
AOL News – 27th July, 2011 – Ruths CD’s & Books R here!

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

Visit our website for our current events

The aim of this newsletter is to inspire, inform and bring you current events.

Inside you will find:

1. Thought of the Week
2. F.Y.I.
3. Health Tip
4. Affirmation
5. In and Around The Academy
6. Neutral Bay, Monday Gatherings
7. Whats On
8. Advertising/Community Announcements

Thought of the Week

love-heart3Here in your heart you know what is right and what is wrong.  The trick is to go with that first knowing and not be dissuaded by the reasoning that follows.  When you fall into the habit of always acting on the first good impulse then it will become easier and easier and you will cease to have conflict in your heart.

….Shirley Humphreys Battie, Little Owl Cards, No.43


F.Y.I. – ‘Visions of the Earth Beyond 2012’ – have arrived.

Ruth Magan’s book has arrived so we can fulfil the orders.   It is on sale for $29 and can be purchased online.   Postage and handling is $10 extra.visions-of-earth-beyond-2012

We also have the CDs of Ruth’s talk from the 6th July.  They are a delight to listen to and we are selling them for $25 for a 2CD Set.  If you purchase the book and the CDs we can offer you a special price of $45 for the two.    Listening to the tapes kept John and Rosemary fully entertained as they drove back from Jacaranda Haven on Sunday evening.  It is such fun hearing what the E.T.’s told Ruth about what Beyond 2012 looks like.


Health tip


Did you know that this mineral increases awareness and control of mind and emotions.  It enhances digestion and improves circulation of blood.  (Golden Citrine acts on the 2nd Chakra and the Yellow variations act on the 3rd).


Affirmation – say every day.

Connect to The Southern Cross Academy of Light and then call in your Teachers and Guides and say:-

“I honour myself by being the best I can be everyday.  My best is good enough.”  feeling-good

(Let us create an energy grid – ask your friends in Australia and around the world to say this daily too).


In and Around The Academy

logo_small2from Rosemary Butterworth.

One of the Masters I channel is Master Korton.   When he came through last Friday he reminded us that our bodies are made of earth and that all earth is One, so as we do to Mother Earth we are doing to ourselves.  The Earth’s oil is her blood and the trees are her lungs – and he said we are raping the Earth of her minerals – minerals that she needs for her well-being.  Rape is now a method of warfare and we are becoming more violent to each other every day.   He finished with……As Above…..So Below.

It was a very sobering thought.   So let us send Light and Love to Mother Earth and gratitude for all she gives us.  Let us think everyday about what we do and how it not only effects us but All Beings Everywhere which includes Mother Earth.

P.S. From Jacaranda Haven – The lavender is flowering around the labyrinth!


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street. Session starts 7:30pm. Entry Fee: $15, concession $10.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY 1st August, 2011

anjels-book-cover‘Lift your Energies Using Colour – Nature’s Gift to Us’   –   Anjel OBryant

“My passion is to humanize environments and empower people’s lives by using the science of Colour Response Technology”

TONIGHT Anjel will be showing you how to choose the right colours to get a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual balance specifically designed for your life’s path.  She will demonstrate how this works with two people out of the audience showing how it works and why it works – it’s called humanizing and designing environments to fit your life’s path.

There’s not many professionals in the world whose work has been viewed and appreciated by the Pope, but Anjel OBryant is one of them. Keynote Speaker, Interior Designer, Colour Response Analyst, Accredited Trainer, and author of Colour My Home, Anjel OBryant has spent her professional life demonstrating the  power of scientifically based colour response technology for an enormous range of places & people in Australia for over 35 years.  Anjel was chosen by the Sisters of St. Joseph to create a special warmth for the private chapel of Mary MacKillop’s church in North Sydney, in preparation for the papal visit of Pope Benedict XVI and the announcement of the canonization of Mary MacKillop.

“If people were to utilize colour optimally in their personal and professional lives, it would promote a more positive mental, emotional and spiritual attitude than ever imagined!

“Creating the right environments with confidence and scientifically based colour selections, not only enhances the architecture, but also produces a positive emotional, physical, mental and spiritual response relating to the function of the building, therefore greatly enriching the quality of life for the end user.”
Convinced of the need to create a greater awareness of the powerful effects that colour has on us every second of our lives, Anjel has written ‘Colour My Home – Coaching you to Colour Success’ from her Anjel’s Alchemy Series.

Anjel’s book ‘Colour My Home’ will also be available to purchase on the night. For more info:


MONDAY 8th August, 2011

taijitu-wholeness-instituteALISON HAYEK

The Grand Archetypes and the Chakras. (And how they affect your life).

“As a Chiropractor I adjusted the spine to allow the body to heal itself. As Co-Founder of The Taijitu Wholeness Institute I now adjust the patterns of self-defeating thought which create blockages to manifesting our resonant truths.”

It seems that this is a natural phase of the Archetypal Plot. The commonality of all our stories, everyones’ personal journey follows themes and patterns which are universal. The details and intensities vary. As do the ages we traverse the stages however the Grand Archetypes will have their expression through the chakra system and through the perceptions and perspectives we hold at various life stages.

