
AOL News – 25 September 2013 – It’s Just “Stuff”…

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to keep clearing

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FYI – Neutrality and Balance

Judy SatoriEmotional Clearing Technique – Judy Satori

Another great clip by Judy Satori.  This is a very simple technique to ease emotional issues, fear and anxiety.  It is another great tool to put in the tool box for times of distress and worry. This clip only goes for 2 minutes.  Click here


MoojiMOOJI – From Suffering to Opening our Heart – Part 1

Lilou interviews Mooji on just how exactly did we become the way we are?  Mooji discusses how this happened and the role of suffering and how to open our hearts and not let the mind run the show.  He says “let your mind sit in the lap of your heart” and “do not let your mind leave your heart”.  He also speaks about awareness and neutrality.  This clip goes for about 15 minutes.  It is very worth the watch.  Grap a cup of tea, relax and take a look.  Click here

Rosemary would like to add to this –

I would just like to share with everyone that during those times of issues arising to be cleared, if you are a feeling distressed, just visualise the issue and the stress surrounding it as a dust storm.  Imagine you are walking through the dust storm, but no particles of dust actually stick to you. You walk through the other side and make it.  You have walked through the storm and out the other side while feeling detatched and neutral, all the while your mind was resting in the lap of your heart.



 It seems as though so many people are going through tough times.   My hairdresser said the other day that she is having trouble dealing with all the sad stories her clients are telling her and I reminded her to clear the space after they leave.  You can clear all spoken words as well as your own energy – by simply dowsing and ask that the thoughts be taken up to realms of light to be raised to a higher vibration and then fill the room with golden light. ….Rosemary

Extract From Master E.K.’s Newsletter

“An effective way to help the process of clearing any affected areas is to activate the chakras you have in the palm on your hands.  Use them to help you release any impurities from your system through breath, focus and intent.  Breathe directly into the effected area, washing it thoroughly with the Light.  If the affected area is localised, you can grab it with your positive hand, (which hand is the positive hand depends whether you are left or right-handed) and, on the exhale, (imagine) pulling the blockage/obstruction out of the area, disposing of it by casting it into the earth to be transmuted.



“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.  Today I am wise, so I want to change myself”

Rumi……..Rumi (The Masnavi Book)


Affirmation – say daily…

Kalina Raphael RoseI hear from the wisdom of my heart…………………….Kalina Raphael Rose.




In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls Journey

With Rosemary Butterworth

I want to thank Matt Omo and John for last night’s amazing sound evening.  It seems to do so many different things.  In going around the room after the evening had finished, people spoke so differently of the effect that the amazing sounds had had on them.   Mine was ‘Peace filled with Aliveness’.  Every cell in my body seemed to have come alive and was filled with vibrant energy, while others ‘rested’ or one lady said she had ‘vanished’.  She felt so much part of everything.

We arrived home to find that QandA with David Suzuki was on, so we watched with interest the rest of the show.  I recommend that you might enjoy watching in.  You can easily find it by Googling QandA – David Suzuki – Answers.  The whole show is there.  One thing he said that I would love to share with you was:

The King of Butan, when he opened the borders of his country, found it amazing that other countries focused on GNP as the most important thing in Government to measure  success whilst his country focused on GNH.






Basically, you use colour along with the quartz crystals to re-create the original balance and harmony in any body or situation with which you are working.  The technique is the same as when you are using sound or projecting emotional or mental states and visualisation.  You first see that which needs to be changed.  Focus and sense the accompanying vibration that accompanies that state.  Sense the colour which best corresponds to that state.  Next use your will and concentration to change the vibrational state to a better one.  As you do that, sense the colour that best corresponds to the desired result.

To begin:

1.  Sense the accompany vibration to the headache.  How does it feel?

2. Visualize or intuit the colour associated with the feeling of the headache.

3. Next, sense or visualize the feeling or vibration of a head free of tension and pain.

4.  Sense what colour corresponds to that which you are feeling in No. 3.

5.  Will or strongly intend that the feeling or vibration of the headache change to the new feeling of a head free of pain and send it out into the person’s head.

6. As you do that in No. 5, visualize the new colour which corresponds to the feeling of a head free of pain and send it out into the person’s head.  See it replace the old colour.

7.  To send the colour to the person’s head, you can place a similarly coloured crystal on their forehead. You can also put coloured light, cloth or any other material on their head.  Instead of using a coloured crystal, light or other object, you can rely on visualization.  (Remember the effectiveness of your visualization is only as strong as your power or concentration and strength of will.)


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 30th September, 2013



Come along and find out about …

– How crystals are formed.
Why crystals are coming in again so strongly at the present.
– Why the use of crystals should be apart of our daily life.  Dust them off and bring them back.

– How to truly use crystals in your life to amplify your energy.
– Bring your own crystal, or buy one on the night to be programmed.
– Experience a short meditation using your crystal.

Eilish has so much information to share with us on Crystals, for example … Tourmaline – relates to the Heart Chakra:
Reminds us that when we surrender everything we are seeking it will appear, when we stop living in the past or in the future.  The only way to become who we are is to let go of who we think we are because of our past stories – our social and environmental conditioning and to let go of whom we think we have to become to fulfill those stories and expectations.

Eilish designs and produces divine handcrafted gemstone jewellery. She chooses each crystal based on its vibrational energy and is a channel passing them to whom they are intended for.  She practices and teaches Kundalini Yoga. She is the Keeper of the Christ Matrix of Love which she encodes in the crystals she works with.  Eilish has worked as a branding guru with global organisations such as Apple and Vodafone. She now brings this work through spirit to help people and organisations discover their unique voice to wholeheartedly lead their lives and their companies.

Contacts:  M: 0409.996 488 and


MONDAY, 7th October, 2013




Embrace Life, Live Life Expo

Embrace Life Live Life

at Harbord Diggers in the Northern Beaches

Sunday, October 13th   10am – 5pm

A day not to be missed!!!

Every Expo that Embrace Life put on is different and this one is no different.  See you there.

Click here for the Half Price Tickets when you and a friend come together.


Sydney – Face Reading & Psychosomatic Therapy

Face Reading

The Art of Reading faces comes with practice and lies in the ability to master the understanding of the “individual features” and the receptiveness of being available to others.

This is your opportunity to learn the basic principals of Face Reading within the Psychosomatics framework and most importantly, understand and connect to yourself and others on a different level.

2 Day Face Reading Workshop:    Teacher: Linda Thackray
Location:  Katoomba

Dates: Saturday – Sunday 23rd – 24th November, 2013

10-day Psychosomatic Therapy Course: Teacher: Sean Jago
Location:  Katoomba (retreat style – accommodation included)
Dates:       Level 1:   8-13th November (6 days)
Level 2:   29th Nov – 1st December (4 days)

For more information click here


Community Announcements

Milton's Secret A New Film Based on the Book Milton’s Secret by Eckhart Tolle and Robert S Friedman

Barnet Bain, author, creativity expert, and movie producer (whose credits include Oscar winner What Dreams May Come, Emmy nominee for Homeless to Harvard, The Celestine Prophecy) is up to something we think you’ll really enjoy! He is making a movie based on the children’s book Milton’s Secret: An Adventure of Discovery through Then, When and the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and Robert S. Friedman (Hampton Roads Publishing Company 2009).

But here’s the thing, to make this movie a reality Barnet needs our help! He wants to show his skeptical movie industry colleagues, theatre chains, and media outlets that there is an audience for movies about personal transformation, or films that go beyond the usual Hollywood themes. The best way to do this is through mass participation in a crowd-funding campaign!

Click here for further information



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
Academy of Light St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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