
AOL News – A New Dawning

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to see the potential.

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FYI – Times are a changing…

New Island Created and Much, Much More!

This week we have a video that gives us two for one value. 

VolcanoIt is a 3 minute YouTube taken from a Japanese News braodcast giving us footage of a new 200m island that has appeared this month 1,000 kilometres (600 miles) south of Tokyo due to a volcanic eruption in the Pacific Ocean.  (Interestingly, in September, Pakistan also witnessed the birth of a new island – a mound of mud and rock 20 metres (70 feet) high and 90 metres wide created by a huge earthquake that hit the country’s southwest.)

Do the earthquakes, floods and volcanoes erupting cause you concern?  Have no fear.   Here is a different perspective taken from Christine Day’s book ‘Pleiadian Principles for Living’….

“The pleiadians gave me this picture. Each time there is an earthquake or any sort of volcanic activation on the earth plane, a shaft of light is birthed, coming onto the earth plane. This creates a dimensional shift within the earth’s energy, anchoring a fourth/fifth dimensional energy. At the same time, this light is also generating a multi dimensional birthing of light within each cell of your body. These energetic changes were very subtle at the beginning, which was necessary because you needed to physically acclimate yourself to the changes. Each shift bought you into a different state of consciousness.

Imagine a dark room that has never seen light. Suddenly a window is opened, light comes in for the very first time. This light has created a growing awareness within a small part of you, which expands each time light enters, creating transformation within you. This birthing light expanded the light frequency of each one of your cells, and every cell is responding to the awakening light that holds the unique divine essence of self.

This small ray of light began to birth across the earth plane, reopening the energetic grid lines within the earth and bringing the new dawning energy to the earth, trees and rocks. There is a reactivation of the crop circles, which bring them to a new multi dimensional level of activation. There is a network of alignments from the crop circles to all megalith sites on the planet, opening up energetic webbing across the planet, and a realignment of all the megalith sites, bringing them back to the original pure, sacred state of when they first anchored here on earth. This network of alignments has created the birthing of a sacred webbing throughout the earth plane. This webbing creates a womb for the principles of living to be rebirthed through each one of you.

All the energies within the earth plane that have an energetic aura are being redesigned and realigned with this pure awakening light force within this sacred webbing structure.”

Awesome right?!  It’s all starting to come together we hear you say.  There’s more….about 2 minutes into the video see if you can see what we saw.  We are not the only ones watching with interest.  Now that you have read all of that her’s the link……be prepared for your expansion!


Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway…

Christopher MaloneyBe inspired by Christopher Maloney.  An amazing voice that would not have been heard were it not for the encouragement of his Grandmother and his knowing that he was more than others could see.  Witness his X-Factor audition.  Goosebumps!  Click here.

Take a leaf out of his book and step out of your comfort zone and see where it leads you.  Have fun!



friendsSurround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and the thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you, even when you don’t see it yourself.

Edmund Lee, Lessons Learned In Life


Affirmation – say daily…


It is Love and Co-Operation that makes it all work.  Wayne W. Dyer  dr-wayne-dyer3


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls Journey

With Rosemary Butterworth

John Butterworth (my wonderful husband) was the presenter for the Sound Evening on Monday Night. He began the evening with the sound of one of his Tibetan Bells and then explained how the Tibetan Monks played them and used them in meditation. One by one John passed around his exotic musical instruments until he had nearly everyone there (about 23) people banging, or bowling or shaking, some kind of musical instrument and would you believe it – the sound was magical. We had the best fun. He did an intuitive scanning on a member with his voice and a couple of people gasped in amazement as they literally saw the blocked energy leave the body. The lady said the pain had left her when he had finished.

John finished the sound evening with a gong bath, and from my perspective it was the best gong bath that John had ever given us.

As there are only 3 more nights at Neutral Bay left, I think as a grand finale, and with a host of gratitude for the 18th years we have had in the hall there, the Academy should finish with a exuberant gong bath on the 16th December and go out with a ‘BANG’. So I am calling in all the presenters and Light Workers who have enjoyed attending our meetings over the 18 years to come along and be part of this grand finale.  (For those who are not up to date we will be moving to Mosman Art Gallery & Community Centre next year.)


HEALTH – What is a Chakra?

Golden Orb meditationFor centuries, yogi teachers have taught the importance of the chakras and the energies stored within them. The Sanskrit word literally means ‘spinning wheel’, ‘circle, or vortex of invisible cosmic energies’. There are hundreds of these energy flows, each relating to an acupressure/acupuncture point. Of these hundreds there are seven or eight major chakras associated with the physical body. As chakras are cleared, vitalized and expanded in clarity and development, one may experience the actualization of qualities which have not previously been manifest.

A network of pathways or meridians carry the vital life force (prana) through te chakras in much the same way as the physical nervous system sends electrical impulses and information to all cells in the body and back to the brain.  If a chakra becomes blocked or stagnant, then an illness may occur in the physical relating to it.

Chakras exist in our subtle bodies and are involved in taking in higher energies. Each 7 major chakra is associated with a major nerve plexus, and a major endocrine glad. Each chakra has particular qualities relating to human nature, as well as a colour vibration and a sound or mantra.

During meditation you may choose to focus on one chakra and experience the energy and vibrations stored with it.

Here we are looking at the Base Chakra.
The base chakra is located at the base of the spine in the lumber area. It is the centre of vitality, physical energy and self-preservations. It activates and strengthens the will to live, to survive, to manifest or create and assists one in living on the physical plane.

Physical security is affected by every thought and feeling.
a) Finances-money, savings, bills, economy.
b) Career-making enough money or being in the ”right’ job for you. Retirement – thought of the future.
c) Home- desires to move house, wanting to be safe, how we arrange items in a home or maintaining a home.
d) Physical Safety – to feel safe or unsafe.
e) Needs – enough food, sufficient clothes for yourself and family.
f) Possessions.

