
AOL News – 25th January, 2012 – All Things Are Possible!

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Namaste ,

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to be grateful!


Thought of the Week

do not cry because it is over

smile because it happened

eternity-suzanne-mayer…..eternity, Suzanne Maher


F.Y.I.  – All things are possible!

Guidance from Eileen Caddy:
‘Tremendous things are happening at this time. lt matters not that you do not fully understand exactly what is taking place, but it is important that you are willing to accept it in perfect faith and confidence and flow with it? all. I want you to know and to understand that these things are happening now, that these energies, this power is being released now, and because of? this, dramatic and astounding changes are taking place in individuals as well as in the world. Nothing will ever be the same again. Don’t cling onto anything of the old; enter the new completely free and unfettered, like a new-born babe. Be open and willing to accept new ideas, new ways, to accept that all things are possible, that? you can change and can change now, that you can leave all the old behind without any regrets and move forward with real joy and complete abandonment.’  20 January 2012

human-cellsSo, following that, as we have expanded our awareness & consciousness so has our mind.  We have already begun the ascension process.  It is exciting to realise that at this new level of awareness people are bringing through scientific technologies to use the extra capabilities of the mind.  For example we have been told this week that a Russian Doctor, Dr Petrov will be in Melbourne in early February to tell of the mind technology he has discovered.  His system has regenerated organs of the body.  People have testified that after having organs surgically removed, eg womb or gall bladder, they have been able to grow them back using his technique.  There is documented proof.  His work uses mind, energy and clairvoyance.  It is an amazing example of the use of mind!  To see more about him –

You will also see that on the 6th February at Neutral Bay we have Anya Petrovic who will introduce us to another mind blowing technique – Teslar Metamorphasis (

This is just the beginning!!!


Health tip -Stress Hormones

‘Have you noticed that when some people are stressed, they stop eating and seem a little thinner as a result of the event or workload, while others given the same stress, seem unable to resist every last morsel they can uncover in the house and clothes become a little tighter for the experience? This is the result of the dominant stress hormone for that person.

Adrenalin is our acute stress hormone. It was designed to save our lives so it seems ironic that a hormone once designed for this purpose, is now having such a detrimental effect on our health. Adrenalin tells every cell in your body that your life is being threatened. It puts you on “red alert”, ready to run from or fight the challenge you are facing. Historically, that challenge may have come in the form of a tiger in the jungle, while in the year 2007 it may be the result of 300 unanswered emails in your inbox. In jungle times had we stood there when our life truly was being challenged, paused and in a Rodan’s thinker-type way, thought, “gosh I’m hungry; it must be time for lunch”, we would have been the tiger’s lunch! Part of the role adrenalin therefore plays in our body is to switch off hunger and speed us up, all in the name of saving our life. Caffeine signals the adrenal glands to produce adrenalin and many people rely on coffee for the energy boost with which it appears to provide them. ‘   …Dr Libby Weaver…

To read more of this article go to

dr-libby-weaverDr Libby is the Author of ‘Accidentally Overweight’.  You can purchase her book through The Academy – go to:


Affirmation – say every day.

Take three deep Breaths, Centre and say:

‘I am peace,  I am contentment,  in Body, Mind and Spirit.’

….Rosemary Butterworth  arch-of-roses-jacaranda-haven


In and Around The Academy

logo_small2from Rosemary Butterworth.

Peter Harris and Jennifer Starlight delighted a large crowd last Monday Night.  Jennifer brought through Min who answered a number of questions from the audience.  For me, the most striking thing, was that Min spoke about becoming the ‘New Human’.
That rang a bell.   We have to change the way we think.  No longer can we put a bandaid on the part of our life that is ‘broken’ and accept the rest.  We have to be more mindful.  As Min said to someone who asked her a question about not having enough money to survive – “Why have you created the lack?”  was the reply.
We need, as a new human to be able to take responsibility for whatever is in our lives.  We need to realize that situation has come into our lives because of the magnetic attraction from our thoughts.

