
AOL News – 26th September, 2012 – Believe to Create!

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

The Southern Cross Academy of Light (SCAL) is a part of a Worldwide Spiritual Community that exists to assist in bringing new consciousness to all Humanity. We provide a welcoming, non-judgmental space for a variety of teachers and healers to deliver their messages through our meetings, e-Newsletter, website and Facebook.

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to think positively.



When we truly feel, then we are capable of creating what we really want.

………………..Jami Lin, The Essence of Feng Shui the-essence-of-feng-shui-jami-lin



anne-hartleyThis is an excerpt from a great article published by Anne Hartley, a Life Coach and dear friend of The Academy….

Why You Need to act as if You Believe
Our brains are continually changing as a result of our daily experiences.  In the docudrama What the Bleep Do We Know!? Down the Rabbit Hole the creators received a lot of emails from people asking why they kept re-editing the movie.  People thought that scenes had been deleted and others added and some people became quite upset by this.  At that time the creators had not made any changes.  It seems that viewers’ minds picked up on different things, and missed others, as they gained new knowledge.
Whenever you learn something new such as learning to tie your shoes, ride a bike or drive a car your brain sets up a neural pathway associated with that action.  At first that neural pathway is weak and you may have to really focus on what you are doing to be able to do it.  The more you repeat that action the stronger the neural pathway becomes and before long you can carry out that action without conscious thought…….(To read the rest of the article go to:



The goal is to reach a critical mass of people – 1% of the world – committing to a positive future together….

Birth 2012 Activation Week, between September 22nd-28th.
It’s got an amazing roster of some of my favourite leaders like Barbara Marx Hubbard, Neale Donald Walsch, Jean Houston, Don Miguel Ruiz, Jack Canfield, Gregg Braden, Lynne McTaggart and 25 others.  They have all come together in a shared vision to make the end of 2012  A breakthrough time of positive change, culminating with a global Birth Day celebration on December 22!  It’s a wonderful vision of 100 million people joining together globally, in thousands of hubs with millions of acts of generosity, celebrations, rituals, broadcasts, festivals, global songs, and more.  Activation Week is to get us all inspired to be co-creators. You can get the details here (along with an inspiring video!).  Find out more –


michelle-bowenMichelle Bowen has been conducting one on ones this week in Sydney and there have already been some great testimonials!

“In my session with Michelle I had an issue that went back to my Grandmother and it was cleared, wonderful!  I asked Michelle if this would also clear this issue for my children and she said “Yes, and they may even feel the difference”.  On returning home I asked my daughter and she said that, yes, she had felt a shift in her energy around the time I was having this cleared!”..A

“She changed my life!”..R

“I found her spiritual healing profound showing itself in the astute questions and dialogue with me.  She is clearly a gifted and very connected healer.”..J


grail-havenblueGreat news for Grail Haven from Gerry and Richard!

We are delighted to tell you that the Court found in our favour in France on the 10th September.  It did take the Lawyers two weeks to let us know this!
We thank those of you who supported us in this time.  A lady in Perth lit candles in a Monastery, prayers came from Crete in Greece, meditations in London and Arizona…, not to mention AUM healing meditation circle on Mount Tamborine.  So to all of you that we heard from, and others that kept it in your heart, our deepest gratitude.
This now means that a school of esoteric studies, like the old French Mystery Schools, can go ahead in the village of Escales, near Carcassonne.  Escales is on the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostella in Spain, and is in the Cathar area of the South of  France.  Not far away are Black Madonnas and the relics of Mary Magdalene.
Anyway, Richard and I are quite overwhelmed with excitement, this has been a two year battle, and now our plans can proceed!
Richard says, if any of you have building skills, or for that matter your children or mates, send them to France next year, there is much to do to make this a centre to accommodate eighteen people.  We need builders, carpenters, painters, gardeners etc.
Archangel Michael was key in this endeavour.  Out of this, next year’s Sacred Sites Tour is to the British Isles and the Michael ley line and sacred sites; – Skellig Michael, a monastery island in Ireland – Glastonbury, Chalice Well and the Michael Tor – St Michael’s Mont monastery island off the coast of Cornwall, and Iona in Scotland.
Blest-Be,  Richard Michael and Geraldine


Affirmation – say every day.

