
AOL News – 28 August 2013 – Upgrade and be Free!

"Newsletter" buttonAcademy of Light Incorporated-Supporting Your Souls Journey

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to “be Wonder-Ful”

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FYI – Upgrade Your Understanding

Earth2013 – A New Earth

This is a very informative, positive and uplifting clip from Judy Satori.  Judy has channelled this information and shares with us our (and the Earth’s) evolution and progression into the 5th Dimension.  Judy explains humans already possess a 12 strand DNA, which scientist have told us is junk DNA.  This DNA will begin to be switched on.  We are being recreated and upgraded to move into the vibration of the 5th Dimension.  This message is reassuring.  All is well.  This clip goes for 9 minutes but worth the watch. click here


Perceiving Life Beyond Logic – Sadhguru

SadhguruA delightful 6 minute video that explains how book learning does not give you the understanding of life – wisdom comes from experiencing.  “Logic will filter out so much of your life, without which you cannot live.” Sadhguru says, indicating that human perception can be taken far beyond the limitations of logic. click here


 one-true-selfPlanetary Update: Increasing our Knowledge by Julia Griffin

Julia Griffin has just sent through a 9 step process that can help you increase your feeling of “wonderful”.  This is an excerpt of an article click here to see full article. 

We grow when life changes, and it is good for us, it expands our field of possiblilty and gives compasion about others.  Here are a few tips:

1) When the energy feels strange or crazy, STOP. Don’t try to solve the problem. Work on your consciousness. Invoke a calm state by meditating or a walk outdoors.
2) Everything changes. If you stay connected to higher feelings and emotions, the feeling, situation, or issue changes more quickly.
3) Focus on time when you felt vital and happy. Devote five minutes to this and reflect on it for a few seconds during the day.
4) Spend five minutes seeing resolution for one small problem in your life.
5) If people seem strangely negative, give them a few hours. They may change their behavior when your mood alters.
6) These patterns of energy appear in localized geographical areas. They usually last for 3-5 days.
7) Spend time sending love (pink light) to you. Love your body and your life.
8) Focus on “wonderful.” How does it feel when you feel wonderful? If you think about it enough, it will happen. (It’s weird, but humans rarely bother with pulling in a state of wonderful.)
9) Decide you’re willing to do “whatever” it takes to achieve the above steps. 



 Sound wave 2“I am grately heartened by the burgoning interest in the various fields of sound therapy and the more esoteric practices of sacred sound.

To me this is a clear indication of the spiritual renaissance which is acclearting as human kind moves through this millenial portal in our evolution.”

Jeff Vilkus, Sound Researcher and Produce of the award wining documentarty and film “Of sound, Mind and Body”.


Affirmation – say daily…

I am FreeI choose to let go my stories……I Am free.

Rosemary Butterworth


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls Journey

With Kelly Stone

The sound night with John Butterworth and Tim Noonan was an informative, creative and healing experience.  Speaking personally, I decided to take on board everything John explained about the healing properties of sound and its ability to shatter energy, thought forms, illness and even physical objects.  Rosemary also reminded us of the story of Jerricho, and that its boundary walls were shattered from the sound of trumpets.  As I listened to the playing of the gongs, which began very gently, I decided to give everything over to the sound and let it take over.  As the sounding of the gongs began to build, strongly and loudly, I asked for my old wiring, my old thoughts, beliefs, the old “what I think is me” to be shattered.  As I heard the final precision of crecendos, the big finale, I asked for it to be done. 

The vocal toning exercises Tim introduced were wonderfully creative, healing and empowering.  They really allowed us to feel our own voices as our own power.  The first exercise of humming as a group was my first experience of vocal toning and the sound of hearing our humming as a group to me was loving, safe and peaceful.  As I could feel my own voice vibrate through my own body, I imagined and felt releasing of old stale energy and the breathing in of the new.  Another exercise of toning a member’s name, was very creative and playful.  This also felt very releasing and empowering. 

The next sound night is on 23 September 2013 with John Butterworth and Matt Omo.  Watch out for further information on this night in the newsletter closer to the date.


HEALTH – Give yourself an “upgrade”….

Binary CodesClear depression, anxiety and mind chatter.

Thoughts that are critical and condemning will fly back to us, like a boomerang.  They keep us limited and small and will only bring pain and suffering into our lives.  Its time to be upgraded, mentally and physically to match the vibration of the 5th Dimension that we are moving in to.  Its time to let go of stories we are holding on to and our judgment on others.  For instance, when we cut somebody out of our lives, we are shutting down a part of ourselves.  Imagine our mind and body is a computer.  We are upgrading the softwear.  Now is the time to use sound and/or colour to clear and raise our vibration. 

The following poem expresses what we are trying to say:


Do not try to save the whole world or do anything grandiose
Instead, create a clearing in the dense forest of your life
and wait there patiently, until the song that is your life falls into your own cupped hands and you recognize and greet it.
Only then will you know how to give yourself to this world so worth of rescue.

– Martha Postlewaite


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


  MONDAY, 2nd September, 2013



Mark has been a contactee since age of 4 and in his years of contact he has been shown his purpose and basic technologies bridging Healing With Science making it a practical step by step process to enhance your current regime, not replace it.

When he was 8 Years of age he taught himself 3 – 4 unit chemistry and was also uploaded with vital information on how DNA truly works and what it Is for.

