
AOL News – 29th February, 2012 – Leap into Leap Day!

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Namaste ,

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us not to hide our talents.


Thought of the Week

heart-singingDon’t hide your gifts or talents… they have been given to you that you may share them with the world.



question-mark2So many of us cringe at the use of the word ‘sin’.   However, the other day we were reading the ‘Keys of Enoch’ by J. J. Hurtak and came across the definition of sin which surprised all of us, so maybe its been people’s interpretation. What do you think?

SIN:  ” 1. Anything that prevents the ‘living Light’ of the Infinite Mind from being ‘creatively recycled’ through the body’s vehicle.

2. The Consciousness of having a talent and not using it for the benefit of mankind.”

We love this, for us it was a complete new way of looking at sin.

Also, the prophecy that Australia will be cleansed by the element water seems to be coming true as we approach more rain on the Eastern Seaboard in March.  Feel refreshed, feel renewed and rejoice in the cleansing!!!


Health tips – The value of Lentils.

lentilsThis ancient food is used throughout the Middle East and the Mediterranean as a staple part of the diet.  A small amount of lentils can feed an entire family.  Lentils are mentioned in the Bible as the food that Jacob sold his birthright to eat.

This food is easy to assimilate, breaking down completely in the body so its nutrients can be easily absorbed.  Its nutritional value is very high and should be considered when recuperating from any debilitating disease.


Affirmation – say every day.

Take three deep breaths and relax.  Say:

meditation-image“I am strong in myself.  I am complete my Self. The joy and perfection of the universe await discovery within my inner being!”

….Affirmation for Self-Healing, J. Donald Walters (Kriyananda)


In and Around The Academy

logo_small2from Rosemary Butterworth.

It is the 29th February.  Why not make it a Leap Day?!  A day to leap into the year and say “Yes, I Am grateful for being alive, I Am grateful that I have a body.”

This is the day you can set the intention to be more conscious of your thoughts and ‘change the radio station’ of your mind.  This is the day when you can ‘wake-up’ and begin a new way of being.  Change your thoughts and you change your whole life. By not listening to the repetitious thoughts;  (remember Dr. Deepak Chopra says that we have about 60,000 thoughts per day and the pity of it is, that we have the same 60,000 thoughts tomorrow); by remembering to breathe consciously and do gratitude each day you change everything.

I have been practicing walking my talk and this is what has manifested.  Hay House have accepted my book, How to Move Forward, Mastery of the Mind and in a few months it will be on Hay House’s web site as an E-Book.  In the meantime you are welcome to purchase a printed version from the Academy for $35.   As it is not on our shopping page you will need to email us for one.


“Rosemary’s book has in it the best pieces of all the books I have read, but has put it in an easy to read and understandable way.”  Karen K.

“I just love the book.   I have put post-it notes all around the house which say “what am I thinking now”?  It is amazing to find out what thoughts are going through my head.”   Ema

“It gives me something I can relate to.  It is very easy to read and understand.  It has simple practices which I can do.”  J.S.

NOTE: Next Monday Night Ann Joel is returning to the Academy but as the Rev. Ann Christine.  She has become an Interfaith Minister. Let us give her a wonderful welcome in her new role.  Ann has spent 11 years going to John of God, she was the first person to bring back a crystal bed from Abadiania.  She is a fabulous energetic healer and will be creating a healing circle next Monday Night.  Do come.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 5th March, 2012


Rev. Ann Christine (Joel)


Ann is a Public Relations Consultant to Energy Medicine Practitioner, Spiritual Counsellor, teacher and Interfaith Minister

Ann began working in the communication industry and now works with the body’s communication/energy field for tranformation and healing.  She has been travelling to John of God’s spiritual sanctuary for 11 years.

Ann would like to take you on her journey from being a hard-nosed corporate public relations professional to an energy medicine practitioner.    She has taken this journey over many years and along the way has met so many wonderful people, John of God in particular ,from all corners of the earth that have assisted in her growth.