I Am the Creator of My Evolvement.

I recognise choices as my own.
I recognise deeds as my own.
My decisions are all purposeful for my learning.

………Judith Collins, Affirmations For Lifeaffirmations-for-life-judith-collins



Just about every disease starts with lack of energy.  Iron is the number one mineral for burning organic wastes and removing them from the body.  We need iron, cobalt and copper to clear rubbish heaps in the body that would otherwise build up and clog and eventually take over.  B12 helps iron to be absorbed and both are desperately needed in the illnesses of anemia and glandular fever.

If you have efficient waste removal ability then you can get away with a lot of sins.  To clear pollution, cigarette residues, leads and metals from the body – take iron. So to when you are under the weather with the ‘flu, any viral infections, bacteria, fungal infections or colds.

If you take extra iron and do not have more energy you are probably missing Vitamin E.

Deficiency of Iron

The symptoms are:

  • Cold extremities, hands and feet always chilly
  • Listlessness or feeling withdrawn
  • Pasty skin, frequent urination, night sweats,
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Anemia
  • Brittle nails
  • Cravings for tea, coffee and fresh air.

Sources of Iron.
appleforhealthpublishersLiver, whole grains, buckwheat, egg yolk, green leafy veggies, sweet potato, onions, leeks, garlic, wheatgerm, bran sesame seeds, soya beans, figs, raisins, dates, prunes, apricots, apples, avocado (anything that goes brown with oxidation).  ……Jeni Edgley’s Nutrition Book.


In and Around The Academy


With Rosemary Butterworth.

I am sorry to have missed Michelle Bowen this time but John and I are having a week’s holiday up at Jacaranda Haven.  But we will definitely be back for the 8th October and Elizabeth Robinson.  Many thanks to Peggy and Terri for holding the fort and to all those that come along and help.  The Academy is a wonderful community.

While up here, a lady named Jane Goodsell, came to the farm and gave me an extraordinary ‘massage’.  It was called a massage but it was done with tuning forks.  One was tuned to 136.1 herz which is the vibration of AUM I am told.  I cannot describe how I felt after an hour and a half of being ‘tuned up’ but all I can say is that I didn’t feel myself.  It was like I was a new person.  There was no stiffness in my legs or back.  My eyes were wide open and seeing a whole different world – a multi-dimensional one.  I was a bit unsteady on my pegs, so we had a cuppa while I came back to earth.  Next Sunday she is going to bring different tuning forks attuned to Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta.

Jane can feel energy very easily as the first thing she did was to feel my aura which was all to the right side of my body and hardly any on the left and when she adjusted it I honestly felt it move back through my body.  I am going to hold a day up at Jacaranda Haven where Jane will teach how to use the tuning forks.  So stay tuned.  (Excuse the pun).

It seems that there is much energy work that needs to be done if we are to ‘Become A New Human’.

By the way I am going to be running a new course (Becoming a New Human) during the day on Monday mornings, beginning the 15th October.  If anyone is interested in coming along please phone me on 0414 941 543 or email


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 1st October, 2012

Public Holiday  – NO Meeting Tonight – See you next week!!!!


MONDAY, 8th October, 2012

“Cellular FM – Connecting to the Unified Field”

elizabeth-robinsonElizabeth Robinson

The Academy has invited Elizabeth back tonight due to an amazing group mass healing on her previous evening.  Elizabeth brought through energies of a very high vibration.  This healing was a release from the illusion.  The illusions we are all under are different for each person.  It could be worries, stresses or simply attachment to our physical body or function, ie our roles as a Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, etc.