He successfully managed to open his crown chakra to the Universe in a ceremony where he was transported off planet. This was the beginning of his learning of ‘proper healing and exopolitics’ and took over a year to prepare for.

His lineage is a hybrid of on and off planet species purposely created to continue the tasks entrusted to his family and many others similar to mine. The problem with healing in 3 D is we have no true maps or technology to follow. Its hit and miss and when you truly know how to heal you will be amazed at how much more effective you can be.

Mark’s modern day training started under Sir Gary Samer of the order St John Jerusalem Templar Knights, receiving his 2 degrees in true Reiki Practice and Sacred Silence Indian Shaman Meditation. Sir Gary is an amazing teacher and Mark is truly proud to have been able to study under him. Since then Mark has taken this teaching and expanded on it considerably with the blessing of Sir Gary. Mark has advanced study on Cymatics and Symbiotics in vibrational science and melds this knowledge with his teachings.

The night will be an information and experiencial packed evening.

Mark also has a very exciting Reiki Bush Walkshop coming up.

Marks contacts:  Email:    Mobile: 0413.370 392


  MONDAY, 9th September, 2013


Kosmic Fusion


An opportunity NOT TO BE MISSED ….

Come & EXPERIENCE Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse™

A ZERO-Point Source Energy Fusion to Awaken your Divine Blueprint QUANTUM VORTEX ENERGY™ transmissions are unlimited and exponential in it’s unfolding to be Experienced by You.  Say Yes! What is received is specific and individual to each One.

A Multi-Dimensional Holographic Healing For your Mind, Body, Soul, SUPER Soul!

Benefits include:
• Full-Body and Nervous System is cleared of Trauma through chakras and sub-chakras
• Reads and Heals the Astral Body, Etheric, Emotional,Mental and Spiritual Bodies
• Boost and accelerates the body’s self-healing ability & immune system
• Reduces stress, anxiety, depression & other negative emotions plus helps cope with emotional and psychological trauma
• Clears, Heals, rejuvenates your entire Energetic/Auric Field
• Aligns the SOUL back into the Divine Template by tuning into the Golden-Platinum print of the Higher SOUL
• Clears 3000+ pathogens in the body without leaving toxic trails like antibiotics
• Defuncting vaccinations and Anaesthetics
• Clearing the calcified Pineal gland syndrome
• Healing of the soul, Inner child feeling-body re-connects
• Healing & releasing relationship issues
• Experience Bliss & Complete Relaxation
• And much more

Join this powerful Night with QVSWPP™ Light Pulsars from Kosmic Fusion with Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse Light Emissionaries

For more information about Quantum Vortex Energy™, to book a session with QVSWPP™ Practitioners or to find out how to upgrade to a 5D+ Holographic Light Grid so your cells can emit the QVSWPP™, see




Jacaranda Haven Spring No  3 2012

SPECIAL GUESTS. TIM NOONAN – Voice Readings & JULIA SMITH.with her Kirlian Camera and Sound Bed.

We have a very special day organised. In the morning Tim will amaze you as he explains how your voice still holds your talents and purpose underneath all the coverings from life.

After lunch Julia will explain how sound and colour affect your energy field by putting some lucky person on her sound massage table and using her Kirlian camera showing the difference in their energy before and after.

Please note this change of date: it is on Sunday 6th October 10.00am to 4.00pm. Click here for more info. and directions.

John and Rosemary Butterworth.


Community Announcements

GrandmothersGrandmothers Circle The Earth Foundation

October 7th through to November 18th at the invitation of a number of Elders and Nunkurri (traditional Originie medicine people) from the central desert region, Australia will play host to 8 traditional Grandmothers and Grandfathers from various tribes of Turtle Island, (USA and Canada).  

Residential 2 days in Sydney $365.00 per person.
2 days of non-residential workshop in Byron Bay $100.00 per person.

For more information about all of the events and the Grandmothers and Grandfathers click here.


qala-logo-small1Sunday September 1st, 2013 — Worldwide Meditation Linkup with Qala

for clearing of the Heart Chakra of Egypt

Clearing your Heart and the Heart Chakra of Egypt of any fear, judgement or anger, with Archangel Gabriel — This meditation may be downloaded for free, is approximately 53 minutes long, and guides you through a meditation of sending the light and love held in your heart to the souls in Egypt as a representative of humanity. In the meditation you receive a visitation from the Angelic Guardian and Archangel Gabriel and through creating a powerful heart connection with your Angelic Guardian and Gabriel you are taken on a journey with them to represent humanity in the karmic clearing of the collective karma which has influenced the situation in Egypt to be manifested as a struggle and destabilisation of the country. Through your meditation and the prayers you are guided to say, on behalf of all people, you will receive dispensations for the lifting of any fear, anger or judgement and as you work with this karma, you are supported to link with every soul in Egypt and the heart chakra of Egypt so they may also receive the dispensations, healing and blessings of karmic clearing of any fear, anger or judgement regarding relations with representatives/authorities who may lie, misrepresent, break promises, or disappoint one’s being.

If you wish to join in this sacred meditation linkup and connect hearts with light workers worldwide in service to Egypt, you will receive an upliftment of your own energy and clearing of any karma you may hold in relation to authority and being your own authority over your life. You may download the meditation for free (facilitated by Qala Sri’ama Phoenix, spiritual teacher and a messenger for the Enlightened Masters) through the following link: September 1st Audio Download here



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
Academy of Light St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



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Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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– © Copyright 2013 – Academy of Light Inc.  ABN: 26680515199