We are all familiar with the maiden and knight stories which end in a fairy tale ‘happily ever after’ a classic and appropriate second chakra union. Yet we know there is more. What of the Mother stories and those of the fallen King?  What is there, other than a void when the role of mother diminishes, or on retirement from the corporate world?
Each of these events is significant, important and intrinsic to the Archetypal plot of our lives.

Alison Hayek, co-founder of The Taijitu Wholeness Institute. By combining her solid academic and professional credentials (B.Sc. (anat),  Masters Chiropractic), with her spiritual/energetic sensitivities she became the driving force in the creation of the Institute, Alison  responded to the needs her colleagues in spiritual and healing professions have expressed for balanced, thoughtful, and resonant skills in practice and personal life management.



Starts Tonight!!!!

PREPARING FOR THE 5TH DIMENSION.rosemary-recent-picture-11052


Begins 27th July – 14th September.  Every Wednesday Night 7.00pm – 8.30pm at Crows Nest Community Centre, Chadwick Room.   Cost: $200 or $30 per night.  Easy Parking in Holterman Street.

Enquiries/Bookings.  Email: or ph: 9967 4425

This course is all about transformation.

This is the beginning of a new stage in your development.  It can be likened to passing from High School to University.  It encompasses a totally new way of being and living as you prepare to leap into another dimension.

Spirit has told Rosemary that we are all at the ‘Crossroads’.  We can choose to move forward, left, right or even by allowing yourself to repeat patterns, move backwards. Rosemary will connect to your Soul and be given what you need to look at, what word is important, what sound that needs to be transmuted or understood in your life.

What would it take for you to be in Joy 51% of the day?  Let’s find out!


Community Announcements

FREE Introductory Evening Seminar This Thursday and Friday

hermann-muller-smilingThe Magic of Body-Mind Communication
presented by Hermann Muller

International speaker and pioneer in Psychosomatic Therapy

Crows Nest – Thursday  July 28  7-10pm  –  Tina Croker  0408 165062
Narrabeen  – Friday    July 29  7-10pm  –  Tina Croker  0408 165062

Have a Psychosomatic Breakthrough!

Take a dynamic step forward in your own self healing.
Psychosomatic – psycho meaning mind and somatic meaning body –  Therapy is the art of reading faces and bodies to reveal where we are in or out of
If our eyes represent the windows to our soul,what do our noses, jaws, lips, chins and cheekbones say about us? And what about our bodies?
What shape are we in and what does it say about our personality?

Our posture speaks volumes about us. First impressions are made just by the way we stand and walk.

Join Hermann Muller, founder and director of AIBMAPT, author of ~Face to Face with Facts” and find out more about this informative and transformative field of Body-Mind medicine. You will be amazed at what can be seen at a glance.

Venue Addresses: Crows Nest  The Awareness Institute, 20 Clarke Street, Crows Nest and Narrabeen,  The Tramshed Community Arts Centre, Berry Hall,
1395A  Pittwater Rd Narrabeen (next to Berry Reserve).

Australasian Institute of Body-Mind Analysis and Psychosomatic Therapy


markanthonyThe Academy is very pleased to announce that Mark Anthony will be giving a free talk  at Forster on the 3rd September at the Girl Guides Hall, Lake Street at 7pm.     By donation:  $10.00  or  $5.00 concession.



To see even more about Jennifer and The Invisible College click here to go to The Academy Website to see a YouTube with Jennifer speaking.  Enjoy Min speaking through Jennifer.


Jennifer Starlight’s Books, ‘JOY’,  and ‘UNION’  are available through The Academy.

Available on Monday Nights at Academy Meetings or through the website for $24.00 ea.  Postage extra.



Nellie Patterson and the Pitjantjatjara elders in Central Australia invite you to share in Women’s Business at a very sacred healing area approximately 150 kms from Uluru. (This is a long drive on a desert track).

Dates:           30th August to 3rd September 2011
Cost:             $1500.00
Fly Into:       Ayers Rock Airport
Pickup:        The Outback Pioneer Motel, Yulara.  Tel:  (08) 8957 7888
Deposit:       $500.00 due now.
Balance:      $1000.00 due by 31st July 2011


Fee covers transport to and from Yulara (also there is a free shuttle bus from Yulara Airport to the Outback Pioneer), all meals, swag and cultural fees.

We are travelling to very powerful land and we are asked to come with deep respect for the law and culture of this area bringing only an open attitude and willingness to be guided by the elders.


theta-healing-logoVianna Stibal, the founder of ThetaHealingTM, an energy healing technique that is rapidly transforming the lives of thousands of people across the globe is coming to Sydney, Australia.

Are you looking for powerful new ways to improve or heal your life? Don’t miss out on the following events open to everyone THETAHEALING Day – Special one day event that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE  on 29TH OCTOBER, 2011 PLUS SOULMATE DAY – Are you ready for True Love? on 6th NOVEMBER.

For further information on what you can experience with Vianna click here.

Avoid disappointment – Register now for any of the above events at or call us on (02) 9613 0712.



A community announcement costs $30.

To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and

type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75

Please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562

The Southern Cross Academy of Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.


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