A feeling of lack of something or feeling limited ‘never enough to go around’, this blocks your base chakra.

A blocked chakra with thoughts manifest self-fulfilling prophecies of all the fears relating to this area.

Chronic lower back pain.
Varicose Veins
Rectal tumours/cancer.
Immune-related disorders – HIV
Mental illness – stemming from early social environment as a child – multiple personalities, obsessive or compulsive disorders, victim consciousness.

When you look at the list, it is incredible to think so many physical ailments can arise from blocked energy.  The good news is that blocked energy can be cleared to run smoothly again, through meditation, energy healing, sound therapy, essences, colour therapy and acupuncture.

Sylvia Jacka


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.




SoultoSoul - Practical Spirituality

Practical Spirituality : What is in your Spiritual Toolkit?

As the New World dawns, it is time for a new approach………we are all busy these days and many people say they don’t have time to meditate for an hour each day or read lengthy spiritual books and they soon forget about nurturing their Soul.  Well, let’s make over your day with Practical Spirituality!!!

Rebecca’s Angels and Guides have taught her this concept to bring more balance into her own life and that of her clients and students.

When you acknowledge your spiritual self, your life is happier, flowing more abundant and healthier.

Rebecca will help you build an inexpensive, innovative and modern Spiritual Toolkit to help you nurture your Soul through every part of your day.  You might even be inspired to share this concept for Christmas presents for family and friends!

About Rebecca: Rebecca has a successful healing & teaching centre in Mosman called SoultoSoul Healing & Teaching, where she helps people to heal at the level of the Soul to embrace their full soul’s potential in this human journey through one-on-one healings, workshops and meditations.

Rebecca is a Soul specialist, advanced Lightworker and Multi-dimensional teacher working directly with the realms of light. She is a clear and open channel working directly with Spirit, Angels & Guides and often assisted by Archangels, Ascended Masters & Galactic beings. Rebecca specialises in healing the past including past lives and childhood issues to facilitate deep transformation.  Rebecca helps you to raise your vibration & connect with all aspects of Soul – within (your true self) and without (your Angels etc.) so that you can love yourself and your life. She is here to help humanity move into the Fifth Dimension in 2012 and beyond. She particularly helps Lightworkers & is a catalyst for ascension.

Contact Details: Mobile – 0402 327 215
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Gerry Crow-IMG_7875-SMALL


The Wheel of the Year turns….“The Ceremony of the Summer Solstice Fires”

The cycle of the year is coming to its peak as the Sun moves into Capricorn on the 22nd of December, Summer Solstice is launched and the season of fruition, manifestation, joy and celebration dawns.

Last time Gerry presented we each had a card reading – it was an amazing night – so don’t miss this one! Allow Gerry to enlighten your path towards the Autumn Equinox with a free card reading on the night. What has 2014 in store for YOU?

It is a time to focus on the fullness of your life and take the time to raise your energy to generate abundance on all levels. Gerry will help you become aware of where you are (present) and how to capture your vision.

Connecting in our spiritual communities through ceremony and celebration assists us to harnesses and expand the Divine Light Energy of the Summer Solstice.

Through honouring this Spiritual Fire of the Sun and the Spiritual Fires burning within each and every one of us, we tap into the core of consciousness and awaken to present!

In order to prepare for this event and to be ready to reel in your hopes, dreams and wishes, join Gerry Crow at the Academy of light Community in “The Ceremony of the Summer Solstice Fires”

Gerry’s Contacts: Mob: 0449 865 473  Email:  Web address:





Lia Scallon Signature

In four unique Sydney events, Lia Scallon will bring through Transformative Sound frequencies from Source, to help you harness the current intense Solar Flare radiation for positive spiritual growth and mind expansion. Events will take place in the four Cardinal Points of the city. This will create a circular ‘vortex’ of energy – a Pillar of Light – designed to connect those present directly to the energy of Source.

Sylvania Waters (South) – TONIGHT   27th Nov – Rosie: 02 9531 0009
Bondi (East) – Friday 29th Nov – Anji: 0411 040 016
Crows Nest (North) – Sunday  1st Dec – Lilo: 02 9959 5788

Entry Fee: Only $10.00

For more details – click here

This is a fabulous event!  A must experience!!!


Community Announcements

Travel & Style for the New Thinking & Socially Aware Spiritual Adventurer!

Green Tea-Travel

LIFE CHANGING TRAVEL * from only $175 per week

BEAUTIFUL EXPERIENCES CAMBODIA INCLUDES YOUR EN SUITE ACCOMMODATION, CABLE TV, WIFI, FAN, and AIRPORT PICK UP. PROGRAM TOPICS SESSIONS in Indo-Chine, and more………Life Changing Travel Experiences. A different view of Indo-chine offering visits with meaning and soul. Green Tea has a unique mix for the Spiritual Adventurer who would like to create a better world……

Click here for website.


Xmas BeePower of Colour Workshop at Camden Valley Inn  Anjel OBryant 2

with Anjel OBryant M.D.I.A.

Sunday 1st December 2013  8:45am to 5:00pm

Anjel is holding a special workshop in conjunction with Success Women’s Network at Camden.

Combining scientific and metaphysical methodology we show how colour can support your health & wellbeing especially over Christmas. Workshops are tailored to support your personal image responses and environmental needs. The full workshop schedule is on our website, take home Colour Response Reference manual plus your personal colour swatches. Bring along a friend and get 10% off.

To book in contact us:  (e) (w) (ph) 02 9968 2028



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
Academy of Light St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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