If you think that people are ‘stupid’, then you will attract people who will make mistakes, or say silly things.  You might say but they were already ‘stupid’, I didn’t make them that way.  No, but because your words are magnetic they attract the same vibration towards you.  So, to change your life, to lift it into peace and harmony, in body, mind and spirit, you have to watch very closely what you think and say.
As a new human, you need to learn compassion for others, and be kind in your thoughts, words and deeds 24/7.  This will create a new you – a new Human Being


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 30th January, 2012


Ann Castle

I Am She – her story

Ann’s experience with troubled teenage girls and as a Lifeline counsellor exposed her to the hidden pain of women in our culture. Her newspaper career led her to the role of Co-Editor for ShiningBRIGHT Magazine and she currently publishes books for Little Steps Publishing Ann travelled to India and other ancient cultures where she explored the dark creation myth of original sin. This led to the birth of her first title I am She.  It is based on a true story.

Ann’s book is being released this month and we will be amoungst the first to see it!

“Sophia is instructed by Source to create a new planet named Earth and twelve Angelic Beings are summoned to assist.

The Dark Creation of Original Sin is examined as ‘The Unholy Myth’ and techniques are revealed to still the mind and return humans to the peace within.”

Photographs and Artworks bring the texts to life.

It is important to acknowledge the Divine Feminine in 2012.  Ann’s book leads the way.


MONDAY, 6th February, 2012


Anya Petrovic

TESLA METAMORPHOSIS – Reach beyond Healing

Tesla Metamorphosis attracts great interest from scientists, not just because of the often amazing and very fast healings, but also because of its effect on the human DNA and consciousness evolution.  That is why Anya Petrovic, the founder of Tesla Metamorphosis, was invited to present at the Tesla Science Conference in Philadelphia in July last year. Some phenomena around Tesla Metamorphosis are completely new experiences, like the appearance of white light balls or different colours of light visible with the naked eye in the halls where Tesla Metamorphosis seminars were held; the presence of the purple colour in PIP camera images, as the  purple colour is unique for Tesla Metamorphosis, it doesn’t appear in images of other healing modalities (according to the Institute of Bio-energetic Research); the purple colour in auras of all students who attended seminars, white light visible around bodies of come clients, and other.
For more information and to see the PIP camera analyses, visit .

Anya Petrovic will give a presentation of Tesla Metamorphosis with live demonstration of healing and will answer your questions.

Says Anya: The more we elevate our consciousness, the more becomes available for us out there.

Anya Petrovic is an internationally recognised healer with more than two decades of experience in healing work.  She travels the world and teaches this fascinating new alternative medicine modality, trying to fulfil her mission in this moment of transformation of humanity into multidimensional light beings.



Wake Up and Fly Free starts 8th February!

rosemary-recent-picture-1105With Rosemary Butterworth

Join Rosemary on Wednesday nights between 7 & 8.30pm starting 8th February running through to 28th March 2012 and discover your purpose .  During the 8 weeks there will be a focus on a happy healthy & stress free life through the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies and how to clear them, amoungst other things, using a pendulum.

The aim is to create awareness, clarity and expanded energy.  This course will help you move forward.  Become aware of how to make a new lifestyle choice!

For more information phone on 02 9967 4425 or email on


Autori Returns 2012

autoriAutori is considered one of the most powerful and instructive teachers in the human potential movement today. He travels worldwide capturing audiences with his unique presence and powerful and dynamic spiritual teachings, which have been instrumental in transforming many lives around the globe.

Here in Sydney for a 2 Day workshop February 18-19. Private sessions also available. Autori is extremely accurate in giving you guidance direct from the light if you are ready to move forward on your spiritual path.

For more information click here.


Community Announcements

theta-healing-logo31st Jan. Intro night for Theta 69 Chandos St. St Leonards.

Also the first Basic Course is 10 – 12th Feb.

Love & Laughter, Mark Anthony & The ThetaHealingTM team
Phone: (+612) 98850285
Click to,



A community announcement costs $30.  To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75.

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.  To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



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