  says: ” I ask my subconscious mind to consult my higher self to find the solution for me.”  Then let it go.  The best time to do it is before bed.

So it is very important to:

1.  Know that nothing is going wrong with your life.  A good thing to say, (particularly if you have been made redundant) ‘if not this, then what?’

2.  Embrace your fear – do gratitude with a whole heart.

3.  Love life.


AFFIRMATION – say throughout the day…

“My body cells obey my will.  They dance with divine vitality!  I AM well! I AM strong! I AM a flowing river of boundless power and energy.”

……..Affirmations for Self-Healing.  J. Donald Walters j-donald-walters


HEALTH –The Ancient Art of “Oil Pulling”

 coconut oilThis is a really neat way of using oils – I heard about it a couple of weeks ago, and have been doing it ever since. It is based on an ancient Ayurvedic technique for detoxing and rejuvenating the body. Traditionally, virgin sesame oil was used….however many people today choose organic virgin raw coconut oil instead (just sit it in warm water till it liquefies, or let it liquefy in your mouth). I’ve been told that the reason coconut oil is often used is because of its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and enzymatic properties… it kills the bad bugs and leaves behind the good probiotics.

 What I love is that you can add essential oils into the coconut oil before putting it in your mouth, for added health benefits. I add 2 drops of Oregano into it (and no, it’s not hot in the mouth…..there’s enough coconut oil to well and truly dilute its heat). Having said that – I make sure my coconut oil is liquid first, then put the Oregano in it, then I put it into my mouth. I have other oily friends who are doing this with Thieves oil, or Purification oil….but I also wonder at the benefits of using an emotional oil in the mix, something like Tangerine, or Believe, or Joy, if you wanted to uplift your day.

 The whole idea is to use the coconut + essential oil mix like a mouthwash….swirl it around in your mouth, pull the oil between your teeth, wash it over your gums and around your tongue…..just don’t gargle with it, because of the toxins its carrying (and don’t swallow it). Ideally put a tablespoon of the coconut or sesame oil in your mouth, and swish it around like a mouthwash for 20 minutes. If that’s too much for you, start with a teaspoon and build up….or start with 5 minutes and build up to 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, simply spit the oil into a bin (not down the sink, as it can clog the drain). Finish by rinsing your mouth out with clean water a few times, then drink a glass of water and enjoy your day!!! And although this can be done at any time of day, it’s best to do it first up in the morning, before eating or drinking.

The process draws congestion and mucus from the body (from your throat and sinuses). It also attracts bacteria, toxins and parasites from your mouth and lymph system. Thanks to our saliva, all these things bind with the oil, ready to be disposed of. Another advantage of oil pulling is that I’m told it helps to re-mineralise teeth and strengthen gums through the act of thoroughly cleansing the area. I’m looking forward to finding out what my dentist notices on my next appointment!!!!

From Artemis – The Health Garden – to talk to Artemis further email


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.

MONDAY, 3rd June, 2013

Balancing the Elements

We  welcome everyone to  come together as one, to honour and balance the elements of the planet.  Using  ceremony with sound and drums, be part of an extended circle.

Guidance has been received to suggest the earth needs some assistance at this time of our evolution. Pollution, solar flares and earth changes can unsettle the emotional body.

ann-castleAnn Castle and John Butterworth john-butterworth….leading into…..

“Rekindle Your Spirit and Soul – Open Heart & Healing Meditation”

nicole-tooheyNICOLE TOOHEY

This is a night of rest, rest for the Mind (hence the lying down) so the connection can be rekindled because, as you are aware it’s all the thinking that breaks the connection. Come along and receive the frequency of unconditional love as you develop your capacity to self-heal through the portal of your heart.

There is nothing else for you to do but simply be and receive! This angelic healing meditation empowers you to renew your connection with your beloved self and all your relationships.

EVERYONE is welcome – if you prefer to receive this meditation lying down please bring a mat or rug and cushion (something warm as the floor is very cold).

IF YOU ARE FEELING STRESSED, DON’T MISS THIS NIGHT.  It may heal any anxiety in your body.

Nicole works with adults, business leaders and children to awaken and heal their spirit.   After working at PwC, Deloitte, and The Boston Consulting Group, Nicole has her own boutique business offering coaching, healing, workshops and retreats.
Nicole’s certified gifts in meditation, kinesiology, leadership and coaching enables everyone to reconnect with their essence and integrate this into their every day lives.
Contacts: 0438.265 650 and


MONDAY, 10th June, 2013 – CLOSED

Queens Birthday



The Divine University Presents

Lelama Banner Divine#B344E2


Lelama Jyumaali Sjamar

A series of 6 one-day Sacred Sound workshops
1 June – 31 November 2013, in Crow’s Nest

Igniting your Divine Voice awakens the power you hold to co-create your reality as you love and envision it, dream it to be. This work supports you to open to freely and lovingly express yourself in the true language of your heart, mind, soul, spirit, so you will begin to see the magic this world holds for you. Naturally your sound, your words will create a resonance in your energy body that draws to you all you need to be happy, inspired and empowered in your daily life. Words of wisdom flow with ease, joy bubbles up and inspiration is your daily juice, when you open the door of your heart, mind and body. Give your Voice over to the original essence of life within you and allow the universe to respond to you!

Come and join us for one day or the whole series.  Click here for more information.
Contact Jenarah: / 0402 092 500 or Lelama: / 0411 219 308



 Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting 1-29-13


 You might have to reconsider everything you’ve read up until now about healing, consciousness, and our four-dimensional existence here on Earth. During the time that Dr. Pearl was learning, exploring and expanding the unique transmodality known today as Reconnective Healing, he was also gaining new insights into the intelligent energy that is the extraordinary force of creation, the source of healing and the connection we have to our higher states of being.

 Those insights came courtesy of Solomon, an extra-dimensional intelligence that speaks through Frederick Ponzlov. Click on the link to read the extract of the book.

 Eric Pearl will returning to Sydney this November presenting seminars in Reconnective Healing.

 For further information go to

 Or contact

Julie Jara in Sydney • • 0403 312 316

Marie Budimir in Melbourne • • 0413 069 036


Community Announcements

peace heartIs It Time?

To explore and Create Inner peace.
May I Invite you to a Women’s Meditation Evening.
To Experience a Deeper aspect of yourself.

CONTACT: LAURETTA  0414843440   or  02-96868402
Baulkham Hills (30 mins from Neutral Bay)-Wednesday 29th May and 12th June.
7 PM.-8.30PM. $15.00   Refreshments.


Two Soul Mates Walking Through Time and History by Valerie Barrow

Two Soul Mates Walking Through Time and HistoryA chronicle of events both spiritual and physical, there travels to sacred places around the world, and the unearthing of the hidden aspects of the story of Magdalene and Jesus, the Pyramids the Sacred Alcheringa Stone and its role in the story of the first human, with the aid of the star people.  Available in PDF, Kindle, Epub, Mobi, Sony Reader and Palm Reader formats. You may obtain this on Smashwords for US$3.99.

Val has two other books – The Book of Love and Alcheringa both available through The Academy.


 Dowsing Day Australian Dowsers Society Inc

Noel Jordan reminds you that the next meeting for the Australian dowsers on Sunday 2nd June.

For more information email



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
Academy of Light at St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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– © Copyright 2013 – Academy of Light Inc.  ABN: 26680515199