Although we all felt the release in different ways, 4 of us were taken into a ‘Unified Field’ and that field was explained later and shared by all.

The Academy feels that Spirit has sent Elizabeth to us at this time when these obstacles of the illusion can be cleared so we can be the best that we can be.

For almost thirty years, Professional Counsellor, Psychotherapist & Intuitive Consultant Elizabeth Robinson has dedicated herself to awakening others to the hidden factors that hold them back from living their greatness. Through an extraordinary story of her own spiritual awakening spanning three continents and involving the tragic deaths and afterlife communications from two young teenage girls and close friend and mentor Harvard Psychiatric Professor Dr John Mack, Elizabeth now offers the remarkable details as a soon-to-be-released book, entitled ‘There are No Goodbyes.’

“I do what I do because I Passionately believe in people’s infinite Potential to live their Greatness. And because I Passionately believe that the world will be a better place, once we embody our Greatest Potential.”

Elizabeth Robinson BSW AASW, Psychotherapist, Author, Professional Counsellor, Intuitive Consultant

Contacts: email:



Metamorphic Technique Workshop

dominique-meeroff11Dominique Meeroff is coming to Australia!

Dominique is a leading Metamorphic Technique teacher based in London. She travels and teaches all around the world and trained extensively with Gaston Saint-Pierre the founder of the work.

Metamorphic Technique is loving touch along points of the feet, hands and head which correspond to our time in the womb. This is a formative time where we set up the blueprint for our life. Mum’s stresses during this time are the start of patterns which may challenge us later on. This loving touch acts as a catalyst which allows the person to transform from within. This is a fantastic and user friendly technique which works well for mums, pregnant women, children, therapists and anyone who would like to move from where they are now to where they can be.

Weekend Workshops in:
Byron Bay – 27-28 October; Melbourne – 3-4 November; Sydney – 10-11 November

In Sydney there are three talks leading up to the workshop:

5th November 7.30pm Neutral Bay;  8th November 1pm Coogee;  8th November 7pm Crows Nest.

There will be a chance to try out the technique at the talks.  For more information on Sydney times click here.

Come find out more about this gentle and loving approach to transformation.




Practicing and Teaching Worldwide

  • Theta Classes and Private Healing Sessions
  • Skype sessions
  • Workshops and Retreats
  • Kinesiology & Life Coach
  • Psychic Readings
  • Astrologal Natal Charts
  • “Colour Cotton Therapy”-Books, Cards & Workshops

Gift Vouchers for all services

Please feel free to look at all my Bartercard listings and all my products, classes, services on my website. All products and services are available on full Bartercard Trade except ThetaHealing books and deposits for classes which are cash.
Look for my specials each month!
Payment plans are available for cash customers on classes and seminars.

Michelle is a gifted Psychic & Healer, born  into a psychic & healing family, with profound abilities which she has developed over many years. She is a mother & grandmother, artist, with interests in creative building, landscaping, gardening, nature, craft & textiles. She works in community projects.

Connect with Michelle on (email)




“The Past Should Never Be Allowed To

Determine Your Future”

Michelle Darby-Fay


Michelle will take you on a powerfully healing and spiritual journey of awakening and self-realisation as she shines a light on the true causes of any emotional blocks, relationship issues, feelings of disconnection, fears and anxieties you are experiencing in your life.

She runs a busy healing practice in the Lower North Shore area of Sydney, where she specialises in transforming limiting belief systems, past life healing, dream interpretation, energy rebalancing, Soul retrieval (bringing back the missing pieces of your Soul), as well as spiritual activations to assist your spiritual development and expansion.

Bookings Essential/Contact Details:
SOUL SANCTUARY, 4/139 Military Road, Neutral Bay, NSW, 2089
Mobile: 0401 551 581 / Email:
Sessions: 1 Hour / $95 / For more details visit:



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
The Southern Cross Academy of Light at
St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 1542 10967

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

Scal Australia | Facebook



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