Tonight Ann will show you the things she has learnt along the way.  That it is important to set up your healing room correctly energetically.  How to protect yourself and your client whilst doing healings.  How to protect yourself and your office and much more.

In the latter part of her talk with us, Ann will create a healing circle and everyone can experience the energy.


MONDAY, 12th March, 2012


Michelle McGrath

Embracing Self Love

Michelle has just completed a 9 year process of creating the Sacred Self self-love range of 33 Alchemical oils and self-love cards.

This started in 2003 when Michelle was meditating and asked herself what she most needed.  The answer was self-love.  Not really understanding the implication of what this meant, she made a commitment to embrace 100% self-love.  What followed was a journey into every part of her that was not in alignment with this goal…and the birthing of a range of vibrational oils that were gifts from and to the most challenging aspects of herself.

Join us to hear about this journey and also to hear about what self-love really means.  Self-love – would that change anything?  Or everything?

There will also be a self-love meditation and each attendee will receive a FREE sample of self-love oil to take home.

To find out more about the range check out




i-am-movieThe movie for the night is “I Am”, an entertaining & enlightening film which asks the questions “What is wrong with our world?” & “What can we do about it?” to various inspirational people including Desmond Tutu, Lynne McTaggart, Howard Zinn & Noam Chomsky.  The official trailer for Tom Shadyac’s film, I AM –

* All donations received will be given to a charity we nominate on the night.

VENUE: Co-Creation ThetaHealing Centre, Level 1, 89 Chandos St, St Leonards.

TIME: 7pm for a 7.15pm start to 9.45pm

Investment: By DONATION ONLY

RSVP is essential: EMAIL or contact us on (02) 9613 0712

I look forward to spending time with you all – All are welcome to attend for fun, compelling and uplifting evening.


chatres-labyrinthWalk the Labyrinth and then help build a new one!!!!

An exciting new project you can be a part of!

We are raising funds to build a sandstone labyrinth in Centennial Park.  It will be Sydney’s first major public labyrinth – a spiritual path in the heart of the park.

We’ve raised $110,000 of the $500,000 required and we need your help to raise the rest. By making a tax-deductible donation to the Centennial Park Labyrinth you will be investing in community well-being for generations to come.

To experience the labyrinth first hand, join us at one of the walks being held on the first Sunday of every month at the Mosman Art Gallery. Come walk the mystery…

For more information phone Emily on 0439 934 283

From the Academy:  Lets help create a peaceful Sydney.  Imagine men women and children being able to walk the Chatre Labyrinth in Centennial Park every day of the week!  Imagine the effect that would have and the peace it could bring!!!  Donate now!


Community Announcements

Heal The Past & Awaken Your Soul

michelle-darby-fay1With Michelle Darby-Fay, Energetic Healer, Channeler & Intuitive Life Coach.

Experience powerful self-realisations and deep nurturing healing and release as Michelle connects with your Higher Self and Spirit Guides and the healing energies of Theta, Reiki and Serenity Vibration Healing to facilitate a healing of your non-serving beliefs and behavioural patterns, physical and emotional blocks, relationship barriers and spiritual connection.

Bookings Essential:

Mob:  0401 551 581   Email:

4/139 Military Road, Neutral Bay. NSW

Sessions 1 Hour $95


john-levine-composer-3-copyCan you help?

From John Levine (composer of Alpha Music) and his partner:

We are looking for house sitting accomodation.  We are wanting a ‘base’ in Sydney – as we will have a few events taking us to Queensland for 3 nights and also our Symposium in Sydney for 3-4 nights.

Please let me know if there is any other information you need to put out the word by contacting us at

Dates: Arrive: Friday 10th August,  Depart Tuesday 4th September

Ideally : a self contained flat-apartment

Location: as close to Rose Bay as possible

Many thanks and Blessings, Miria & John



A community announcement costs $30.  To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75.

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.  To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



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Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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